is coming home........................Warm swimming pool water
soft fur...........................(it was the temperature of the bath water in the hotel
warm Florence on the afternoon that Marlin and I
blood stains.........first made love)
on the other side of the swimming pool.........................encased my body
silently charge their batteries I moved my arms approximately in rhythm with my legs.
white bandages.................... brown grass on the hills... a flowered dress.............. a glass of beer................. an old army issue sleeping bag............................... low flying planes............. the smell of green grass.... warm stones by the river......................... a red front door................ three feet high and rising........................ a little more rain............................ in the incipient lines.................... inspecting drains....................... traces of white toothpaste foam...................... the children laughing.......... blue and white checked oilcloth......................... potato soup...................... carne asada............... beautiful brown tequila.............................. with a tv screen and a telephone.......................... bye bye bye....................

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