blue shirt........................Alice and Jerry required separate dishes
soft fur......................... always placed in exactly the same location.
warm milk........................If they were put in different places,
the sound of water..........whose dish was whose was no longer clear,
rain............................and in the resulting skirmish,
cold cat would end up with all of the food.
brown grass on the hills... a flowered dress.............. a glass of beer................. sleep............................... background noise............ low flying planes............. through sickness and invasive circumstance ............... the smell of green grass.... warm sun......................... cold cereal........................ working............................ making things.................... a white shirt....................... making love...................... the children laughing.......... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... "Bring home a pizza." I whispered................ footprints.......................... unwashed windows........... a dark corner.................... walking............................. riding................................ the horizon........................

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