come on across to the Internet..........
"The way it was in prehistoric days
merged with the screen for days........when
survival wasn't tempered with sick leave
brown grass on the hills......................or with the
tentative magic of vacation,
otherwise soft brown face
.....we are constantly hunting and gathering in
cyberspace --
merged with the screen for days........
merged with the screen for days....................
through sickness and invasive circumstance -- if our daily suppers depend on it,
ancient struggles..........which in fact
they do,"
sleep...............................I said,
had he been there all
along?...........turning back to the keyboard......... brown grass on the hills.............
ancient struggles..................
the smell of green grass...
as unexpected as a clear coherent voice......................
black icy streets........................
making things....................
blue shirt.......................
making love......................
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
never know why...............
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the horizon........................