out of control
....................A glazed coffee cup flew through the air
soft fur...........................and broke on the wall of the shed.
cold water......................Like
something feral grown enormous
while the wheel spun around and around
.............on mice and human handouts,
"damage control," she whispered
seductively........the animal stared at me,
the words were stuck in my
thoat........and unexpectedly began to purr.
a flowered dress..............
a glass of beer.................
background noise............
low flying planes.............
on the bottom shelves.........
the smell of green grass....
warm sun.........................
a red front door................
cold cereal........................
that afternoon........
making things....................
a white shirt.......................
making love......................
the children laughing..........
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
never know why...............
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the pine trees overhead......
the horizon........................