a white shirt........................It began to rain, but we still
sat there
and you didn't care...........................while the water rose
under the table around our feet
warm milk......................"Only art
that occupies three dimensional space,
the sound of water.........hardware
rain.............and the words that run hardware
in the background,
......................concern you.
white pillows....You think my structures of arranged words are
brown grass on the hills...I wanted to say,
flowered dress..............but, like a scream that will not
a glass of beer.................in other nightmares,
sleep...............................the words remained unspoken, and I was silent.
background noise............
low flying planes.............
the daily in and out flow...............
the smell of green grass....
hot sun.........................
a red front door................
cold cereal........................
framing unrepressed responses.................... a
white shirt.......................
making love
the children laughing..........
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
his body...............
the whitecapped mountains..............................
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the pine trees overhead......
the horizon........................