the sound of water............ When a living creature leaves a space,
out of control ........................that creature's presence lingers
in the clearing ...........................on the chair where he or she sat,
across the river the vacant half of the bed.
cold water......................
blood stains.................... In the late afternoon, there is
brown grass on the hills......a never fulfilled expectation of imminent arrival.
a flowered dress..............
a glass of beer.................At dinner times, there is an overwhelming silence the times when he or she would have spoken.
low flying planes.............(whether in words or in animal equivalents)
every pebble glistened............... the evening sunlit leaves..................... the smell of green grass.... warm sun......................... at my doorway........ cold cereal........................ working............................ a white shirt....................... making love...................... the children laughing.......... blue jeans......................... potato soup...................... the unbidden flood............... footprints.......................... unwashed windows........... a dark corner.................... the pine trees overhead...... walking............................. riding................................ the horizon........................

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