come on across to the Internet
......."I hope you are feeling better, Milton,"
the green chilis from the can.......................I forced myself to
incessantly raising her hand......................Were personal
relationships with fellow employees
They scattered when I tried to
approach them......
any better on systems where you saw each other via video?
brick buildings, black icy streets
as I pried white meat........
but Milton's inability to see me...........
brown grass on the hills
....................was at the core of my job satisfaction.
burning, burning, burning.....
ancient struggles..........
background noise...........
low flying planes.............
the smell of green grass....
truncated dark days.........................
black icy streets........................
will do html for food............................
making things....................
blue shirt.......................
making love......................
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
never know why...............
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the horizon........................