across to the Internet..........
Midnight and @who
while the grass replenished itself.....................divulged only Mary.
......................I had entered the
system under the login of a long departed guest
only a computer could fathom.....whose
password still resided in my memory.
rapidly flowing cold water....................
...................................The inquiry from Mary was not unexpected.
too close to the Interface.....At that hour, she too would run @who
ancient struggles..... ....."Who are you guest2?"
sleep...............................scrolled across my screen --
accompanied by a chat request.
..............background noise..........."Who are you?"
low flying planes.............I did not respond.
his coat shimmering in the moonlight.....
the smell of green grass...
still trapped in the
black icy streets........................
in the clearing............................
making things....................
blue shirt.......................
making love......................
blue jeans.........................
potato soup......................
never know why...............
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the horizon........................