20:22) Judy Malloy 03-SEP-94 11:59 In the package from Ann () there were tiny metal hearts and a smiling gold half moon. I am chewing the RELAX gum that accompanied these things, studying the Asian characters on its green and silver wrapping while Alice determines my blood pressure. She is getting married in December. I offer her some RELAX gum, and she makes a face.

In an East Coast Bar, Chris is drinking British ale, telling tales of his
South Pacific future. Like the ale, his car is brown "with the right
glasses and filters maybe a yellow color" In Valerie Gardiner's dream
(response #20, item #20 on Interactive on Arts Wire on TMN) a white haired
student has shot her point blank in the chest. Blood pools at her feet.

Last night, I was on a hillside gathering opulent flowers with long
stems with a man with white hair when we where attacked by the wild
horses that usually graze peacefully on this hillside the way they do
outside of Xerox Parc in Palo Alto and in fact it was this hillside in
the dream although I have never seen flowers like these growing there or
any where else for that matter, but I have never been in the tropics.
We stood our ground. They galloped past us, regrouping on an adjacent
hillside. "We need to go inside where they cannot see us," the man
said. He was holding a long stalk encrusted with pendulant bell-shaped
pink flowers.

"And what will the bridesmaids will wear?" I ask Alice.

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