Bvelavian Sights - Scopes of Focus
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Lavi: Cultural Identity
Individual and Collective Cultural Observances; Identifications; Adoptions; and Practices.

Bvelavians (those who claim Bvelavi as their world-view) are raised or whom choose (regardless of the age at which it occurs), as requisite for achieving a cooperative social maturity for developing cohesive intentions in life, to amalgamate the characteristic attributes they resonate with in every variation of social context; value; and lifestyle they become exposed and have access to into interpretations of understanding; relevance; priority; and practice translating Meaningful Existence for those of their distinct orientation; nature; and temperament in life - and for which they are uniquely capable of representing and defending as their genuinely determined; embraced; adopted; devised; and modeled agencies honoring the diversity of life and helping preserve it, and who; thus, strive to live in cohesive parallel with all other distinct and authentic translations and exercise of these agencies.

[the remainder of this section awaits encoding into web format, and shall be appended here upon completion of this process.]
