by way of introduction, these pages are intended as an exercise in self-regulation. an experiment, if you will, to ascertain if privately feeding some of my eccentricities will help me in leashing them when i'm in company that is more sensitive to their exposure.
among the discoveries i've made, as to the workings of my nature, is that unless there is ample occasion for each of my character traits to express itself, they've a tendency to invite themselves where they can be the cause of some harm - often great harm. inadvertently mind you; but, deeply wounding those with gentler personalities nonetheless. and, while i've no desire to suppress any dimension of myself, there is confidence that restraining certain of these is, at times, apposite.
therefore, this section of the site serves as a drawing room, of sorts, for that ascerbic persona to have its forum, and hopefully avoid bogarting its way into other affairs.
i trust it is a given that one should
consider if their interest truly is to browse this collection of disaffectionate
purgatives; but, i mention it with the intent of being a responsible host.
if your choice is indeed to brave these offerings, then, by all means,
initial entry