faerie vines
rat vines
dragon vines
ehn vines

sanctuary vines

saturn being
assimile | choir astepheli | respidie fast | opaque in the tide | pourage list
composition comments | sound file (vocal / instrumental) | video file

a candle

Don I knew oh so long ago
Denise was so pretty in her sleep
Ian didn't care ‑ still the joy we all have shared
will still be with me ‑ when time comes to an end

Tony knew me for a few short weeks
Todd was up there where I want to be
To you others way out there
please don't leave us standing here
If you do what will happen to our dream

I've lost none of these my now spoken heroes
for I hold a candle to their memory
As it flickers in the night 
ne'er overshadowed by sunrise
it remains a light for no one else but me

To Don, Denise, Ian, Todd and Tony
remember me wherever you may be
For when my job is done
at the end of this long road

I will join you in heavenly peace

Composition #a1 / Recording #-
Composition Dates/Times: 07/26/89{11:30 pdt} | 20230524_1132 cst
Project Notes: Opaque in the Tide | [no assigned compilation]
Music Notes: Recited a cappella to the melody of the song <-> by CHRIS DEBURG | from the album "-" | _ Records | © _


Opaque in the Tide and Assimile are fairie Vines of S a t u r nD r a g o n

All Material © NINTH REASON PUBLISHING (except where noted)
most recent update: 2023may24