faerie vines
rat vines
dragon vines
ehn vines

sanctuary vines

saturn being
assimile | choir astepheli | respidiƩ fast | opaque in the tide | pourage list

interpretations of Ehnian culture; identity; and practice through artisitic composition

click on any of the expression categories above, or an alphabetized title below, to browse...

a sampling of Siphets' lyric and song compositions

many of the sound files for the titles here (when the file is posted) are first or second draft recordings composed while more enraptured with the emotional venting of writing songs than concerned with our lack of craftmanship in recording them. we write, fundamentally, for the release and validation the process provides our sensibilities. that others may find some empathy or appreciation for these craftings is comforting, though not our primary objective in composing them. We write for ourselves foremost, so that our engagement of others is founded in sincerity and awareness of the nature bestowed on us. we share these compositions here with the intent of discovering what affinity may exist for their sentimental expressions. merely getting these sentiments out of us in any form is professionalism enough for this forum, and we shall present their finished productions (should we ever realize them) through our Choir Ashtepheli, Respidie Fast, Opaque In The Tide, and Culture forums when time allows and motivation inspires. so, in acknowledgement of the Assimile mood and in appreciation of the catharsis that it remains, we're leaving the files unreworked and in their original state of production.
BE WARNED - the pourage list are these compositions in their raw or scratch (draft) state - the rough concept prior to being musically completed (and in most case, prior to being musical at all). as such, the recordings of many of these compositions may grate on the sensibilities of a refined or similarly cultivated ear. thou art advised to explore understandingly...or not at all.

  • accu doyche
  • ad
  • address (the)
  • adonis reflection
  • alive so still
  • allegory
  • Amarelle
  • ambience
  • answer, an
  • and after that
  • and then just one
  • another lesson
  • antiphony
  • antiquated
  • any time now
  • applause
  • ardor
  • assimile
  • attic friends
  • B
  • back down
  • balance (167)
  • barren, the
  • bauve so/the danes' resistance
  • beat, the
  • bedside
  • between two worlds (163)
  • birds of prey
  • brave, the
  • buffet
  • bullit d'milo (275)
  • buried on the road
  • but for affection
  • Bvelavian prayer, a/steal you (s01)
  • Bvelavi commute
  • Bvelavi moon
  •  C
  •  c
  • calico sister
  • calliope
  • cameology
  • candle, a (a1)
  • candlelight 1
  • candlelight 2
  • caress
  • carnival/the first weekend
  • cat dance
  • catapult/epoch
  • catharsis
  • center
  • Chelsea
  • christmas is here
  • Cinderella wish, a (29 1b)
  • clay beinings/pagan life
  • Cleopatra
  • closest lover, the
  • coaster
  • coaster1
  • confidence
  • consensus
  • coquette
  • countenance (16)
  • coventry
  • cover (lyrics)
  • D
  • dadaelean ecleticism
  • dagger
  • dagger of mind (241)
  • Damien's inheritance (232)
  • damsel scene
  • dance Robin dance/violet starkness (309)
  • day's reward, the
  • day's sweat(the)
  • days we wake
  • dead breeze (RF-D1)
  • debacle four
  • design
  • despondency (278)
  • destiny alone [318]
  • dewdrops on flowers
  • Dharia's fashion
  • dhomig qhomb
  • dickens, the (50)
  • digger
  • digits of thought, the
  • dirigible
  • do it all
  • does it matter (233)
  • dogs anyway
  • dogs of tenet
  • dogwood, the seven years
  • Dorothy
  • dragon's cane
  •  E
  • eastern home, an
  • eclipse, a drone's night
  • enough to last
  • epoch
  • everything in mind
  • expectancy
  •  F
  • face value
  • farenheit (166)
  • feteosis (276)
  • fire eve (317)
  • first bequeath, the
  • first day of school
  • first row, the
  • first to last
  • flag (274)
  • flatulent
  • fold
  • following, a
  • for your table
  • fragmentary
  • from severed lanes of return
  •  G
  • gazelle
  • gepersphelb
  • gettysburg
  • grand beginning, a
  • Gregory's youngest (348)
  • guillotine mood
  •  H
  • haight  loch
  • have my wings (160)
  • heartbled
  • Helen
  • hide (334)
  • honor
  • hovering (229)
  • how we are
  • hunger,the (170)
  •  I
  • ice road (273)
  • i don't have
  • iadokat
  • ideal
  • if of use (287)
  • infallacy
  • interaction
  • Iole (14)
  •  J
  • just as guilty
  • just once
  •  K
  • k'un lun
  • kalua (161)(29)
  • kenetic
  • kiss
  •  L
  • lake erie college
  • lancashire
  • last cross
  • Leinede
  • legman's waltz, a
  • light fantastic, the
  • like favor (245)
  • loch 22
  • london
  • long look, the
  • loose ring
  • lost image of wisdom
  • love letter (168)
  •  M
  • march of neceretieb
  • matriarch
  • mistreated
  • monday still (RF-M2)
  • monday's drawing
  • mood takes, the
  • more yesturday
  • mosaic/where i live and why
  • muse belongs, the
  •  N
  • name of the wind, the
  • name to hold, a
  • neff
  • night awake, a
  • nights of conquest
  • no one cry(271)
  • notre
  • nova
  • now, a dream to live by
  •  O
  • old friend, an
  • on rumours and peers
  • once a stranger
  • only the names
  • opaque, the
  • opus one
  • outside
  • override (231)

  • paper crown
  • pardon me
  • pars numen (158)
  • passive kneeling
  • pasture
  • peripheral a
  • pipe dreams
  • politics of nature, the
  • posterity's gold
  • posture of ness, the
  • praesidium
  • private location
  • program one
  • promise to keep, a
  • promulgation
  • purchase (216)
  •  Q
  • question and more, a
  • R
  • ranier
  • raven
  • re - entry [341]
  • relinquish
  • repertory
  • rhythm in practice
  • ribbons on foresight
  • rose (227)
  • Roy's eulogy
  • rustic sympathies
  •  S
  • sabeia/the night's creation
  • sapience (243)
  • sapphire
  • Sara's ending
  • satan (218)
  • satellite
  • scape
  • scatter
  • self reward
  • separations
  • seventh cheer, a
  • shadow veil
  • silence (214)
  • silver port, the
  • smile of mother Mary
  • snail's pace, a (169)
  • softest whisper, the
  • song divine, a
  • spirit roost
  • stairwell symphony
  • staure of, the
  • still
  • stimuleto
  • stoic
  • subject
  • Syd Larre
  •  T
  • taciturn
  • tail
  • tales of pentagon, the
  • tao of the bvelavi
  • teddy bear lies
  • there/want to be (162)
  • these voices ring (625)
  • thesis
  • thinking of you
  • this
  • this end
  • this knight's creation
  • this motivation
  • this other night
  • this side of atrophy
  • this time a friend (220)
  • thorns which die
  • those we forgive
  • thousand years, a
  • thrash disdain
  • three genres
  • threnody's child
  • time later, a
  • to this end
  • to which is fed
  • totem (189)(58)
  • transept
  • trend, the
  • tributum borealis
  • trust
  • twenty seven/the reigning will
  • two of them, the
  •  U
  • underdog/what is this
  • untitled
  • unwed patience/want to be (0)
  • V
  • vanity's own (349)
  • velvet envelope
  • vicious trend
  • vieux carre
  • violet starkness/dance Robin dance (309)
  • virgin bride, a
  • W
  • want to be/there (162)
  • wanted softness, the
  • wash (248)
  • way you think, the
  • week long lullabye, a
  • whistlers, the
  • white
  • whittled axis
  • why Susie (262)
  • wicker/an opaque in cambiata
  • wind down
  • worlds in collision (238)
  • wrong conclusion, the
  •  X
  • x-stem
  •  Y
  • -
  •  Z
  • zephyrus (Z-1)

    the titles above may also be sorted into the following categories of Ehnian reflection:
    consider | define | indulge | borrow | partake | provide | travel | adapt | withdraw | project

    Assimile is a fairie Vine of S a t u r nD r a g o n

    most recent update: 2023june03