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9b_441_ds: Status Update 2012 02.5 14:56
Sentence 17 - Arrival at Cabin One

family; friends; and whoever else wanders upon this,

we arrived in new orleans (nola) shortly after the new year, and have found the move - interesting. perhaps some particulars on the migration from our much adored western spirit home to one of its proving grounds here in the south would be of interest?

first off, and to restate the reasons for this uprooting, the volume and pace of my

activities in the bay area hadn't tapered off much since leaving the "day job" that had been draining me. i've always preferred being more contemplative than busily engaged in things, and my occupation with exigent matters was endless and constantly emphasizing how underserved many of our lives are by some of the systems we struggle within. i wanted to help resolve this situation and became convinced that developing optional systems is preferable and more feasible to mending the flaws in the prevailing ones. i wanted more like-minded visionaries to confer with and an obliging environment concentrated on devising this effort, and was fortunate that some roles i began assuming in my bloodwell provided opportunities for satisfying all of these. and so, i indulged my systematic nature and chose to disengage, for a while, from the treasury of achievers concentrating my association circles to formulate strategic visions that more of us find convincingly inclusive enough to induce our commitment to. managing my brother's investment properties here should provide just this privilege.

thus far, being here has been awesome! the weather is to my liking (i've missed the frequency of thunderstorms that occur here); i've been able to focus almost entirely on settling in and setting up the space i'll be cloistering in (and have only ventured out once to "the quarter" and downtown); people i encounter are almost invariably hospitable and embracing; becoming accustomed to the area has been easy; and i don't consider the area i reside in to be as typically underserved as some others i've experienced.

that shared-let me next express a few unanticipated circumstances i've encountered since arriving. though our neighborhood is as under-resourced as one might presume in accommodating non-conformist lifestyles such as vegetarianism, i was hoping not to need to travel downtown for any healthy dining options, ket alone vegan ones-but this is the case. i am disappointed to find as much pessimism and resignation about crime and un-entitlement here as is often felt in lower profile regions of municipalities channeling their resources into higher profile areas that are economic priorities. of course, i'm constantly reminded about appearing to be new to the area and should, therefore; be cautious with who i interact with-which i consider a fear-driven mode of living, and choose not to adopt.

a particular oddity i've encountered is partially occupying four of the units among the eight of the buildings i'm managing. against my preference, i purged quite a bit of my possessions before the move, and shouldn't overly congest the apartment i'll eventually fully occupy (cabin one). but i will be the first occupant in that building after discontinuing the power and water services in it when the last tenants left. so, while restoring those services, i'm currently staging things in a different unit which, itself; has power but not water, shower in yet a third unit, and store moving supplies and low priority boxes in yet another-one of five we're cleaning for re-occupancy. having lived a few years in the desert for a week at Burning Man, this is much like very comfortable practice for that sort of rugged living and, only mildly inconvenient.

on a different note, and in confessing a certain superciliousness, not having time (or even the budget really) to visit st. george distillery before leaving the bay and provision up on their liqueurs; absinth; and scotch, or st. supery vineyard moscato, are huge regrets. i've not taken time yet to explore much, but the fare here is dishearteningly mediocre in the epicurean outlets i've discovered thus far. alas...

but to conclude in an uplifting tone, i've begun preparing for the exercise i intended this extended sabbatical to be, and have been formatting the sections of my website that be used for reporting the developments of our visioning efforts and sharing tales of this adventure. you may preview it by going to saturn dragon (http://well.com/~lucci/sd/.)

finally, as you may know, while i use them considerably (though strategically, with specialized intent), i chiefly distrust commercial social forums and their data mining practices, and resist making personal posts on them as protest against these interests and advocacy for more user protective ones. therefore, links to postings such as this are my choice for announcing and distributing them.

until the next of these communiqués, which should be after i have power in my office, keep well and may you find life doing you much good!


© saturn dragon

2012.02.01 [07:58 cst us]