Childbirth Wisdom From the World's Oldest Societies
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   by Judith Goldsmith

   Childbirth Wisdom, the only comprehensive book on
childbirth customs around the world and through time,
is now available through the revolutionary new magic of print on demand.Please go to (Books on Demand) and purchase as many copies as you would like!
   The order number is AU00558. It is pricey, so I am investigating another print on demand possibility which hopefully will not be. Meanwhile, consider getting your library to purchase a copy. (May 2003)

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Or buy a used copy here: Amazon

  Review from The Millenium Whole Earth Catalog:
   "Long before Hippocrates began compiling the knowledge that is the basis for modern medicine, far older societies were accumulating and passing down a legacy of folk wisdom whose applications are still relevant for childbirth today.
   "Childbirth Wisdom, an anthropological look at birthing lore from nearly five hundred traditional cultures (with the footnotes to prove it), provides the modern reader with an intriguing contrast to the outlook of modern obstetrics.
    "Take birthweight: in postwar America, birthweight is one measure used to determine a newborn's relative health; the bigger the better, as we see it. But in tribal societies, expectant mother's carefully moderate their dietary intake so that their babies will not be difficult to birth.
    "Now, a seven-pound baby is not unhealthy - and the difference between giving birth to a seven-pound baby and to a nine-pound baby may be one of many hours.
    "It kind of makes you wonder."
(by Patriciia DiLucchio)