About me... |
Updated 10/29/2007: I'm a happily married 44 year old. I'm old enough to know that it doesn't make economic sense to continually throw money at my truck, but I'm still young enough to get a lot of satisfaction out of doing so. In my day job, I work as a FileMaker Pro database developer for a biotech company in the S.F. Bay Area. Besides working on my truck, my other interests include spending time with my family and friends; backpacking; mountain biking; freshwater fishing (especially bass and trout); playing poker; and listening to my collection of live Grateful Dead recordings (about 70GB or so -- go ahead and laugh, my friends do :-) Anyway, that's about it. If you got something useful from the site, please drop me a line. Thanks for stopping by. Jeff Moskovitz email: mosk@well.com
An outdoors picture, but not an off-road one. This is me at