Costa Rica November 2006 -- The best birdwatching ever!

David and I weren't all that into birdwatching before we went to Costa Rica. But the sheer variety of birds in the neotropics is astounding and we both found ourselves with binoculars plastered to our faces every day, admiring their beauty and enjoying their fascinating behaviors.

Our favorites were the toucans that gathered for about half an hour every morning at sunrise atop a mango tree on the slope above our house. They're lively, social birds, hopping about on the branches playing what appeared to be hide and seek with each other. They chattered and squawked, and when they flew away, they flew in a string -- one behind the other -- rather than the V-shape that ducks and geese form, or the chaotic flocking of parrots.
A pair of aricari -- related to toucans but even more colorful -- snack on fruit laid out by hotel staff.

The mot mot bird likes to switch its long tail back and forth like a pendulum
More birds, of course
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