Australia 2015

Musical phenomenon Iggy Azalea is a native of a nearby town named Mullumbimby. It consists of a grid of about six streets - three going east/west and three going north/south - and a delightful old hotel (a pub with a restaurant, and rooms to rent upstairs) in the center of town. One can get a nice drink, a good meal, and sit for a chat with the locals. Here I'm enjoying a cold glass of pear cider, an alcoholic beverage about the same proof as beer.

At night we sit on the pub's upstairs verandah, watching the streets below and enjoying the balmy weather.

Another Mullumbimby eatery is an open-air restaurant/bar called Poinciana, which (yes) is centered around a massive poinciana tree. The food there is very tasty, and the floor show surprising, as a colony of bearded dragons has taken up residence on the grounds.

Life on a banana farm
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