America's Cup XXX
Hauraki Gulf, north of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
October 1999-March 2000
The Defense
"One boat in sight, your highness," said an admiral on the royal yacht.
"Which boat is it?," said Queen Victoria.
"The America."
"Oh," she said, "and who is second?"
The admiral replied, "I regret to inform you that there is no second."
New Zealand
The Challengers
"The press is always saying, 'This guy's got it,' or 'this guy hasn't,'
but anything can happen on the race course. Nobody knows a thing."
-Tom Blackaller
- AmericaOne, St. Francis Yacht Club, San Francisco, California, USA
- PACT 2000: Young America, New York Yacht Club, New York, New York, USA
- Virgin Islands America's Cup Foundation, St. Thomas Yacht Club, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
- AmericaTrue, San Francisco Yacht Club, Belvedere, California, USA
Other Countries
- China Challenge, Aberdeen Boat Club Ltd., Hong Kong
- CADE - Copa America Desafio Espana, Monte Real Club de Yates de Bayona/Real Club Nautico de Valencia, Madrid, Spain
- Nippon Challenge 2000, Nippon Yacht Club, Tokyo, Japan (site is in Japanese)
- Royal Dorset Yacht Club, Weymouth, Dorset, England
- Age of Russia, St. Petersburg Yacht Club, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Le Defi Pacifique Challenge, Societe Nautique Grau-du-Roi / Port Camargue, Port Camargue, France (site is in French)
- One Australia
- Fast 2000, FAST 2000 Swiss Syndicate, Switzerland
Supporting Sites
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This page last updated April 25, 1997