The Well is organized into special interest areas called conferences, such as Books, Classical Music, News, and Current Events. Each conference contains many topics, with titles like "Opera: It's Not Just For Breakfast Any More," or "Sopranos," or "Those Bohemian Composers!" The Well's users add their own comments, called postings or responses, to topics that interest them. A typical posting looks like this:
Topic 26 [classical]: Opera: It's not just for
breakfast anymore.
#466 of 469: Iron tongue of midnight (sunbear) Wed March
13 '96 (22:33)
1 line
Would you elaborate, Scott?
Each section of the response provides specific information:
Topic 26 [classical]: gives the topic number and conference
where the posting appeared.
Opera: It's not just for breakfast anymore. gives the topic
#466 of 469 shows the response number and total number of
Iron tongue of midnight (sunbear) gives the pseudonym and
userid of the
person who wrote the response.
Wed March 13 '96 (22:33) gives the date and time of the
1 line Response length
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