Almost to the top of Schilthorn - June 17, 2000
Hansel takes a rare break from his liver reduction program to join us on a hike to Bryndli. I'm not sure, but maybe he was there for the ladies. Chicka bow bow - June 21, 2000
Yours truly
Relaxing on The Bench.
Jen on the trail to Tanzbodeli - June 26, 2000
The goats are off to summer camp
Woodsplitting and Back Bacon Eating on Canada Day - July 1, 2000
Indian Food! Jefe seems to like it.
Scott and Heather stop for a smoke break on the way to Chilchbalm - July 12, 2000
Mushroom hunting in Chilchbalm. Yeah, that's it.
Scott, Jeff and Jerod in Chilchbalm
The effects of sangria, coffee, and beer.
Cougar departs - July 16, 2000
Sleep Wars 2025
Jeff, Scott, and Jared picking wild blueberries near Shmadribachfalle - July 25, 2000
Jefe's first sight of the Rottalhutte - July 29, 2000
After building the back canopy, we pause for refreshment in the rain - July 29, 2000
Remember how sweet she was? Yeah, me neither. (just kidding, Nicoli!) - July 29, 2000
Barf Night! July 29, 2000
The CAT menaces Scotty - August 1, 2000
Diana, Marisa, and Michi
The Brunners head for the Dorf Fest
A Matt, a cat, and a brat. Aussie Matt, Peterli, and Heather
Johnny G gives Walter the skinhead treatment