We are archiving our old "What's New" pages to make for easier reading and information retrieval. Only the past two or three "What's New" pages will be repeated wholly here. The rest will be in digest form at the end of the page. In additiona, any links that have been permanently added elsewhere on the Web of Addiction will be removed from the digest. We hope this helps anyone who wants to review the valuable information we have presented over the past several months, and helps us avoid repetition.
Speaking of reading material, check out an extensive list of reading material recommended for teens and young adults from the Utah State Library Division. This list includes selections on drugs, crime, AIDs, and sexuality among its topics. The drug reference section has titles from the past 4 years including "Addictions Handbook", "Drugs and Suicide" and "Everything You Need to Know About an Alcoholic Parent".
From the Online Checklists Department, we offer the following:
Finally, we are planning a new section on the Web of Addictions to list information on conferences in the U.S. and around the world that would be of interest to our reader. Your comments and submissions are welcome as we begin this new construction soon. Our e-mail service is accessible below.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Substance Abuse Research , University of Maryland
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Indiana University Alcohol and Drug Information Center
Oncolink at the University of Pennsylvania
University of Illinois Counseling Center
Virginia Addiction Training Center
World Health Organization
We presented information on the Living Cyber committee which seeks to bring together volunteers from all modem-accesible AA venues, boards and commercial online services and to link up all internet resources. The group plans to have a hospitality suite for the July international conference in San Diego.For more information e-mail committee-request@world.std.com.
We brought you several links to websites responding to the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City:
We also brought you information regarding:
New links to:
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