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permalink #26 of 95: beneath the blue suburban skies (aud) Thu 28 Jun 07 06:32
there is the "Shows and Songs" section of deadnet which seems to be to be
the perfect place for it.
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permalink #27 of 95: David Gans (tnf) Thu 28 Jun 07 08:08

Except I have a feeling it'd get more careful and literate management if it
were in the hands of a serious Deadhead scholar rather than the Rhino
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #28 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Thu 28 Jun 07 10:46
Another possibility occurs to me. Maybe Alex Allan would like to
incorporate the AGDL into his Grateful Dead Lyric and Song Finder site.
I'll ask him! (Alex--are you still reading these discussions?)
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #29 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Fri 29 Jun 07 12:48
It's looking like Rhino might well be interested. I'll be speaking
this afternoon with Ben Trask to discuss how it might work to put the
annotated lyrics site up on

My thought is that I'd like to ask that the continued expansion and
revision of the site be overseen by a loose-knit but select editorial
board. Here are some names of folks who may be interested, given the
conversations that have happened up until now: Christian, Luke Meyers,
Robin Russell, and maybe Mary E. Anyone I've missed? I thought I'd
propose to Ben that he work with me to figure out how to insure quality
while the site keeps developing within
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permalink #30 of 95: delicious hot sugary love (izzie) Fri 29 Jun 07 13:26

if I can help as a mod on, david, just let me know.
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permalink #31 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Fri 29 Jun 07 13:29
Thanks, <izzie>!
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permalink #32 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Fri 29 Jun 07 15:50
OK, just talked with Rhino, in the persons of Ben Trask and Analise
Dubner, and they are both pretty jazzed about this idea. They mentioned
"wiki" as a model, and I mentioned <xian>, and we talked for awhile
about how intensive it would be to migrate the thing, but we all
thought it would be worthwhile. So I sent Ben a list of the names of
those in this discussion who have seemed interested, and hopefully it
will move forward from here! Yay!
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permalink #33 of 95: delicious hot sugary love (izzie) Fri 29 Jun 07 16:13

very cool.
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #34 of 95: David Gans (tnf) Fri 29 Jun 07 18:01

That's great!
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permalink #35 of 95: streaming irreverent commentary (pauli) Sat 30 Jun 07 13:12
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #36 of 95: delicious hot sugary love (izzie) Sat 30 Jun 07 14:24

hey David, just in case you hadn't seen it, there is a forum topic for 
Annotated on now.  It's here:
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #37 of 95: Alex Allan (alexallan) Sun 1 Jul 07 23:07
David, rather belatedly, yes I do still read this forum. I fear my day
job is too busy at present to let me volunteer to incorporate AGDL
into my Lyric and Song Finder site (would you believe that my new boss
is Jack Straw?!). But I'd be glad to help in other ways if I can.
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #38 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Mon 2 Jul 07 14:16
Thanks, all. I logged in to the forum and left a teaser about the
future of the website. Glad to hear Alex is willing to help out as he
is able. This new thing promises to be better than anything so far, in
terms of a broader perspective and more input. Not to mention better
design and technology!
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #39 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Mon 20 Aug 07 09:56
OK, so I was overly optimistic. As of last week, the idea of moving
the Annotated Lyrics website to the domain was quashed, at
least for the time being, by Hunter, who is still uncomfortable with
any kind of "official" interpretation or deconstruction of the lyrics.
I understand his point of view, but I had hoped that the longevity, in
addition to the print publication of the substance of the site, might
mitigate his feelings. 

So, I have frozen the site to further updating, and am taking a
hands-off approach from here on out. Future decisions can be made by
Ice Nine, in conjuction with whomever might want to continue the
project. It was fun, and I'm done!
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #40 of 95: Christian Crumlish (xian) Mon 20 Aug 07 10:56
The offer still stands to host it at WikiTheFlood, which is anything
but official!
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #41 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Mon 20 Aug 07 11:07
Hey Christian-- 
You're on, if you really want it. We would need to check with Ice
Send me email, and we'll start the ball rolling.
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #42 of 95: Christian Crumlish (xian) Wed 22 Aug 07 09:00
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #43 of 95: Robin Russell (rrussell8) Wed 22 Aug 07 17:58
Good. If you need any help, CC ...
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #44 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Fri 1 Feb 13 16:09
New blog by yours truly, now in its second week on "Greatest
Stories Ever Told: Conversations About the Songs of the Dead." Please
take a look and jump into the comments--that's where the action is.

Happy to take suggestions for songs to highlight! Next week: Ramble On
Rose. That's as far ahead as I have planned so far...
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #45 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Fri 15 Feb 13 13:18
This week, it's "Weather Report Suite":
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permalink #46 of 95: Tim Lynch (masonskids) Fri 15 Feb 13 22:14
Very nice!  Happy Birthday!!!
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #47 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Tue 19 Feb 13 10:27
Thanks, Tim!
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #48 of 95: Robin Russell (rrussell8) Tue 19 Feb 13 12:45
David, I sent something on Amherst to your Well email account.
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #49 of 95: David Dodd (ddodd) Tue 19 Feb 13 13:40
Yes, I got it! Very fun, Robin. Sorry not to have responded... I like
it that you caught my question from the floor about reincarnation...
deadsongs.vue.4 : Announcements
permalink #50 of 95: Robin Russell (rrussell8) Tue 19 Feb 13 17:24
Question of the Symposium, I thought.


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