Hmmm. is an interesting thought. They have my series of blog posts about the songs, too. And thank you for the offer of Christian, would you want to help migrate it to David's site? It wouldn't hurt if it winds up in a couple of places, given that it is not being updated. Thanks!!
I'm happy to help with any and all of this (on a "best effort" basis). I also agree that an archived web artifact that you don't plan to change might as well be housed in several places. This is on my mind because a contributor to my 94-98 era webzine, Enterzone, recently asked to have her content removed (it will stay in and that made me think about how to curate the representation of a site like that in this day and age. For your stuff my gut says: 1. Definitely ask and if they are up for it I am happy to help with the geekery. 2. Also take up David on his offer, for sure, and similarly I am happy to help (David, does MichaelZ still work on tech stuff for you? He'd be helpful too if in the loop). 3. It's also very easy these days to host a static website on github for free and then if you have a domain name, presto, your own copy of the site. I have done this a few times and can help with that as well. I'll send an email so we have that channel open as well.
Yes, Michael Z is still my Web Guy! I can make the approach to DeadNet (via Pinkus and Lemieux) if you like.
Oh, David--if you are willing to suss out on behalf of this idea, I would very much appreciate it. Thanks!
David, I was also thinking maybe I to coordinate with Michael re your Mastodon migration.
Are you talking to me or to David D?
David D, why don't you write a letter that I can forward to Mark and David.
with my own cover letter, of course!
oops too many davids! dgans re mastodon migration (redirecting your acct to your ome)
I wule love some help with that because I have no fucking iea how Mastodon works.
yeah it's unnecessarily complicated but it means well
Also, the enormous tusks get in the way.
David G--yes! Thanks, I will write a letter.
Draft letter emailed to you, David.
Got it! I will take a look in the morning.
>>The Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics<< what is the status of the relocation of this?
Not sure. I made the piotch to DeadNet and I think David D has been in touch, but if I remember correctly it had to fit in with some other changes in the works.
thx for update
permalink #95 of 95: be vewy quiet (i'm hunting roberts) (xian) Tue 11 Mar 25 16:19
permalink #95 of 95: be vewy quiet (i'm hunting roberts) (xian) Tue 11 Mar 25 16:19
I love the typo "piotch"
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