OK--this week, it's "Unbroken Chain" for the blog post on dead.net: http://www.dead.net/features/greatest-stories-ever-told/greatest-stories-ever- told-unbroken-chain
This week: "Uncle John's Band": http://www.dead.net/features/greatest-stories-ever-told/greatest-stories-ever- told-uncle-johns-band-0 Please stop by and leave your thoughts in the comments section!
This week: "Crazy Fingers": http://www.dead.net/features/greatest-stories-ever-told/greatest-stories-ever- told-crazy-fingers
I think I might start posting the dead.net blog posts under the topics for the song in this conference--trying to encourage some cross-pollination between the WELL and dead.net. Thoughts? I did it for "Lost Sailor" and "Candyman," and could start working my way back through the last 50 weeks' posts.
That is a GREAT idea, David!!
OK then. I will chip away at this...
Hello all, It has been a while since I actively did much with this conference, and I apologize. Life got busy. But I am now retired, and hopefully will be able to do my job better. I logged on today specifically because I learned of the passing of Steve Silberman, a great writer and an extremely articulate Deadhead--really, any words I use to describe him are utterly inadequate. He was a friend of mine. I will miss him being in the world.
Thanks for your kindness and thoughts, over these years <digaman>.
For those who haven't yet looked in the News conference, there are many tributes and remembrances of Steve in the two current Obits topics.
Thanks, <nanlev>!
I am looking into the disappearance of The Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics from the UC Santa Cruz servers. For now, they can only be accessed using the Wayback Machine at the Internet Archive (https://web.archive.org/)
Here's a URL that will get you to the home page for the site, and from there to the individual pages: https://web.archive.org/web/20190218221428/http://artsites.ucsc.edu/GDead/agdl /
Damn! I hope it is brought back!
permalink #68 of 95: my name is obviously wasted (xian) Tue 8 Oct 24 08:42
permalink #68 of 95: my name is obviously wasted (xian) Tue 8 Oct 24 08:42
Were they hosted as party of the archive or via some other arranagement?
This was pre-archive, when I was a Research Assistant for Fred Lieberman. I placed my bibliographic research materials at McHenry, guest-lectured, and worked on the website.
permalink #70 of 95: my name is obviously wasted (xian) Tue 8 Oct 24 09:51
permalink #70 of 95: my name is obviously wasted (xian) Tue 8 Oct 24 09:51
s/party/part/ have you had any contact since with whoever managed artsites.ucsc.edu? it appears to be down or gone itself as a whole right now.
They have migrated the arts server. I'm in touch. The previous contact I had in their IT department seems to have retired--can't blame him!
oh no! David, that was a great body of work.
permalink #73 of 95: my name is obviously wasted (xian) Sat 12 Oct 24 13:33
permalink #73 of 95: my name is obviously wasted (xian) Sat 12 Oct 24 13:33
archive.org is currently coping with some sort of DDOS attack but if you're game David, I'd be happy to work with you to migrate the content somewhere new.
Christian, that is a wonderful offer. Let's see....I think it could work to move the entire thing--really not that big in terms of today's space and storage. Email me? david.g.dodd@gmail.com. Thanks!
I'd be happy to host it at gdhour.com if that is of interest. Or maybe dead.net would be up for taking it on?
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