inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #0 of 213: Steve Kaye (skaye) Sun 4 Oct 98 13:19
Welcome to inkwell.vue!

Inkwell.vue is the first of a new type of WELL conference, readable by
anyone on the World Wide Web, with or without a WELL password, but posted
to by WELL members only.

If you are reading this as part of yor regular WELL rounds, it will feel
familiar, with the exception of the knowlege that there are new readers
joining us.  If you are reading this on the Web and are not a WELL member,
you'll be getting a peek at what WELL conferencing is all about.  We hope 
you like what you see!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #1 of 213: petals and whatnot (plum) Tue 6 Oct 98 09:18

so basically we can still be pigheaded, opinionated, fawning, or poignantly
unctious.  But we should not discuss any felonies we have or are thinking of
committing.  No high crimes or misdemeanors.

inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #2 of 213: Steve Kaye (skaye) Tue 6 Oct 98 11:48
What we'll be doing in this conference is inviting authors of recently
published books to come by so we can ask them questions about their
work, their lives, their experiences getting published, going on tour,
etc.  The discussion will be pretty unstructured--if you're a WELL
member, just pipe up with questions; if not, email the hosts and we'll
post your questions for you.

Our first guest is Reva Basch, whose new book _Researching Online for 
Dummies_ is being discussed in topic 4, ff.  Future guests TBA.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #3 of 213: Steve Kaye (skaye) Wed 7 Oct 98 12:04
Many thanks to Michelle Fox for this conference's fabulous Web front page! 
And to Janis Mara for the PR work!  And to Gail Williams for getting the
whole thing going! 
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #4 of 213: Steve Kaye (skaye) Wed 7 Oct 98 12:05
By the way, this conference is set up so that topics can only be started
by the hosts, at least for now.  Please send us email if there's a topic
you'd like to see.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #5 of 213: David Gans (tnf) Thu 9 Dec 99 11:26

Reva and I are thrilled to announce that LINDA CASTELLANI (castle) is joining
us as a cohost of the conference.

Linda has been an enthusiastic participant since Day One.  She will continue
to contribute great energy to the endeavor.

Welcome aboard, ms. castle!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #6 of 213: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Mon 18 Sep 00 13:56

Changes in inkwell.vue today. Ron Hogan (grifter) has resigned his hostship
here to dedicate his full attentions to his writing career. Thanks so much,
Ron, for all you brought to the conference during your hostship!

Stepping in, please welcome Jon Lebkowsky (jonl) as the new cohost of
Inkwell.vue! Jon is a 10-year WELL veteran and a regular participant in this
conference. He shares another hostship with inkwell cohost Linda Castellani,
the <mirrorshades.> conference, so he not only knows the hosting ropes, he
and Linda are already familiar with each other's hosting styles.

Welcome, Jon, and thanks for volunteering to help out in Inkwell.vue!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #7 of 213: Jon Lebkowsky (jonl) Mon 18 Sep 00 14:43
Glad to be here! Bring on the ink!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #8 of 213: Linda Castellani (castle) Fri 3 Aug 01 21:12


The WELL's servers are being moved to a new location, starting sometime
Saturday morning, August 4th, and completing sometime that evening.

Service will be disrupted during the move.  

Please visit us again on Sunday.

For all the particulars, see <news.2644.1114>.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #9 of 213: Linda Castellani (castle) Fri 17 Aug 01 12:49
The WELL is going to try it again:

     On Saturday, August 18, the Well's hardware will be moved to a new
     data center.   We are moving from Global Center's Sunnyvale data
     center to Verio's San Francisco data center.  All Well systems will
     be down during this move.  The move will begin sometime during the
     morning, and we expect to be finished and back up sometime early
     Sunday morning.

     As a result of this move, the IP addresses for the Well's systems
     will change.  While the DNS expire time for the Well's IPs has been
     reduced to one hour, there may be some delay before the new IP
     addresses migrate to your ISP.  The best way to handle this is to be
     patient for a few hours, then tell your ISP that they need to update
     their name servers.

Please see <news.2644.1236> for more detailed information.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #10 of 213: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Tue 15 Oct 02 16:10
The lovely Linda Castellani, AKA <castle>, contacted me to say that she is
not going to be returning to her Inkwell hostship. She's happy and healthy
and very very busy with her new jewelry business (,
and she sends her best to all her Inkwell pals.

I'm really sorry to see Linda stepping down, but I do understand her need
to give her attention to these new things in her life. I hope you're 
reading this, Linda, so you'll know how much we appreciate all you've done
here as a host. You're going to be missed.

We're blessed, however, that marvelous Martha Soukup has agreed to join
the inkwell hosting team. Martha's already a regular in Inkwell. In fact
she was one of our first guest authors (check out topic 16) when this
conference was launched. She also served as conversational moderator
for Neil Gaiman's second formal interview here (topic 116). She's a
science fiction writer who's earned the Nebula for her short story,
"A Defense of the Social Contracts." And she's also the host of the <tv.>
conference. She's a busy woman, and we're lucky to have her join us.

Welcome, Martha!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #11 of 213: Gail Williams (gail) Tue 15 Oct 02 16:50

Hooray, Martha!  What fun this will be.

Thanks to you, and to Joon Lebkowski and David Gans for suggesting you'd be
a good Inkwell host.  

Also, a big round of hearty applause for all Linda did to make this place
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #12 of 213: "Et toi" is French, and so you're a crack muffin. (madman) Tue 15 Oct 02 16:54

Martha! How wonderful.
Wonderous well wishes to Linda- I'm happy she's happy!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #13 of 213: Jon Lebkowsky (jonl) Tue 15 Oct 02 17:04
Gail, that guy Joon Lebkowski left the room! I'm here in his place... *8-)
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #14 of 213: Gail Williams (gail) Tue 15 Oct 02 17:06
Sheesh.  So sorry I typo'd your name, Jon!  yow.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #15 of 213: Martha Soukup (soukup) Tue 15 Oct 02 17:41
Linda's worked hard; and I'll try not to trash the place.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #16 of 213: David Gans (tnf) Tue 15 Oct 02 20:28

I am very sorry to hear that Linda won't be returning, but delighted that
Martha has accept our invitation to join the team!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #17 of 213: (fom) Tue 15 Oct 02 21:20
Thanks castle, and thanks soukup. And I'm glad castle's jewelry business 
is booming.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #18 of 213: Regime change in the USA! (sd) Wed 16 Oct 02 04:07
thanks and best wishes linda and martha
you two and inkwell are high on my list of what is good about the well.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #19 of 213: Jon Lebkowsky (jonl) Wed 16 Oct 02 05:15
We were totally bummed to hear that Linda was leaving us, but psyched that 
she's doing so well, and tickled pink that Martha could join the team!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #20 of 213: Life in the big (doctorow) Wed 16 Oct 02 07:29
w00t! Martha!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #21 of 213: mother of my eyelid (frako) Wed 16 Oct 02 13:33
Good luck to Linda's jewelry business!

Martha was a great choice!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #22 of 213: Moist Howlette (kkg) Thu 17 Oct 02 06:57
Welcome, Martha!
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #23 of 213: the newly locked-down Table Talk (silly) Mon 28 Oct 02 14:54
Castellani's interviewing skills as a conversational moderator are
second to none.  Will she continue serving as a conversational
moderator from time to time?  Soukup is the perfect replacement host.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #24 of 213: 'Got To! (freeform) Mon 28 Oct 02 15:47
I'll pass your comments along to Ms. Castellani.  Linda's still working hard
getting her new business off the ground.  At this point, she's not sure what
the future will bring.
inkwell.vue.1 : Inkwell Business
permalink #25 of 213: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Tue 1 Jul 03 07:21
Martha Soukup recently left her role here as cohost of Inkwell.vue, though
(lucky for us!) she continued to hang out here. I want to thank Martha for
the time and energy she gave the conference during her time as a host.

Stepping in as the new cohost here in Bruce Umbaugh (bumbaugh), a self-
professed philosopher and a professor at Webster University in St. Louis.
Bruce has been a WELL member for 7 years. He is also a host of the <tips.>

Welcome, Bruce!


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