Welcome, Bruce! And thank you, Martha.
Thanks, Martha! Bruce, great to have you on the team!
Inkwell Business
permalink #28 of 213: the Angela Lansbury of guys (draml) Wed 2 Jul 03 13:14
permalink #28 of 213: the Angela Lansbury of guys (draml) Wed 2 Jul 03 13:14
Jon, it's your lucky day getting Bruce on board - he's been a fine asset to the Tips Team. And thanks to Martha, too, for all the time and energy you put into Inkwell.
Yep, hope Martha's back by as author again soon, too! Bruce, what fun to have you collaborating here.
Inkwell Business
permalink #30 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Wed 2 Jul 03 14:46
permalink #30 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Wed 2 Jul 03 14:46
Glad to be aboard, all. Many thanks.
Inkwell Business
permalink #31 of 213: a meat-vessel, with soul poured in (wellelp) Wed 2 Jul 03 19:39
permalink #31 of 213: a meat-vessel, with soul poured in (wellelp) Wed 2 Jul 03 19:39
Congratulations, Bruce. Looking forward to lots of "What's your philosophy about blah blah blah?" type questions. ;-) And thanks to Martha for a job Well done.
Inkwell Business
permalink #32 of 213: mother of my eyelid (frako) Sat 5 Jul 03 07:43
permalink #32 of 213: mother of my eyelid (frako) Sat 5 Jul 03 07:43
Congrats, Bruce!
Inkwell Business
permalink #33 of 213: flying jenny (jenslobodin) Wed 9 Jul 03 16:59
permalink #33 of 213: flying jenny (jenslobodin) Wed 9 Jul 03 16:59
Hi, Bruce! (as soon as i think of which questions i want to ask bill ayers, i'll post, for i seem to have so many. inkwell.vue is great! it's what cemented my decision to join the well, a week after i got my first computer. i read here a lot. i learn tons. thanks to all of you for inkwell)
Thanks, Jen. What a great testimonial!
Inkwell Business
permalink #35 of 213: Sticky fun with styling products! (tinymonster) Thu 10 Jul 03 14:40
permalink #35 of 213: Sticky fun with styling products! (tinymonster) Thu 10 Jul 03 14:40
Yeah, <inkwell.vue>'s what got me here, too. (Well, specifically, I suppose it was Neil's fault.)
Inkwell Business
permalink #37 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Sat 12 Jul 03 12:29
permalink #37 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Sat 12 Jul 03 12:29
Free candy on the end of the bar for both of you, Jen and Christy. (Gail and Cynthia, too.) More testimonials, while we're at it? Just step up and type into the little white box, then click on POST.
Inkwell Business
permalink #38 of 213: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Mon 14 Jul 03 13:07
permalink #38 of 213: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Mon 14 Jul 03 13:07
mmmmmmmmmm... free candy's the best!
Inkwell Business
permalink #39 of 213: Sticky fun with styling products! (tinymonster) Mon 14 Jul 03 13:09
permalink #39 of 213: Sticky fun with styling products! (tinymonster) Mon 14 Jul 03 13:09
I'd say thanks, but I don't want to talk with my mouth full... OOPS!
Inkwell Business
permalink #40 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Mon 14 Jul 03 14:24
permalink #40 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Mon 14 Jul 03 14:24
Surprisingly easy to understand you. You must do that a lot, hmmm?
Inkwell Business
permalink #41 of 213: Life Is Easy When Considered From Another Point Of View (dam) Sat 19 Jul 03 21:41
permalink #41 of 213: Life Is Easy When Considered From Another Point Of View (dam) Sat 19 Jul 03 21:41
when are we going to start talking about the jefferson airplane book?
The Jeff Tamarkin interview starts next Friday.
Inkwell Business
permalink #43 of 213: Life Is Easy When Considered From Another Point Of View (dam) Tue 22 Jul 03 13:54
permalink #43 of 213: Life Is Easy When Considered From Another Point Of View (dam) Tue 22 Jul 03 13:54
okay, i 've read the first 7 chapters and i should be thru most of it by then!
For the record, a very minor change was made to <inkwell.vue.195.60>. After I posted the reader's message, she wrote back to say she was a little uncomfortable seeinng her full name in the topic. So I asked the management to remove the correspondent's last name from my pseud and from the post itself. We handled it this way because it would have disrupted the flow of the discussion to re-post an edited message down the line, and because there was nothing significant changed in the post.
Thanks, that was thoughtful of you guys.
Inkwell Business
permalink #46 of 213: Dennis Wilen (the-voidmstr) Wed 10 Sep 03 17:29
permalink #46 of 213: Dennis Wilen (the-voidmstr) Wed 10 Sep 03 17:29
So people can post here without revealing their names? This seems so contrary to longstand WeLL policy as I understand it. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Off-WELL posters participate in inkwell.vue discussions by sending email to inkwell-hosts@well.com I don't see the harm in allowing those people to use a first name only; do you?
Inkwell Business
permalink #48 of 213: Dennis Wilen (the-voidmstr) Wed 10 Sep 03 17:41
permalink #48 of 213: Dennis Wilen (the-voidmstr) Wed 10 Sep 03 17:41
Since I have been on the record for years as approving of anonymous posts, I have no problems with it. I wonder why, however, it's no good ON the WeLL?
Inkwell Business
permalink #49 of 213: I'm on the Chet Atkins Diet. Pass the BBQ, please. (rik) Wed 10 Sep 03 17:55
permalink #49 of 213: I'm on the Chet Atkins Diet. Pass the BBQ, please. (rik) Wed 10 Sep 03 17:55
Special case, and I have no problem with it. This is our showcase for outsiders. If they want to continue to participate, they have to get an account, and they lose the anonymity.
Inkwell Business
permalink #50 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Wed 10 Sep 03 19:18
permalink #50 of 213: virtual community or butter? (bumbaugh) Wed 10 Sep 03 19:18
When someone sends e-mail to inkwell-hosts, I'm reasonably sure nobody makes a phone call to ascertain whether they are as they appear to be. So, it's bound to be more anonymous than on-Well posting. (I also reckon that those who send mail know a little less than those who post here from on-Well about our varied and storied customs.)
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