inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #776 of 2008: Seth Freilich (ceymick) Thu 5 Apr 01 11:02
justin - my most recent allen spiegel catalogue (from last summer) has
the following info for them:
221 Lobos Ave.
Pacific Grove, CA  93950

hope that helps.

  --  s  (who's sad to see that there's no local signing stop, and
even though he's going to be studying for the bar, will just have to
truck down to NY anyway)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #777 of 2008: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Thu 5 Apr 01 12:28
I've recently moved here to L.A. from N.Y.C. and would love to meet
some Humans soon.  Is there anyone on this board going to the Pasadena
or Hollywood signings?  (besides you, Neil)...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #778 of 2008: shira burton (whispered) Thu 5 Apr 01 12:55

Oh well... quartet camp will be fun. 

Having a friend bring my pre-ordered (from copy to have
it signed for me will make me feel really, really low, though. Like
dirt. Heh.

This is nice weather we're having. I wish we'd have a full-on
rainstorm, though. Yum.

-shira (now on spring break)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #779 of 2008: Justin Wieland (justinwieland) Thu 5 Apr 01 14:51
Adriana - I'm in San Diego and was thinking of going to the Pasadena
stop , but I really have no idea where Pasadena is and was just hoping
that it might be closer than Los Angeles . Does anyone know about how
long of a drive it might be from San Diego ?

thanks .

sined justin .
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #780 of 2008: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Thu 5 Apr 01 17:08
Hot digity! I'll be at the Cleveland one. Shaker Square is a strange
place to be, though.That said, if anyone else is going to be there I
would love to meet you, though, I don't know how I'd recognize anyone. 

Neil- You're braver than I would be (contracts). I don't trust many
people. I once offered 15,000 for a crappy screenplay I wrote a while
back. I didn't accept, because they wanted to hire a team of writers to
re-write it and probably would have made it more horrible than it was.
I was under the dillusion (I was 18) that I could do it myself. I
didn't know very much about money and the buisness aspect of it then. I
kind of regret it now as the screenplay will never see the light of
day again. Ever.
 I would trust Terry too. He seems to know what he's doing. Don't know
about the others, though. You made a right choice about directing
'Death'. I feel that even if you don't have experience directing, no
one can do it better than the writer himself. I'm wanting to get into
film eventually, once I have money and people trust me.

On Murder Mysteries- This is my fave short story of all of them. I
didn't see the "second mystery" the first time, either. And I don't see
how because I (and other writers) are always looking for these things.
I read it to my husband and he said "Ah, that was a nice story" and
that was that until I realized that I wasn't very good at reading aloud
and so I made him listen to the Seeing Ear Theater thingy and he was
like "Whoah f*ck! Rewind! What did he say?!" and then he couldn't stop
thinking about it for hours. In fact, he's probably still thinking
about it now. He said it was his fave story of all time. Now, when I
re-read it, I see a lot of the clues and I don't see how I didn't see
it the first time, because you WERE completely fair. Very, VERY well

Martha- I shudder to think what your book is going to be like
then....I'll probably be puzzled a lot. Like I said, I can usually
predict a lot of things. Oh, BTW, I ordered your book weeks ago and I
still haven't heard anything! I'm so pissed. I wrote them (a place
through bookfinder) an email yesterday. "What have you done with my
money?!" I asked. Hopefully it will come soon.
Which reminds me. I almost ordered Neil Gaiman's "Neil Gaiman" from yesterday, but I was afraid of what might arrive at my

The Sat. night live "Neil, Drawing, bum" thing is funny, though, I
imagine he would get tired of the cute-silly-English person jokes, but
maybe not.
And though I do not know her age, but I'm guessing that because of her
intellect and the fact that she's been quitted smoking since the early
80's that Linda is, in fact, old enough for the ex-rated gnomes.

Michelle- Come on get happy:) (Geez. THat was cheesy, wasn't it?)

I have a habit of posting too much all at once. okie bye-bye.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #781 of 2008: Trev/Walker (nightwalker) Thu 5 Apr 01 17:11
Adriana - I'm in the LA area, and would be more than happy to show you
around, say Hi, etc. I'm going to be at both LA Area signings (Book
Soup & Vroman's)... drop me an email.

Justin - Pasadena is a somewhat kinda suburb of Los Angeles in the
same way that Newport Beach is... it's out there, kinda past Glendale,
Burbank, and the like. It's about 2-3 or so hours from the Convention
Center there in SD.

Other than that, good to see the signing list. Now, to make travel
accoms. for the SF stops...

-- Trev/Walker --
...who had to stand up his Ramadan
Dream action figure AGAIN after 
knocking it over... damn base!
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #782 of 2008: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 5 Apr 01 17:26

Thanks, Erynn!!  I *am* old enough for a danged x-rated gnome!  Maybe even
*two* x-rated gnomes.  Or maybe a gnome and a gnomess!
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #783 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Thu 5 Apr 01 18:05
Justin -- all my books of Chesterton Essays are long out of print
hardbacks bought for under $5 in dusty second-hand bookstores around
the world. I have quite a few of them -- but I'm sure that the ones on
Cheese and on what he had in his pockets (and on lying in bed, and on
drawing on brown paper bags) are all in whatever collections are in
print these days - and then there's always and others
like it. (Would you like me to rummage for titles, if you're looking
for a dusty secondhand copy?)

Len, I have a theory that the shape of the Nights has a point, and
that there actually is a master theme, imposed by whover created the
framing story, to the whole thing. But it'll have to wait until I get
time to write it down coherently.

Sean -- it's really not a hard one. It's about as easy as the Neil
Gaiman in Hexwood connection, easier than my contribution to the one
with the centaur at the SF convention, and much easier than figuring
out what I had to do with The Lives of Christopher Chant (which I
didn't know until she told me.)

Re: your wrist. Ow.

Adriana -- welcome.

Shira -- I spoke to Harper Collins. They said they waited until you
were at violin camp to hold the Minneapolis signings on purpose. I told
them that this was unfair, at which they cackled hysterically and said
that as a company owned by Rupert Murdoch they had a vested interest
in bringing about Hell on Earth in lots of little interesting ways.

If it's any consolation, I'll probably be so exhausted by the time I
get to do the Minneapolis signings (after 16 signings in ten days
without a break), that you won't be missing much. Strange, bleary eyes
staring out from the darkness...
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #784 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Thu 5 Apr 01 18:18
Erynn -- I suppose a lot of it is the equation. There are stories that
not enough money in the world would get me to part with without
complete control -- Snow, Glass, Apples is one of them. But on the
whole I've learned that where films are concerned:

1) Most of them don't get made. The ratio of optioned projects to
actual films is ridiculous -- hundreds to one.

2) If you control the budget, and you are also the director and the
writer, then you have a chance to realise your vision. Otherwise, no
matter what the writer writes, the director can shoot something else,
and very often what he shoots depends on the budget. And after that the
producers or studio can do stuff to it.

Of the things I've had filmed I've had one (Neverwhere) I was
profoundly disatisfied with most of, and one (Day of the Dead) that I
loved the director's cut of and was not displeased with the producers
cut. (The director's cut was closer to the script as written.)


3) Sometimes you have no choice. Everything I've ever done for DC
comics, except Stardust, was owned lock stock and barrel by Time
Warner. That was the deal in place when I started writing for them, and
it was not a deal that's negotiable. So where Sandman or Books of
Magic are concerned, I get no say in what happens to them. (And Sandman
in this case includes anything that spins off from Sandman - Death,
for example, or the being-talked-about Lucifer movie.)

And for the kind words on Murder Mysteries, I thank you.

For other people who want to buy Martha's book (and for anyone who
wants odd and cool things they might not otherwise be able to find) I'd
suggest going straight to
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #785 of 2008: M. J. Rose (anewanais) Thu 5 Apr 01 18:42
Neil - found this topic so late - just wanted to say hi and how much
I've been enjoying your journal on the website. 
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #786 of 2008: Len Schiff (theboojum) Thu 5 Apr 01 18:47
Justin--  if you're interested in Chesterton's essays, there are
several collections of them available for download at the Gutenberg
Project  I checked, and they mostly seem to be
Chesterton being all cranky about Capitalism and things like that, but
even so, what can you lose checking them out?

Mary-- I'm touched!  I do feel that we are on similar wavelengths, and
I hope to get a chance to meet you next time I'm out your way.  And
yes-- Mixmaster Len will be fine.

Actually, I just checked a german-english dictionary, and I think I
like Mixenmeister Schiff even better.

Neil--Re your upcoming tour: I see you're heading out to Huntington--
have you ever been to the Book Review before?  It's one of my favorite
stores-- my wife and I sometimes go from Astoria to Huntington just to
go there.  I hope you won't find it tiresome if I go to both
signings... maybe I can even drag some students to the LI one!

Re the Arabian Nights-- My four volume Mardrus and Mathers set arrived
today.  It's obvious at this point that I only do these stupid plays
as an excuse to buy books.  I'm intrigued by your comment about the
shape of the piece-- can you expand on that at all, or is it just not
the time?
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #787 of 2008: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Thu 5 Apr 01 18:59
Yes, I would take Neil's advice and order from Dreamhaven. I should
have, but, I was impatient and couldn't figure out how to search the
site. I just received a reply to my email from Erewhon (sp?) books.
They said they received my money, but it usually takes ten days to get
to Ohio. Why? I don't understand, but they said that it's a lovely book
and I will enjoy it and that it will be worth the wait. Why must I
always do things the difficult way? I will go back to Dreamhaven and
see if it's more "Erynn-friendly" this time. Oh yes, and never never
never never order from Amazon.blah
Neil- The book and movie business is so weird. I think I'm going to
have to take a class on how to deal with it professionally. It all
seems so silly to me. Just when I think I understand beans.
BTW, I'm loving Good Omens. I especially love Crawley changing to
Crowley! hehe. Love it, love it.
Oh and you're welcome. I just hope that all of this complementing
isn't causing your head to expand larger than the universe. Because it
would eventually pop,you know.And losing your mind would be a terrible
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #788 of 2008: Jinx (jinx) Thu 5 Apr 01 19:07
Hey Trev,.....somehow I'm 2% Gaiman pure. How we come up in the world

Mary, I'm so glad you got re-hired/new job,.....and the rent thing
sucks,...but it's better then living with family.

JaNell,..first hugs and hi, secondly I remember your husband singing
that but for the life of me I can't remember who it was, but I'm pretty
sure it wasn't me.

Adriana, if you feel any doubt about Walker and his offer,...he's good
people, a pain in the butt, but good people. I think he's the best
person I've ever met, even if I did have to sit on one of his bladed
toys at a Denny's in Fla., cause a few local police walked in and we
weren't sure of the local length laws. 
(now do you remember the Denny's story Trev?)

I move out of the midwest in search of a better life, and there are
three signings in my home state, I knew Connecticut was evil.

I know there was something relevent that I wanted to add, and I'm sure
I'll remember it about 5 seconds after I press post and go.


Just before our love got lost you said
"I am as constant as a northern star"
And I said, "Constant in the darkness
Where's that at?
If you want me I'll be in the bar"

Joni Mitchell
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #789 of 2008: Jenny B. (ophelia-b) Thu 5 Apr 01 20:00
Madman - Despite being shoved into a mailbox that was a bit too small,
SoM is in great condition.  :-)

Len - How about Brewmeister Schiff?  As opposed, of course, to
Brewmeister Smith...  I cannot _believe_ I didn't get the Hamlet thing
the first time I watched Strange Brew.  I almost never 'get' stuff like
that though.  -sigh-  I'm too boring today to be posting.

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #790 of 2008: Angelina Venti (velvetraisin) Thu 5 Apr 01 20:20
Erynn-- GOOD advice about Amazon.  I just got my VHS about the Knights
Templar...which mysteriously turned into a computering textbook.  I am
not happy.

Hello to all...I had a good ol time wading through 60+ posts that I
missed while being very busy with school.  Good to see all you smiley
faces again.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #791 of 2008: Toni Morris (jonl) Thu 5 Apr 01 20:51
Email from Toni Morris:

My very first and probably only post on the Well, *sigh*. I do read it
daily, just can't afford it. I'm a very poor art student indeed. (Thank
god for Benji Franklin and the public library!) And, I live in Las Vegas,
so I had to chime in.

It's a very cool place to live. Not so much if you are a student and need
public transportation, although you'd be surprised at how well the library
system is turning out as of late. But, that's off topic.

A funny thing-as Neil was coming from Florida, I was going there. So I
missed him being in town. Now, I get the feeling I wouldn't have met NG
anyhow, but there's always that tiny sliver of hope. The funniest thing
about it was, when I was away on vacation, I had a very weird dream, where
I was sitting at the dinner table and he showed up. Apparently I knew him,
and we talked. A very weird dream to have the very day he's where you
should be. The parallels freaked me out. I didn't even know he was in
town-I don't own a laptop, and didn't visit the Well during any net cafe

Oh, and I got a mighty 74.6 on the Gaimen Purity test.  I was as shocked
as you probably are. :)

Back into my enforced lurkdom I go...

   Tori. (Not that one. Another one entirely.)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #792 of 2008: JanNell, the Hard-to-Ignore (jonl) Thu 5 Apr 01 20:53
Email from JaNell:

Mary Roane - I once shocked an old boyfriend by sitting down and watching
"All That Jazz" twice through, back to back, the first (and second) time I
saw it. He got freaked out that it wasn't too intense for me, the first
time. "Too much is not enough..."

Re: "Simon", it was too funny at the time.

Linda - two gnomes? You're old enough for TWO X-rated gnomes? That narrows
down what you'd ask for somewhat... but why limit yourself?

Neil: OK, I spent the whole con at ConCat trying to get you to crack a
smile. Nuthin'. So now I'm unfunny here too? Ack.

Lord, you're a tough room.

JaNell, possibly to be known in the future as JaNell-the-easily-ignored or
JaNell Who?
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #793 of 2008: JaNell (jonl) Thu 5 Apr 01 20:54
More email from JaNell:

Hi, Jinx! Thanks for the hug.

Sometimes I think I slip in and out of these things without anyone, Neil
included, noticing.

Hard-wired Stealth Mode? Lurker Laryngitis?

Hmm, wonder which end of the "signal-to-noise" ration that puts me on?

Wah. I'm gonna go read now, if I can find a book I want amongst the
packing boxes.

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #794 of 2008: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Thu 5 Apr 01 21:18
Neil - Oh good. I get to ramble at you *on topic*.
A hopeful ending of Murder Mysteries? I'm not sure I got that. The
realization that this individual had committed the acts he did (and
looking back at his sporadic memory of the events of that night leads
my mind to dark corners and places I'd rather it didn't go, thank you
very much) and that he had been given the gift of forgetting it... but
it still tormenting him in his dreams... Maybe it's the vigilante in
me, but I rather wished that Raguel had tongued the bastard. The events
as he remembered them portray the crime as one in pretty cold blood,
and not the act of passion that Raguel tells to explain why he's doing
what *he's* doing. Lucifer recoiled at Vengenace because the victim had
loved, and I didn't get the sense that our narrator loved at all....

On DEATH - I deeply hope that you DO direct Death... I'm extremely
interested to see how you would envision your own story, who you would
cast, and what the general look and feel would be.

Martha - I don't think it's about smart. I pick up a lot of stuff that
a lot of people miss in most media. This particular story seems to
have hit a hot button for me that I just wasn't prepared to deal with..
and so blocked. Violence against women and children is something I
just have a hard time dealing with.

Jenny - That being said, it took me several viewings of Strange Brew
before I got it as well. It must have been my sixth viewing when it all
slid into place and my jaw collapsed and I made a total scene about

JaNell - I SEEE YOU!!
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #795 of 2008: Neil Gaiman (neilgaiman) Thu 5 Apr 01 23:24
Hi MJ -- I'm glad you're enjoying the journal.

Len -- nope, never been to Huntingdon before. Looking forward to it.
When you finish the whole of the Mardrus and Mathers, I'll tell you my

Erynn -- I don't know that Dreamhaven has a very workable search
engine. If it's anything to do with me they usually have it up on
or on

Oddly, they don't put Martha's book up on the /gaiman page, despite it
having an introduction by me that I sometimes read to audiences of
people who have no idea who Martha is. Well, before I read it, anyway.

And the complimenting is about the work, not me; I try never to
confuse the two.

Tori -- you never know. When I was writing in Las Vegas (look in topic
73, second half of September 2000) you could have found me every
evening at the San Remo sushi bar (because it was a walk across the
Tropicana parking lot), sitting eating sushi and writing in a notebook.

JaNell -- I must have smiled *once*, surely?

Sorry if you were feeling ignored -- I tend to answer direct
questions, and let the rest of the conversation wash past me.

Dan -- well, as Zephkiel says, Forgetfulness is forgiveness of a sort,
and he's not the person who did those crimes any longer. But you're
right, there was no love there.
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #796 of 2008: Jouni Koponen (jonl) Fri 6 Apr 01 03:56
Email from Jouni Koponen:

Hi. It's been a while...

Neil - US tour, Canadian tour, UK tour... so when is the world tour goin'
to take place? Seriously, is there any plans 'tourin' other European
countries... like, dunno, FINLAND (VERY potential market area!!!) maybe?

And about self promoting: part II As you may all remember, I tried to
build some kind of 'online storage' for some of my illustration/fan art
-stuff... and it didn't work. Well actually it worked fine with Mac but
the links did not work with PC.

Well, this is the second attempt... this time there's only text links
straight to the pictures. It looks horrible, but at this point I'm just
trying to make the links work... So, if you're interested, try it.
Comments are welcome...

And if it doesn't work... well, then I'll shut up about it. OK?

Jouni (gotta go now)
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #797 of 2008: Len Schiff (theboojum) Fri 6 Apr 01 05:07
Neil-- do i have to read the whole books, or can I mostly stick to
tables of contents and page numbers?
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #798 of 2008: Len Schiff (theboojum) Fri 6 Apr 01 05:08
    <scribbled by theboojum>
inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #799 of 2008: a boticelli on steroids (taragl) Fri 6 Apr 01 06:05
Jouni - The link worked this time and ... wow. Those are fantastic. I
like haircut best.

inkwell.vue.104 : Neil Gaiman: Countdown to American Gods
permalink #800 of 2008: Angelina Venti (velvetraisin) Fri 6 Apr 01 08:03
Jouni--the haircut drawing seems to be ever so popular because it is
my favorite as well.  Well done I say!!


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