urely rise again, no matter how hard the Republicans try to scare us into b-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #202 of 272: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Tue 29 Apr 03 17:01
permalink #202 of 272: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Tue 29 Apr 03 17:01
lowing card chaff all over our salads." Henry winced, remembering the last time he'd got chaff stuck between his t-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #203 of 272: Teleologically dyslexic (ceder) Tue 29 Apr 03 18:54
permalink #203 of 272: Teleologically dyslexic (ceder) Tue 29 Apr 03 18:54
oes. He had to run two miles on the beach to be finally f-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #204 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Wed 30 Apr 03 12:53
permalink #204 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Wed 30 Apr 03 12:53
amished enough to even want salad, especially since the ingredients included cheese weeds and r-
ecycled greens, the only kind I'll eat since my doctor warned me about c-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #206 of 272: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Thu 1 May 03 20:33
permalink #206 of 272: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Thu 1 May 03 20:33
hlorophyll buildup. There was a story about it recently in the Weekly World News, too--Swamp Thing and The Hulk are both classic cases, typified by their g-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #207 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Fri 2 May 03 12:50
permalink #207 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Fri 2 May 03 12:50
eneral tendencies to shift gears in the middle of a story, thereby causing quite a s-
naggle-tooth busted-clutch stink of synesthesia. This story, however ha-
rd to swallowm, is the truth, dammit! I couldn't make this up, even if I t-
ied writhing worms to the tops of my feet. N-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #211 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Tue 6 May 03 12:30
permalink #211 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Tue 6 May 03 12:30
ancy, on the other hand, found it to be quite a r-
evealing exercise, back when her name was McGill, d-
isguised as a Steston-sportin' raccoon with a limp and a bad attitude. Re-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #214 of 272: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Tue 6 May 03 12:55
permalink #214 of 272: an amazingly educated gerbil cryin' out loud (daveysnyder) Tue 6 May 03 12:55
publican all the way, that raccoon; might even run for President someday, just you watch. Doesn't like greens, though, or n-
achos, either. He's a mass of contradictions, and we can expect his gov-
erness to stand for all the problems he's caused with his bal-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #217 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Wed 7 May 03 12:38
permalink #217 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Wed 7 May 03 12:38
loons that were filled with good old-fashioned lung air instead of that newfangled h-
olographic vapor that passes for m-
umbles, such are promises. A-
ccordingly, we are introducing legislation this week to criminalize truth-t
elling while blowing balloons online or applying electrodes to n-
ervous volunteers down at the Neuro Lab. A group of doctoral candidates c-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #223 of 272: Apparently, I am a guy. (tinymonster) Tue 13 May 03 19:20
permalink #223 of 272: Apparently, I am a guy. (tinymonster) Tue 13 May 03 19:20
onvened recently to study the effect of helium on elecrified g-
entlemen. Dubbing the lab, the "Cosmodemonic Telegraph Company," they d-
Hyphenation 13
permalink #225 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Wed 14 May 03 09:58
permalink #225 of 272: Fleur Helsingor (fhelsing) Wed 14 May 03 09:58
ecided to set that to music and put on a s-
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