inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1126 of 1963: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Wed 7 Aug 02 12:13
I had an unbelievably amazingly romping good time at Comic-Con and am
totally a fan of the Con now forever.  I...I didn't know it was like
that!  I didn't know!  I....I.....*sob* I'm really flippin tired.  More
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1127 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Wed 7 Aug 02 12:51
Dan,  so sorry about the car. I can't tell you how relieved and happy
I am that I no longer will have need of one -- they're such a pain in
the arse. I'll miss driving though. And if you ever find a band that
has a driving dance beat behind Yma Sumac, let me know immediately --
I've been looking for something like that for years. And I'd like to
read the script, too.

Linda, you do lovely work! Just lovely!

Mary,  shhhhhhhhh! You'll frighten him away . . .
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1128 of 1963: Christy Smith (jonl) Wed 7 Aug 02 16:18
Email from Christy:

Neil -- Thanks for the video info.  That's pretty much all I needed to
know:  whether anything had gotten moving in that direction yet.  I just
placed my order, and treated myself to a _Gods & Tulips_ along with it.  
I figured I could use something to cheer me up after the loss of my
Coraline photos.  I wasn't quite done with you yet!  ;-)

And just so you know, you would have had your first fan-offered Coraline
Tour pictures at least a week ago, if they had turned up.  And if they
eventually do (knock on wood when I really feel like putting my fist
through drywall), Julia will get an e-mail....

Oh, and congrats on the BFA nomination!  That is very cool.  Have fun at
the Hugos.

Kristina -- How did you find the elephant poem?  That link comes up dead
for me.  And feel better soon!  I'm drinking honey/lemon-flavored green
tea for you as we type!  ;)

Good Camus quote!  That sounds a lot like me, before I got sick of the
inefficiency of indirection.  But I must say, it still works quite well in
some cases.  :)

Abney Park:  They're a goth/synthpop/industrial kind of thing.  They've
got some great dance beats as well as a couple of darkish ballads.  
Robert Brown is not only a very creative songwriter, but he has a
beautiful voice that I really dig.  You can find some of their music at or

(Check out a few of the "i"nfo links on the songs; some of these
are pretty cool.  I've always thought Neil might enjoy the background
behind "The Change Cage" (my favorite of theirs), and would appreciate the
twisted humor of "Tiny Monster.")

Erynn -- That's been one of the advantages to all the medication weight
I've gained the last few years -- I'VE GOT BOOBIES!!!  Er... um, did I
just say that in a public forum?  And using company e-mail?  Um...  ;)

(Another advantage to all these extra pounds -- I finally weigh enough to
give blood!  I try to take advantage of it while it lasts.)

I agree about the 13-year-old girls, though.  And LOL on finally talking
to our faces!  ;)

I would worry about nerve damage -- that certain piercings would
desensitize you where you don't want to be desensitized.  But don't go by
me, I don't even have my ears pierced.

Linda -- Pretty stuff!  I went back and looked for the angelfish thanks to
Mary.  I'll keep your site in mind for upcoming wedding/Christmas

MikeJohnGeorgeRingo -- Flying buttresses rule.

Dan -- Hey, fellow Saturn owner!  <virtual high five> Sorry to hear about
the expenses.  I hate it when a routine checkup turns into a
credit-card-fest.  The rotors were always getting warped on mine for a
while, too; must be a Saturn thing.

And LOL -- I forgot about the _Joe vs. the Volcano_ samples!  That movie
cracked my brother and me up; it's too bad no one else remembers it.  
Brain cloud.

Nice _Good Omens_ graphic.  Funny, I just came across your link to it back
in the archives, too!

who finished Topic 115 the other night and is now reading through the 
topic before this one....

Quote of the Day:  "This is the quote of the day!" -- Strong Bad 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1129 of 1963: "Et toi" is French, and so you're a crack muffin. (madman) Wed 7 Aug 02 16:29

I also own a Saturn. Had to replace most of the transmission about a year or
so ago, unfortunately. Was kind of a lemon, actually- had computer troubles
soon after I bought it.

Flying buttresses have been a running joke between and friend of mine and me
for years now, ever since we took a Medieval History class together. My
trick in that class was that I could make her laugh from across the room
without attracting the teacher's attention, which would get her in trouble.
Best example of that was when we were discussing the Spanish Inquisition in
class and I managed to say, totally seriously, "Oh, I never would have
expected that!" Teacher goes on blithely, Erica is in the corner totally
losing it.

We still email each other postcards of flying buttresses on occassion.
Somewhere I have a doodle of a buttress with wings.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1130 of 1963: Tracey (jinx) Wed 7 Aug 02 18:12
Joe Vs. The Volcano was the first movie date I ever went on, and as we
left the movie and were walking toward the car, there was the biggest
moon I'd ever seen. I barely remember the date or the boy but I own the
movie and on nights when I notice the moon hanging large I think of
Tom Hanks standing holding the moon. Not to mention Abe Vigoda was
totally funny.

Ren Faires,....I was an avid participant for a long time, and then I
got a real job. Killing my weekends and free time. I have a closet full
of dresses and garb that still fits and looks good,....but they sit

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1131 of 1963: Kristina Carroll (orangefae) Wed 7 Aug 02 20:58
    <scribbled by castle Thu 8 Aug 02 08:54>
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1132 of 1963: la belle dame avec hungry critters (miss-mousey) Wed 7 Aug 02 22:28
Linda - nice site (damn, I hate being broke!). btw, the
quartz/labradorite earings remind me of a rutilated quartz stone I
have. Now I want to make something with it. :)

Erynn - Men will never become completely desensitized when it comes to
the power of the female bosom. Besides, I'll never be able to use my
'line' if they don't talk to my chest any more. What's actually
grossing me out these days is exactly how low the 'low-rise' in pants
is going. I mean, I don't care how nice a butt a girl's got on her, it
doesn't mean I want to see crack when she leans over 2 inches to drop
change into the bus fare collector. As for genital piercings, I know
several people with different ones and none of them seem to have
problems keeping themselves under control - though they've raved
endlessly about them if you let them. ;) I'm with Rocky, tho'. I'd
worry more about what they'd catch on (considering the couple of
flossing incidents I've had with my tongue).

Christy - wrt Saturns - it really is a cult, isn't it? And Joe vs. the
Volcano kicks butt for one line: "I have no response to that". :)

squeaks, sick of long work days
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1133 of 1963: Linda Castellani (castle) Wed 7 Aug 02 23:09

Hi squeaks - there's just no middle ground is there, between hating long 
work hours and hating not having a job?  I always seem to go directly from 
one to the other.

Thanks for the compliments on the site, everybody and thanks, Rocky for
the order!  Since my site kindly let her buy something that was already 
sold (!), I gave her first choice among some things I just finished 
that nobody's seen yet.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1134 of 1963: strep carroll (orangefae) Thu 8 Aug 02 06:45
oops! ok here's the post that got hidden- with the bad stuff taken
out. I really don't know how that hidden stuff works-so I just
reposted. ^_^

Well- I just had some unpleasant experiences trying to post which
resulted in a lot of "website not responding" screens and the loss of
my original post. So here's what I could salvage:

Christy- I just tried the link and it worked ok for me. It may be
geocities though- I have linking problems with them a lot. Course-that
could just be the AOL.

Downloaded some Abney Park....very nice.

What the heck is that Homestarrunner site?! It's too fun!! I spent
more time on it than I'd care to admit- but was extreemly entertained.
Strong Bad reminds me of Brak.

heehee. Jorb. (note above site)

Funny the current theme of boobies. We were just discussing them this
weekend backstage joustfield  when someone mentioned these women with
cleavage you could set a buffet on. Someone then said: "You know, in
France they say that the perfect breast is just big enough to fill a
champagne glass. But in America it's just big enough to stop up a

Gotta love that Camus. One of the few authors that high school reading
didn't completely turn me off of.

Orange Fae's Quote O' the Day:
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; don't walk behind me, I
may not lead; walk beside me, and just be my friend."

Kristina, who has just discovered those horrible little white spots in
the nether regions of her throat and will have to go and get some nice
antibiotics from that moneyhungry doctor tomorrow. bugger. thanks for
the tea Christy!

inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1135 of 1963: Kristina Carroll (orangefae) Thu 8 Aug 02 06:48
OOOHHHHH! New Castle creations! You must wear it next time we go out
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1136 of 1963: Mary Roane (the-roane) Thu 8 Aug 02 09:09
DanGuy--is it just me, or is this guy his own worst enemy?

Maure--surely he's been  warned.  Anyone not afraid of Orwen, Orddu &
Orgoch is missing something.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1137 of 1963: him again... (stagewalker) Thu 8 Aug 02 10:24
Christy - congratulations on your newly acquired boobies. (now, how
often do you get to use THAT sentence?) 
From what I know from people who have had nipples and such pierced, it
enhances stimulation, not desensitizes. Of course, the people in
question said that they had fairly unsensitive nipples in the first
place, which is part of why they had it done (every little bit helps,
ya know?).

I'm a big Joe versus the Volcano fan. I got the DVD when it came out.
I think it put a lot of people off because it was a fable, and most
people didn't know what to do with it.

Madman - My freshman year in college, I was in an extremely twisted
version of Peter Pan, as Mr. Darling/Captain Hook. The actor who played
the Maid/Tigerlilly would quietly say things like "can I get your
coat, Mr. Darling" in a sex kitten voice in the middle of a class we
had together... just loud enough for me to hear but too quiet for the
teacher. ... 

Squeaks - I always forget you have a tongue piercing. That's actually
true of most people I know that have them. I'll just catch a glint as
they're talking and then spend five minutes wondering if I knew they
had that done or if it's something new. I must have burned out the part
of my brain that keeps track of those things...

Kristina - I'm trying to imagine getting a breast into a champaigne
glass... and that's just so wrong. (those tall, skinny glasses)
The toliet thing is hysterical, though.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1138 of 1963: Dodge (hnowell) Thu 8 Aug 02 10:59
I think they are thinking more about the shallow rounded glasses than
the tall skinnys.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1139 of 1963: Linda Castellani (castle) Thu 8 Aug 02 15:24

To all you wonderful Gold Fish Swap Meeters -

Tomorrow a new Neil Topic is going to open, a two week interview with
Neil, conducted by Martha Soukup, and devoted to _Coraline_, primarily,
and Neil and his work in general.

So, to confuse things, (or not, as Neil said earlier), we will leave the
Swap Meet open for our usual daily ramblings, tidbits, revelations,
gossip, celebrations, lamentations, orations, and other communications,
and use the other topic to talk to and about Neil.  Who, I am discovering,
seems to be the source of endless topics of conversation, (pun

I hope you are all looking forward to this as much as I am!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1140 of 1963: Rocky (rocky-nyc) Thu 8 Aug 02 15:39
Linda - You're quite welcome.  I'm so excited!

Orangefae - Sorry to hear about the strep.  Time to eat lots of raw
garlic!  Sending healing vibes your way.

Madame Squeaks - Flossing incidents?  *tsk*tsk*   ;p

I blame the proliferation of the low-rise on Ms. Beyonce
"Bootylicious" Knowles. The crack epidemic moved south for the summer! 

Saturn drivers and Mac know it's a cult thang. 

Dan - Under? Poor things. 

Yeah..heard the one about the champagne glass, but yet to meet the man
who will turn down the "extra" if'nyouknowhwhatimean? 

Rocky contemplating the brandy snifter.. ;>

oooh..slipped by Linda.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1141 of 1963: A Mac user AND a Saturn driver (stagewalker) Thu 8 Aug 02 16:16
Want a flower?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1142 of 1963: la belle dame avec squeaks (miss-mousey) Thu 8 Aug 02 19:13
Ha, I'm shirking. I'm supposed to be working. I've been on the clock
since 10:30 (minus a 25 minute lunch break), and won't be leaving until
after 10PM, so I'm taking a moment to shirk. :)

Oh, and to remind Neil he owes me a Charles Fort story, which he has
asked me to remind him about before. 

raw garlic (shudder).

And yes, I managed to snag the dental floss in a slightly loose tongue
stud and then it got caught for about 5 minutes before I took the
scissors to it. Anyone ever have to play with scissors that close to
your mouth before, where you have to rely on an unsteady mirror to be
your eyes? Not pleasant.

okay, back to work... for several more hours

squeaks, who can't wait for the new topic to start
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1143 of 1963:'s my pickle...Why? (orangefae) Thu 8 Aug 02 20:47
I am also eagerly awaiting the Coraline topic. ^_^
Is it only going to be up for the 2 weeks then?

Squeaks- ouch.
Raw garlic in small doses isn't so bad. And it does really help. I got
a tip from my mom's BF (who lived in Belize for a bit and never got
sick) that mixing juice from 2 limes with 2 chopped cloves of garlic
and drinking it is a great sickness preventer. (sure wish I'd known
BEFORE I got sick) I tried it tonight....interesting. we'll see...
YAY for shirking work!! Hey- sometimes it just needs to be done.

Thanks Rocky. Doctor says it isn't strep (YAY!) but she didn't know
what. Maybe a minor form of tonsilitis. So she sent me home with some
free antibiotics and good wishes. again-we'll see. enough talk about
that-I'm sick of it. *groan. ^_~

Orange Flower Faerie's Quote O' the Day:
"An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less,
until eventually he knows everything about nothing." 
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1144 of 1963: Saturn drivers are Mac Moonies too? (rocky-nyc) Thu 8 Aug 02 21:37

Talk about your double whammy. ;p

Squeaks - Dear lord!  All I had to worry about was Betadine poisoning.

Orangefae - I know that recipe, but your Mom's BF forgot the add the
shot of overproof white rum.  Kills germs and most brain cells on
contact.  *grin*

Rocky who is very happy that LOTR is finally out on DVD..yipee!
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1145 of 1963: High on carrot juice (erynn-miles) Fri 9 Aug 02 01:26
Oohh! LOTR is out on DVD?!

Squeaks- Ouch! I had my nose pierced for a few years. No horror
stories though. I got really sick of people asking "didn't that hurt?"
And yes, I hate those ass-crack pants too. 

Christy- Isn't gaining weight fun? I've gained five pounds this summer
so far. Just last week I started to grow hips. I'm so excited. I
thought it would never happen. I bought a bikini (my very first) the
other day. It was the last one and I was tired of shopping so I just
bought it without trying it on. I tried it on when I got home. It shows
a lot more than I was expecting. Jess was like, "cool. you've got
those other boobie girls beat." I said, "That's wonderful. But I have
to wear this around my DAD!" 

Linda- I'll probably buy something from you when I get back from

Saw "Lovely and Amazing" the other day. Pretty good movie. Probably
could've had a better ending. But all in all, it was good. Two of my
guy friends wouldn't stop bitching about how "I made them see a chick
flick." "Meg Ryan wasn't in it. It wasn't a 'chick flick'" I say. I
hate it how if a film has a female protagonist who's not kicking ass,
then it's a chick flick. It can't just be a movie. What if I started
calling every movie centered around men "dick flicks." I think I will.

I'm in desperate need of female friends. 

Oh good. A Coraline topic! Where has Neil been anyway? I was hoping
he'd have something to say about boobies and genital piercings.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1146 of 1963: Kristina Carroll (orangefae) Fri 9 Aug 02 06:29
Rocky-Well I got some proof 151 in the freezer....I think it may be
getting lonely. ^_~

LOTR DVD- yeah we got it all worked out- my roomate is buying this
version and I'm buying the
big-ass-can't-live-without-loaded-with-super-neat-features DVD in
November. *shiver with antici...pation.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1147 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Fri 9 Aug 02 07:13
Erynn,  Most of my guy friends will watch chick flicks with me very
nicely, without complaining for the most part (even got one friend, a
very manly man, hooked on Pride and Prejudice. ahaha!). I think it's
because there's a trade-off, though -- I go to football games with
them, and like it. 

Where will the Coraline topic be?
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1148 of 1963: Maure Luke (maureluke) Fri 9 Aug 02 07:18
btw, for anyone who likes Jonathan Carroll, he's recently started a
journal ( ) and you can read the first
chapter of White Apples there, too ( ).
There's also a message board, book tour dates, and other stuff.
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1149 of 1963: Even the butter lies (notshakespeare) Fri 9 Aug 02 09:20
For those of you who were procrastinating getting a "Scary Trousers"
shirt, I will point out that cafepress has declared that several styles
are on sale.,GaimanPants
inkwell.vue.144 : Neil Gaiman's Goldfish Swapmeet
permalink #1150 of 1963: Hobbit in training (stagewalker) Fri 9 Aug 02 09:23
Yes, don't forget that the LOTR DVD with the extra 40 minutes of
footage isn't out until November!


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