inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1101 of 1922: She's got a wireless card AND coffee! (tinymonster) Fri 29 Aug 03 08:08
Ooo, check this out:  Beadwork, trippy Delirium-like colors, AND
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1102 of 1922: Mimi Ko (miko-chan) Sun 31 Aug 03 05:01
It's entirely too hot and humid in Hong Kong. ^_^;

Yay Neil, for winning the Hugo!

Pam -- We. Are. Going. To. MirrorMask. Dammit. *crosses fingers that
it'll show in LA* I can't wait for it to come out.

Christy -- Thanks for posting pictures -- it's nice to have faces to
attach to names. And the comments are fun to read. ^_- (There's a Dean
& Deluca attached to the Borders?)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1103 of 1922: Martha Soukup (soukup) Sun 31 Aug 03 14:43
Saw Neil win the Hugo.  He radiated delight throughout the huge awards

Managed to chat at him a little at the parties.  Turns out our e-mails
haven't been connecting in either direction--
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1104 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Mon 1 Sep 03 15:40
Martha, How very annoying that the emails have been doing the accursed
ether vanish...

ok, off to nap before rehearsal...
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1105 of 1922: She's got a wireless card AND coffee! (tinymonster) Tue 2 Sep 03 12:03
Neil -- Congratulations!!  You've got two Hugos now... maybe you can
use them for bookends!

<He radiated delight throughout the huge awards auditorium.>

Hee, hee!  I'll bet he did.  How utterly wonderful.

Mimi -- Thanks!  Besides my brother, you and Glen are the only people
to comment on those pics.  And yes, the in-store café was a Dean &
DeLuca's.  I don't think I'd heard of them before.  They had good

Break a leg, Dan!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1106 of 1922: She's got a wireless card AND coffee! (tinymonster) Tue 2 Sep 03 12:07
Mary -- I was listening to Burlap to Cashmere's _Live at the Bitter
End_ CD the other day (found it for four bucks at Cornerstone).  Was
that by any chance the show you saw?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1107 of 1922: HOLLEY NOWELL writes... (tnf) Tue 2 Sep 03 12:16

From Holley Nowell:

OK. I did something today I've NEver done before and am feeling guilty a
little. Very little. I STOLE a magazine from my doctor's office. The rack in
the examination room only had sports illustrated and time except this one
Entertainment mag from July 18,2003. I stole it 'cause it has the ad for
Mirrormask in it. A whole page. Page 25.  I'll make up for it by taking one
of my other mags and leaving it next month. It also has a very puzzling wet
t-shirt pic of Angelina Jolie in it. Puzzling to me because, well, what's the
point of a wet t-shirt picture if you're wearing a padded bra underneath?
You're just wet. Her bikini in the ads shows more. 'Course. I'm not a big fan
of hers so maybe any picture of her is ok for those who are.

Has anybody seen the movie? Is it worth going to see?

I bought Two Towers at the store Friday night. I thought. You know. I'd seen
the movie in the theatres 6 times so I probably wouldn't even crack open the
box for a while. Opened it Saturday and watched it off and on more or less
continually all weekend. That is, all 3 days. I decided I liked Haldir after
all. After watching him die so many times. Especially since I read the book
again and found out who he actually was. But every time I see the Elves
arrive and him deliver the speech from Elrond, I keep wondering why Elrond
himself didn't lead them. I guess he was too important now. Or he was tired
of fighting and wanted that peaceful little place in the sun in the undying
lands with the wife that left him a couple thou years ago.

Next month. I have to go to the doctor once a month now because of a change
in my meds. Sigh. If they work like they're supposed to, I guess it's worth
it but still. Ick. Once a month. I'll be nice and donate all the old mags
I've got to them so I don't pack them when I move. At least, not all of them.

I WANT the fish bracelet but I won't get it. I'm saving for The Move. And I
don't need something else to pack. My landlady didn't sell the place after
all so she wants me to stay. Too bad. So sad. But it will help me to save up
the dough so it's a more comfy move when I'm ready.

Happy short week, all.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1108 of 1922: She's got a wireless card AND coffee! (tinymonster) Wed 3 Sep 03 07:35
Glad to hear you've got a little extra time cushion after all.

You lucky!  I looked for that issue of EW, but I didn't find out where
to get it until it was too late.  Argh.  But I definitely will try to
be more vigilant about the upcoming interview with Neil, whenever that
comes out.  At least I know where to look now.  My doctor's office.  ;)

I'll bet if your doctor knew you wanted the magazine, he would've just
said, "Take it!"  I've had both a car repair shop and a doctor offer
me the magazine I was reading.  The first time, I took it with me for
the subway.  The second time, I declined because I already have TOO
MUCH UNREAD CLUTTER!  I should take your advice and deposit it all in
waiting rooms.

-Christy says, "Wired's story has become tiresome, now is ze time on
Shprockets vhen ve <forget>."
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1109 of 1922: (Footsteps echo down the deserted corridor) (tinymonster) Wed 3 Sep 03 13:33
Neil -- My mom asked me to pass along her congratulations on the Hugo,
too.  And she loves _Wolves in the Walls_.  "I shouldn't have read it
at night...," she said a bit nervously.  :)

She's looking forward to meeting you later this month, too!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1110 of 1922: Tara O'Shea, doing her best Maure Luke impression (maureluke) Wed 3 Sep 03 14:48
Came home early today, to prepare for arrival of painters--and what
should I find but A&E "neverwhere" DVDs on my doorstep! *Very* excited
to listen to commentary tracks.

Also, congrats to Miss Maddy for her acheivement--and her dad's brand
new Hugo as well. 

inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1111 of 1922: She's got a wireless card AND coffee! (tinymonster) Thu 4 Sep 03 07:41
I must go see what Miss Maddy did now.  <vbg>
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1112 of 1922: She's got a wireless card AND coffee! (tinymonster) Thu 4 Sep 03 07:47
Oh, it must be that she turned 9.  I did that once... then I turned
many more ages following that.  It's harder than it looks.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1113 of 1922: Erynn Miles (erynn-miles) Thu 4 Sep 03 10:26
Oooh! So many exciting things coming out that I need to buy!

We're finally moved, I think. Things are still kind of spinny, but
that could very well be the paint fumes. Jess and I have our wizard
cove cave-like place set up downstairs. Xanthia, our strange actress
friend, who you can see randomly in films like _The Hot Chick_ and
_Confidence_ lives upstairs. She broke up with her silly boyfriend, and
unable to cover the rent herself, we put out an ad for a roommate (a
Very Scary Thing to do) and found Janine. She is very cool. We got
lucky. She's a social issues writer, graduate student, and very nice
human being from South Carolina. Definitely one of the most intelligent
people I've ever met. Both of her parents are from Yorkshire and very
British. She was born there as well, but speaks with a Southern drawl.
She jokes that she went from one part of the world where no one speaks
proper English to another part of the world where no one speaks proper
But anyway, our crazy living situation is working out nicely and our
five cats are getting along remarkably well. We are now officially
Crazy Cat People. And we have a new bat friend who hangs out in our
window. His name is Quentin. He's very cute and likes the new Annie
Lennox CD. He recommends it to everyone, in fact. 
I'm having so much fun working with Antiques. Time traveling every
day. I don't think I've had a better job. I will never go back to
waitressing. Ever again. 

I turned 25 recently. It's very odd. I didn't really feel any of my
other birthdays. It was just another age, another year. But I FEEL 25.
It hit me like a brick and is causing me to reevaluate everything about
myself.I'm a Quarter of a Century old and i have nothing to show for
it. So now I'm trying to take things a little more seriously now. It's
hard to explain. I can't explain's weird. 25. Hmph. 

Will- Ha! But I love the paperwork! I love the actual task of writing
more than anything in the world. I just hate the editing and correcting
part. My face tingles with embarrassment when I see some of the
spelling errors that I make. Bah. 

Sorry about all the rambling. I'm glad to read that everyone is doing
well and doing the things they love to do. 

Great. The cats are circling me. They're either hungry or want my
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1114 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Thu 4 Sep 03 13:14
Thanks for the good wishes Tinymonster!

Tonight is the opening and I'm sooo glad. Puppetry kicks my

Erynn, happy birthday!

My DVDs came today too. Yay! I'll have to watch them some time this
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1115 of 1922: Neil frightens children (notshakespeare) Thu 4 Sep 03 15:50
I'm just trying out this new pseudonym I got from Neil's blog.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1116 of 1922: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Thu 4 Sep 03 17:43
My DVDs have not, as yet, arrived.  Mainly because I haven't ordered
them yet, so it makes sense.  I figured I'd wait until they shipped. 
Looks like they have.

Happy Birthday, Erynn.  I just turned 25 myself.  In May.  To be
honest, I stopped considering ages when I hit 23.  I don't feel any
age, I've noticed.  I don't feel older than I used to be.  I just feel
like me.  Which has been my favorite feeling so far.

And I love the paperwork too.  I've been doing a lot of it lately; an
agent e-mailed me the other day and asked for the first three chapters
of my novel, in response to a query I sent her.  I'm just finishing the
polish, I'll print it out when I go to sleep, and I'll mail the whole
shebang tomorrow.  Guys, your positive vibes on this, please?

I just went to the library and ordered *Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs*
and *The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime*, both of which
I'm very much looking forward to.  I mention this because I picked up a
"Bookpage" magazine there, and found a full-page ad for *Endless
Nights*.  I'm a *Sandman* fan who's not yet finished *Sandman*, but I'm
really looking forward to this.  I was planning to go to NYIBC, to
hear the speaking and such, all that, but then RSVPed to my friends'
pre-nuptial dinner invitation and realized it's September.  Like Neil,
I slept through my bilocation classes.  But I'm hoping to pick up a
minor in hyperspace, at least.

I'm reading *Hyperspace* now, actually.  Well, that, *Tropic of
Night*, and *Singularity Sky*.  *ToN* grew on me, and *Hyperspace* is
just plain interesting.  And I think I'll figure out how I liked *SS*
when I finish it.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1117 of 1922: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Thu 4 Sep 03 17:44
OOOh!  Forgot:  something I wondered yesterday.
Neil posted about doing *Neverwhere* commentary the other day.  What
was this commentary for?  It's too late to be on the DVD, isn't it?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1118 of 1922: a skimming we will go, a skimming we will go... (miss-mousey) Fri 5 Sep 03 02:44
(note to self - so the rest of you, never mind - 1070)

(Yawn) Just wanted to say 'hello', and that I'm back from another
Burning Man. And despite some efforts to the contrary, I'm in one, only
slightly fried piece. 

Missed you all. Will catch up on posts later when not falling over

who needs a friend who speaks Czech, to save her a headache on a book
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1119 of 1922: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Fri 5 Sep 03 06:14
Re my own 1117: I realized, they must be interviews in promotion of
the DVD release.  So sorry to trouble everyone.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1120 of 1922: Dan Wilson (stagewalker) Fri 5 Sep 03 08:56
You didn't trouble us... we're already rather troubled anyway... well,
i am anyway.

inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1121 of 1922: Sam the American Bald Eagle (tinymonster) Fri 5 Sep 03 09:11
You are all WEIRDOS.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1122 of 1922: Will NOT eat margarine! (erynn-miles) Fri 5 Sep 03 10:20
I agree. 

How'd the show go, Dan?
(By "Wombats!" I assume...well?)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1123 of 1922: Not actually tofu... more like tofu-to-be (madman) Fri 5 Sep 03 11:29

Fweep! Fweep!
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1124 of 1922: Martha Soukup (soukup) Fri 5 Sep 03 12:26
I learned about twelve words in Czech when I went to Prague, but I've
forgotten most of them.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1125 of 1922: Tara O'Shea, wearing a fetching Maure Luke hat and t-shirt combo (maureluke) Fri 5 Sep 03 14:25
I am very giddy, because out of the blue yesterday, I got a card from
a girl I hadn't heard from in 15 years. We'd gone to grammar school and
part of high school together, and she moved to Japan when we were 15,
16 or so.  After running around like a chicken with my head cut off for
several hours, looking for someone who could read kanji, so I could
get her address written out in the latin alphabet, I finally figured
out that part of it was a phone number. I waited many hours until it
was no longer 4am-ish in Masuda, Japan and rang her.  Now she has a
baby boy, and a husband, and her English despite being unused is still
excellent, and we had a lovely lovely chat. I expect I shall find out
shortly how much it costs to ring someone in Japan, and possibly regret
it, but in teh meantime--yay! Michiyo-chan! yay!

So, felt poorly this morning (in no small part, I imagine, to not
sleeping much more than 3 hours last night) and called in sick and lay
on the couch in my newly-sage green home and watched the neverwhere
DVDs with commentary, which is just delightful. I like neil burbling.
It's a happy. Although, I discovered if you go straight to the
interview with the commentary track still selected, there's no sound
until you switch audio tracks. So, now you're all forewarned and

I then slept for three hours, ran a few errands, (discovered if I sit
in the sun waiting for the bus and stand up too quickly, I will
apparently almost pass out and no be able to see for 15 seconds), came
home, and logged on before I must dash out again to teh bank and meet
some internet friends for coffee.

Ducked into Borders during errand running to grab a replacement copy
of a book I had and then lost and needed to replace for a charity
auction, and drooled rather a lot over all the books I need and want
but cannot yet get, not the least of which is a new hardback Charles de
Lint novel, and the 16th Windling/Datlow Year's best that I am itching
to get. But they, along with Endless Nights, and the Charleses Cat
book (which I saw a sneak peek of last october, and want want want),
must wait until at least two paydays from now. *sigh*

Right, so, I'm off...

(but then, you all knew that...)


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