inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1701 of 1922: we're dyeing the hair-streaks blue... (miss-mousey) Fri 27 Feb 04 13:06
Dodge - See, I'm usually in that EEEEE/thunk space when I'm going to
sleep too. *sigh* I've actually found that a kitten trying to nestle on
your head while you sleep helps though.

Gyms should be taken to court for the scams they try to pull on you. I
think I actually did alright when I belonged to one by simply waving a
sum of cash at them and telling them that was it. If they wanted more,
or gave me lip, I was gone. They had to talk amongst themselves for
quite some time and then agreed that my suggestion was VERY out of
their realm of norm, but doable. jerks.

oooh, fencing is cool.

good grief, now I'm wanting to find a way to incorporate fencing into
the wedding ceremony. I think I need to stop looking at wedding-related
web pages when I skim posts here... it's having a profoundly
disturbing effect on my sanity.

<crossed fingers for Adriana>

"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"But how do you know that I'm mad?"
"You must be, or you wouldn't be here."
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1702 of 1922: Dodge (clotildes) Fri 27 Feb 04 14:17
Yeah, I went the gym route. First got in with Bally's and told them I
was only joining for the swimming pool. Then they closed the pool two
months later and filled it in with concrete. Because of a medical
condition, I was able to cancel the membership. Went to 24 Hour
fitness. Told them I only wanted to swim. When they quoted the price, I
said, no, not for that much and got up to leave. LIke you, they came
down considerably. But their pool was too cold. It was supposed to be
heated but never seemed to be to me. When I quit, it turned out they
had some rule about when you could close your account and charged me
for another whole month even though I'd turned in my card so I couldn't
go. Made me mad. So now I swim during the summer in my apartment pool
which usually is warm from the daytime sun. Very pleasant. During
winter I guess I need to get some kind of exercise machine. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1703 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Fri 27 Feb 04 18:05
Neurologist sez I've got viral labyrinthitis.  I looked it up, and
sadly David Bowie is not involved.  Any and all health charms are
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1704 of 1922: Martha Soukup (soukup) Fri 27 Feb 04 18:13
Balance beams.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1705 of 1922: Dodge (clotildes) Mon 1 Mar 04 07:40
Beams indeed. Bummer no David.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1706 of 1922: even if you put a calico dress on it and call it (tinymonster) Mon 1 Mar 04 08:28
Get well soon, Adriana!  Having looked it up too, I'm glad it's not
your brain after all.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1707 of 1922: Dodge (clotildes) Mon 1 Mar 04 08:44
Anybody living in the College Station, Texas area or willing to go

The aggiecon is coming up soon. Shame this isn't the year Neil goes
there. Todd McCaffrey will be though.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1708 of 1922: Dodge (clotildes) Mon 1 Mar 04 09:05
Did anyone catch the awards last night? When this guy Brody came on,
even with his crooked nose, for some reason I thought, Hm. wouldn't he
be perfect to play the Sandman?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1709 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Mon 1 Mar 04 09:32
I don't know about Sandman, but the breath spray thing Brody did was
hysterical!  I was so happy that Charlize did actually kiss him, then.

But lest I be tempted to blather on and on about a "clean sweep"
(except, wasn't Howard Shore cute?  Again?  I think he's my newest
crush.)... but before I get lost in where were Viggo and Orlando?!?...
ANYWAY... *before* that... this morning, I'm here in a sort of
semi-non-official-but-answerable-to-Davey-at-the-very-least capacity.

Please see the following post.

inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1710 of 1922: Now is the time for all good Wellies to come to the aid of... oh, just read it. (pamela-bird) Mon 1 Mar 04 09:36
Dangerously Crazed, Incorporated (okay, we're not really incorporated
and that's not even a real name, but it's nonetheless appropriate) is
seeking all you hip Wellie cats who'd like to share in the insanity
that is volunteering for the upcoming Sandman con (to be held in
Minneapolis in mid-November, to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense

If you don’t know more about the CBLDF than that Neil is a Board
member (I doubt that, here, but just in case), check it out here:  Short version is that the CBLDF is a "non-profit
organization dedicated to the preservation of First Amendment rights
for members of the comics community."  

We're currently looking for folks who'd like to dig in and invest a
good chunk of time and energy over the next 8-9 months to make this a
swinging shindig. If you have previous experience in working on a
convention, or other experience that you think would apply to the
project, please email us with specific details on your applicable
experience and the types of project areas you're interested in

Points to ponder before emailing:

1. Please think seriously about the time and effort you're actually
able to give to the project. It's a LOT of work to put one of these
things together, and it's got a long lead time. If you commit, the
team will be counting on you to carry it through. The con project is
about working hard for a worthwhile cause and the satisfaction of a
job well done.

2. We regret that willingness to help doesn't guarantee a position.
There are probably an awful lot of folks who'd like to join the
mayhem, but there are a limited number of positions and we'll be
looking for the best fit for the good of the con.

3. Volunteering does NOT mean a free ticket to the con; staff will
still pay for membership to the con. The convention is a fundraising
effort for the CBLDF: free staff spots would equal less funds for the
CBLDF, and that's not the goal.

4. If you're looking for a special pass to hang with the Daddios in
late-night happenings, this ain't it, dig? Volunteer staff will have
no special access to any of the guests. In fact, staff will be busy
working during the con, and may end up with less time than regular
attendees to meet and greet. So, please think about what your
priorities are for the con. If you want lots of time to run around
at the con and grab up every bit of yumminess going on, this may not
be the best decision for you. Believe me, every one of us has
thought about this, too.

If, after thinking it through, you'd still like to jump into our mad
little pond, please send an email to:


Thanks muchly for hearing us out. Please return to your regularly
scheduled coolness.

inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1711 of 1922: Dodge (clotildes) Mon 1 Mar 04 09:44
What if all we can do is send something Sandman related for the
auction? To whom do we get in touch?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1712 of 1922: the squeaky (miss-mousey) Mon 1 Mar 04 12:24
Dunno about that yet... I'm sure we'll get to that once a good portion
of the rest of the Convention is put together.

In the mean time, did not of you ever take gymnastics as a kid? Am I
the only one who was sputtering my drink on 'balance beams'? Eek, you
people... ;)

who is rather afraid for what Adriana would do if her illness was
somehow David Bowie related
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1713 of 1922: even if you put a calico dress on it and call it (tinymonster) Mon 1 Mar 04 12:34
If I posted every time one of you guys made me chuckle, you'd all be
trying to shut me up!

<who is rather afraid for what Adriana would do if her illness was
somehow David Bowie related>

Lose her balance while sporting two different-sized pupils, probably. 
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1714 of 1922: even if you put a calico dress on it and call it (tinymonster) Mon 1 Mar 04 13:48
Aww, dangit... I guess I didn't win a copy of _Legends II_.  Well, my
raffle-winning streak couldn't last forever.  :)

Re: Neil's on-the-fly revision of _The King and I_ -- You really are a
kid at heart, aren't you?  XD

So is Maddy going to keep the black hair for a while?  I dyed mine
black a couple of years ago (it's also dark brown), and, well, *I*
thought it looked really cool and shiny.  It reminded me of a
dark-chocolate version of me.  Unfortunately, not a single other soul
noticed the difference.  (I meant to point that out when Maddy was
Being Embarrased -- though why a kid who does blue extensions would
worry about darkening her natural shade is beyond me.)

I had only slightly better luck when I went auburn.  I think TWO
people noticed.  Sigh.

-Christy of the no-commitment hair dye

P.S.  You know, while the Madster was showcasing her talent at playing
a little girl, she was simultaneously earning the right to say she's
nine and a HALF.  Not that I think for one moment that that fact has
been lost on her.

(Just my way of saying that I WILL remember her birthday this year,

P.P.S.  Hmm.  If Bart were 20 and Lisa were 18, Maggie would be
somewhere around 11.

Close enough.  <eg>
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1715 of 1922: Pamela Basham (pamela-bird) Mon 1 Mar 04 14:22
I think it's impossible to miss when Martha takes aim.  I just thought
I'd let Adriana respond first, 'cause it seemed like her pretty
pressie to open.  But since the floor's open... Yep.  I laughed out
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1716 of 1922: Will Entrekin (willentrekin) Tue 2 Mar 04 08:41
Back after a bit of an absence, spent getting my priorities together. 
Woo!  Go priorities!  Doing a little less writing for a while; decided
I've been doing it for many years, I want a break, dammit.  It's time
for material gathering, and living.

Dodge: very good to hear about your diagnosis, although my first
reaction was oh, no!  But here's to your health.

And you, too, Adriana.  Sorry to hear it doesn't involve Bowie
(interestingly enough, I just bought Bowie tickets.  That's right, I'm
going to go see him at the end of March.  Wooo!).

Michelle:  Very big congratulations to you.

Dan: Good luck at the gym, man.  And, agree, $500 *down* is *way* too
much.  I only pay $300 per year.  Of course, my gym is not in a major
metropolitan area, or anything, but.  One of the perks when I was a
personal trainer was that I could work at Bally.  Which meant I didn't
need a gym membership.
But I hate Bally.  In fact, I hereby discourage *everyone* from
joining a Bally Total Fitness *anywhere*.  They're a terribly-run
organization, and will do their best to give you the shaft as often as
possible whatever way they can.

And hi to everyone, and a thanks for Well wishes when I needed them. 
On the road to Wellville, I am.  Renewed vigor for work, been doing
some traveling (man, if New Mexico ain't beautiful), going out more...
life's good.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1717 of 1922: Adriana Roze (ariadne26) Tue 2 Mar 04 10:30
Yeah, I think Martha won that one.  I'm not going any further.  Am
doing much better, by the way, and you are all wonderful with your kind
wishes.  Now, when I fall over from lack of balance, it's comical and
not nauseating.  I've also walked into several walls and filing
cabinets here in the office, much to my own amusement.  Am on some
strange drugs that just might turn me into a smeagolcreature soon, but
it's worth it.  

You all should know that Pam and Kevin and Mimi were at my house on
Sunday night for our annual Oscar party, and Pam and Kevin's dish won
the lil' competition we were having (bring a food dish based on a
nominated film).  Only from their minds could spring the Denethor
Flambe, a spicy casserole with a very charred chicken on the top. 
Those of us in the room who know/love LOTR were rolling.  

Will, you were in NM?  When?  Where'd you go?  I'm from there, my
family lives there (Albuquerque) and I've been there often recently.  I
wonder if we crossed paths...

PS- Mimi makes a pretty wicked apple cobbler.  
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1718 of 1922: Mary Roane (the-roane) Tue 2 Mar 04 15:40
The Denethor flambe?  Balance beams?  I needed this today.

My cell phone was stolen last week.  So I'm without my only phone
while my almost 80-year-old mother has doctor's appointments and
possible surgery (it's her foot, but still...).  Then the little
darling *reinstates* my phone after I had canceled it, and runs up $60
more in charges, and the phone company says that because he had the
last 4 digits of my SSN, they won't reverse the charges. 
Aaaaaarrrrgghhh!!  I am going to prosecute until this kid is in jail
forever!  I hope to have him arrested tomorrow, I have 6 pages of phone
calls that he made.

I don't have *time* for this!  I spent my whole 3-day weekend checking
out calling plans, thinking that since my phone was gone (I have a Go
Phone) I might do a contract with someone.  Unfortunately, the only
folks with a decent footprint here *and* in Connecticut, where I am
going to relocate in the summer, are Verizon & Cingular, and I don't
really want to do a 2 year contract right now.

I really need to win the Lottery.  Or have a nervous breakdown, I'm
not sure which.

And I hate it when Neil says things like, "the actor who just signed
on to Death: The High Cost of Living".  I just hate it.

Mary (*still* reading McSweeney's & also the Gargoyle anthology)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1719 of 1922: Queen Amygdala (tinymonster) Wed 3 Mar 04 10:28
Ahh, crap!  I hope this phone business works out for you.  Prayers for
your mom's swift and easy recovery, too.

You're moving to CT in the summer?  That's cool because I know you've
been wanting to -- and because I am more likely to meet you now,
especially if I go to events at my high school.  Do you have a job
lined up yet?
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1720 of 1922: Queen Amygdala (tinymonster) Wed 3 Mar 04 10:29
P.S.  When Tim Robbins won the first Oscar broadcast Sunday night, my
first thought was, "Mary will be happy."  At least, I think I had the
right Wellpern.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1721 of 1922: SOME UNGODLY CRABBISH REASON (the-roane) Thu 4 Mar 04 07:06
I tried to post this last night, but lost my connection, so here it

Actually, I thought Robbins was really good in Mystic River, but  my
choices would have been Del Toro in 21 Grams for that category, and
Kingsley in House of Sand and Fog for Best Actor.  Or possibly Penn in
21 grams.  I freely admit, however, that where Sir Ben is concerned, my
objectivity is questionable.  

I was also very fond of Ken Watanabe in Last Samurai, and wish that
Cruise had been nominated.  He really was robbed, poor thing, for Born
on the Fourth of July, but there's no arguing that Day-Lewis was the
correct choice.  In any other year......

Ooops, sorry, that turned into a diatribe.  It was a good year for
performances, and I spent a lot of the last couple of months trying to
see a chunk of the nominated films, or at least I thought I had.  I
realized Saturday afternoon that I had only seen 2 of the nominated
films--LOTR and Mystic River.  My hatred of Sophia Coppola, which began
during Godfather III, is now so deep-rooted and intense that I cannot
lose 2 hours of my life over Lost in Translation.  Master and Commander
has looked like a big, loud, action pic to me, and I'll probably see
it at the dollar movies.  Seabiscuit is on the list to rent, though.  I
love horse movies.  Has anyone seen Hidalgo?

Adriana--meant to say, yesterday, that I'm glad you're better.  Now
you'll have a unique subtext to play Delirium, should the opportunity
ever arise.  (Guess what we've been studying in my Drama class this

They arrested the Great Cel Phone Thief.  Unfortunately, the little
butthead did not have my phone on his person at the time.  He
apparently used a burnout code to reinstate the phone service.  This
just makes me really sad.  He was my student last year. 

OK, the entire point of this post was to use that psued, so I'll shut
up & go sing now.

Mary (who *dug* the Sherman Alexie story in McSweeney's--zombies
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1722 of 1922: Sharon Lynne Fisher (slf) Thu 4 Mar 04 07:21
Hidalgo doesn't open til tomorrow.
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1723 of 1922: one weasel down! (miss-mousey) Thu 4 Mar 04 09:10
Mary, I'm glad you caught the evil little menace that stole your
cellphone and I'm sorry that it was a former student. That just sucks.
Excellent pseud though. :)

But mostly I just had to post because... (and Tree will no doubt
appreciate this to no end) Yesterday when I was leaving work, there was
a weasel. I was all ready to clock out and go home and a co worker
said "weasel" and looked to the left. I figured it was some oblique
reference to the conga line weasel insanity, but I turned to the left
and there was a little ferret (her name is Milky) in the pocket of one
of the customers. 


Now to find two more and train them to conga!

weasels, weasels, wea-SELS :)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1724 of 1922: Queen Amygdala (tinymonster) Thu 4 Mar 04 09:15
Oh, how cute that must have been!


(Just filling in for Dan.)
inkwell.vue.169 : Neil Gaiman's Signal in the Noise
permalink #1725 of 1922: categorically and explicitly in favour of naked pillow fights (willentrekin) Thu 4 Mar 04 12:33
Just swooping in to take such a wonderful pseud, and to say, Mary,
please, please, don't let Sofia be the reason you don't see *Lost in
Translation*.  If you have an aversion to the Japanese culture, or,
perhaps, don't like meandering, basically plotless movies where nothing
much happens besides the blossoming of your own deeply-emotional
attachment to the characters, okay, fine, then don't see it.
But, seriously, *Translation* was a wonderful experience for me from
beginning to end.  Sublime.  It just felt extremely good to watch.
It had better really be an honor just to be nominated, and not just a
cliche, because if it's not, Bill Murray was robbed, and so was
Coppola.  Johnny Depp turned in my favorite performance of last year in
Jack Sparrow, but Bill Murray produced the best.


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