inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #776 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Tue 28 Jun 05 05:51
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #777 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Tue 28 Jun 05 08:47
Austin. In September. I'm taking that day off. And driving from
Houston. Only a 3 to 4 hour drive. Maybe get a hotel and drive back
next day. Take next day off also. What the heck's he doing signing on
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #778 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Tue 28 Jun 05 08:55
He's got a Monday and Tuesday in New York.  I will probably just take
half that week off.  (At least I've got a place to stay.  I love having
a relative in Manhattan.  And myself in DC.  Cities rock.)

I guess if he only did weekends, he'd be on tour constantly!  I do
remember that when he signed on a Friday in New York a year and a half
ago, he helped make sure it was early in the day because a lot of
Jewish fans wanted to get home before sundown for the Sabbath.  I
thought that was pretty cool.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #779 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Tue 28 Jun 05 09:30
Dan, you're a blessing! I like the look and location of the Monaco.
Not to mention that The National Portrait Gallery has been on my to do
list and this is the perfect time.

I'm taking the train though. I'm not overly fond of flying and I'll
have to do a lot of it until the end of the year. The train takes 3
hours and change from NY and leaves me in the city (and I know that
thanks to your maps!).

I'll be in NY also (somewhere in Chelsea) - if you want to, we can go
together. Have the NY and then the DC edition. What I can't miss is

I feel oddly fan-ish at this point.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #780 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Tue 28 Jun 05 10:05
Me too.  I've been known to travel to two different cities on the same
tour to see musicians, but even that is rare for me.  'Course, the
fact that Neil's hitting two of my "hometowns" helps.  (Last year's
Pittsburgh was very conveeenient; I just tacked an extra day onto
Homecoming Weekend and hung out with various friends a couple more
nights.  And got worshipped by a four-year-old.)

That's a good idea to go down together.  It's not a bad little train

Also, Washington's Union Station has a Metro stop right in it, so you
can pretty much get anywhere from there.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #781 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Tue 28 Jun 05 12:50
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #782 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Tue 28 Jun 05 14:39
What gets me is that it would make sense, moneywise, to put a signing
right here in Houston. And yet, they do not. We have several HUGE
Barnes & Nobles. And many other bookstores and comicbookstores and so
on. So why? Huh? Why? I guess I'm lucky they're even coming to Austin.
It's pretty much the only tour below the MD line. 
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #783 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Tue 28 Jun 05 15:15
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #784 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Tue 28 Jun 05 15:22
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #785 of 1500: from KATHY LI (tnf) Tue 28 Jun 05 21:16

Kathy Li writes:

I am cracking up at the fact that Mysterious Galaxy's visit from Neil is
going to be on October 1st.  I'd have had to stop by MG that day, anyway.
It's when THUD! comes out--I just hope I don't screw up and ask Neil to sign
it :).  Is it just me, or are all good things arriving at the SAME time...?
Oh, and A FEAST FOR CROWS is November 1... man.  Deluge.

--Kathy. (who's going to a Laurie R. King signing for LOCKED ROOMS tomorrow).
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #786 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Thu 30 Jun 05 11:44
Not just you. Major expense right now.  And I have harassed mt lical
blookstore. Maybe I should hit my fave comic store instead. 
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #787 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Sat 2 Jul 05 17:03
I finally joined Orkut (had to get an invitation from the oldest) and
there I found out where all the rumours about Mr. Gaiman visiting
Brazil come from - one of the posters seems to periodically say he has
inside information and that... you know the drill. Anyway - the people
posting all seem to be younger (mid 20s early 30s) which is a good
thing, but a bit young for me. 

It was v. cool to see such enthusiasm going on there.

Dan & Everybody doing DC
What do you think of a post at LJ's fgcon about the DC meet? More,
merrier? I was going to ask if there's anybody in NY who wants to meet
up for sushi, but it would be nice to ask people if they want to do the
same in DC.

Just a suggestion.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #788 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Sun 3 Jul 05 11:00
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #789 of 1500: the squeakinator (miss-mousey) Tue 5 Jul 05 00:30
You mean Brazilians know how *not* to be enthusiastic about something?
I mean, I know I've seen it - but it was so weird and rare that I
figured it was because my friend was becoming Americanized by her stay
here. ;)

(wonders if Neil is yet aware that the Vancouverish stop will be held
in a school)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #790 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Tue 5 Jul 05 10:41
Congrats on the Locus award, Neil!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #791 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Wed 6 Jul 05 08:14
Some creative fans in Singapore:
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #792 of 1500: A very impressed (tinymonster) Wed 6 Jul 05 10:59

A thousand people!  Holy crow!  Yes, I would say that a bath and sleep
sounds like a very good idea for him right now.

Have a good rest, Neil.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #793 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Wed 6 Jul 05 13:31
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #794 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Wed 6 Jul 05 14:38
Actually, I was wondering if we should bring him a professional hand
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #795 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Wed 6 Jul 05 15:36
Yeah, I was thinking that too!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #796 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 7 Jul 05 03:38
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #797 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Thu 7 Jul 05 07:47
I've been contemplating DC - but I'll have to see as we get closer.

Now all we have to do is find a professional hand masseuse that won't
charge a million dollars to stand around for a while and we'll be all
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #798 of 1500: Idea Hamster On Speed (randomize27) Thu 7 Jul 05 08:06 new girlfriend does massage therapy...

Perhaps I can negotiate something.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #799 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Thu 7 Jul 05 08:35
My mom used to be a massage therapist, and she may come to the Nat'l
Book Fest with me.  (Too bad she just sold her chair.)

You guys are big planners!  I had simply been thinking, since I
already have Neil autographs on the main things I wanted signed, that I
might possibly use my "thirty seconds of hello" to give him a little
hand massage instead.  But I'd go in on the pro idea in a heartbeat!

You can see why I find Anne Murphy, Neil-Handler Extraordinaire
( -- especially toward
the end of the page), to be a girl after my own heart.  :)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #800 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Thu 7 Jul 05 09:13
I was just thinking - all you need is a masseuse who's a fan. Not too
hard to find surely.


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