inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #826 of 1500: inevitably... (miss-mousey) Wed 20 Jul 05 15:55
Right, just a quick drop in to post that Continuum was a blast for all
the Thingie types that went. Miss Tree wrote up a full report at: that pretty much covers everything.

And if you think his schedule for the fall looks bad now - I'll be
catching him at the end of it. I expect an author-shaped pile of goo,
not a Neil. I mean, I love seeing the guy, but I think this touring
needs to stop soon. You know?
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #827 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 21 Jul 05 08:40
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #828 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Thu 21 Jul 05 08:57
I have such envy.  :)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #829 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Fri 22 Jul 05 08:29
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #830 of 1500: Not really Bud Melman at all (tinymonster) Fri 22 Jul 05 09:28
"Who gives a rat's ass?"  Obviously, Headline Books does.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #831 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Fri 22 Jul 05 09:32
<Monday, September 19
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell by Susanna Clarke
Interviewed by Neil Gaiman
Selections read by Christina Pickles
Monday, September 19 @ 7:00 pm (Peter Jay Sharp)>

Christina Pickles!  Cool, I like her!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #832 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Fri 22 Jul 05 09:41
<826> & end of

Sounds as though even Neil wasn't expecting three weeks without a day
off, either.  Whoopsie.

Mousie and everyone following are going to have to take awfully good
care of him, I guess.

-Christy, on her 18th straight day at the office, who will probably
have to work this weekend as well
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #833 of 1500: The Lone Poster (tinymonster) Mon 25 Jul 05 07:04
You know, in real life I'm not generally known as "talkative."  You
guys make me look like I never shut up!  XD

Reading the newer article from The Age.  Holy crow -- I had no idea
there were 3,000 people at ONE signing!  When he mentioned 3,000
people, I thought he was referring to one of the days with more than
one event in them.

And before this tour, I thought the most he got at once was around

Dang... even if our plan works out, I'll wonder if we're doing
_enough_ for him.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #834 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Mon 25 Jul 05 09:24
First Amber Alert I've seen in a while that included California:

...just in case any of you are in the San Diego or Las Vegas areas.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #835 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Mon 25 Jul 05 10:18
Is anyone here planning to be at the Austin signing on September 26th?
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #836 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Mon 25 Jul 05 12:19
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #837 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Mon 25 Jul 05 19:59
I was going to ask you if you'd heard from her.  I gave her your
e-mail address, but maybe she doesn't check her e-mail too often.  I'll
give her a call or contact her husband and see if it's OK to give you
her phone number(s).
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #838 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Tue 26 Jul 05 03:58
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #839 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Tue 26 Jul 05 09:52
You keep it alive!

How is the gift thing going?
Oh, and I found out what the book was - Strange Wine. Yep, another
Harlan Ellison. You have to tell me Rocky's story. I think she started
to at the FG, but never got around to finishing it.


I had been translating the blog for a while now - sometimes only once
a week - for the guys at the comic shop (the ones who asked me to try
and not wash my hand if I shook hands with Mr. Gaiman) and sending it
by e-mail. I didn't want to post it because, well, I didn't have
permission. So it's up on LJ. 

I can't believe that until a while ago I thought he only wrote cool
books for children. I know... I know... Better late than never.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #840 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Tue 26 Jul 05 14:53
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #841 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Tue 26 Jul 05 15:02
Come up to NY and you'll probably see her.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #842 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Wed 27 Jul 05 03:30
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #843 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Wed 27 Jul 05 13:19

Fred the Cat is cute.  He looks like an older, possibly fatter version
of my mom's cat.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #844 of 1500: Georgia (georgiac) Wed 27 Jul 05 17:50
C'mon Dan, sing with me: 
Start spreading the news...

I'll be in New York from the start of September (G'd willing since my
last trip went kaput) and New York is more often than not, fun.

BTW - Neil Gaiman is revered here in Brazil (it goes under revered
when people ask to touch the hand that touched his hand) as the author
of Sandman and books like American Gods, Good Omens, Stardust... I'm
the only doofus who had to find him while reading the young'un her
favourite bedtime story (again, mamma: It's all over!).

And yes, the translated blog is up on LJ. I wrote Mr. Gaiman a short
note with the link. It's neilgaiman_pot if you want to check it out -
though it *is* all in Portuguese.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #845 of 1500: Daniel (dfowlkes) Thu 28 Jul 05 03:37
    <scribbled by dfowlkes Tue 3 Jul 12 10:14>
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #846 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Thu 28 Jul 05 08:31
ANOTHER one??  Congrats, Dan and family!  (And good luck with the
dental stuff.  Ergh.)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #847 of 1500: Dodge (clotildes) Thu 28 Jul 05 11:13
Sigh. I guess nobody is going to see Neil in Austin. Um. Ohboy! That
means I'll be all alone. Hah! Wouldn't that be the day.
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #848 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Thu 28 Jul 05 11:46
You'll need to get some Austin fans onto the Well!
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #849 of 1500: wish you the very beat (tinymonster) Thu 28 Jul 05 11:57
(BTW, Dan, I sent you an e-mail at your Well address yesterday. 
Hopefully, someone else also has.)
inkwell.vue.216 : Neil Gaiman's Wolves in the Well
permalink #850 of 1500: Keeper of Rat Gravy (notshakespeare) Thu 28 Jul 05 12:40
By the way, I'm not going to tell any of you about <miss-mousey>'s
Endless skirts being sold for the CBLDF because I know several of the
people that are currently winning the bids.


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