inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #351 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Wed 1 Nov 06 19:12
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #352 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Mon 6 Nov 06 14:07

October: best tour ever!

My October southeast tour was a delight from start to finish (with one minor
blip*).  I played my favorite festival (MagnoliaFest), broke into some new
markets, made some of the best music of my career, and had the opportunity to
play with many great musicians.

I played live with: Caroline Aiken and Satoshi Ueda, Ralph Roddenbery, and
Mark van Allen (Decatur GA 10/13); Joe Craven and Mark van Allen (Athens GA
10/14); New Riders of the Purple Sage (MagnoliaFest 10/20); The Waybacks Joe
Craven, and Bryn Davies (MagnoliaFest 10/21); Peter Rowan and Tony Rice
(MagnoliaFest 10/22); Donna the Buffalo (MagnoliaFest 10/22); and New Riders
of the Purple Sage and Mark van Allen (Atlanta 10/24).  I also collaborated
with Arvid Smith on a looping workshop for the third time (MagnoliaFest

I've posted some audio and video highlights in various places (all linked
from too, of course):


"Afterbird" - Satoshi Ueda and DG at Eddie's Attic 10/14/06

Mark van Allen and DG doing "River and Drown" at the same show:

"Vassar's Dream" - Joe Craven and DG 10/14/06 at the Melting Point, Athens GA


"Positive Friction" - Donna the Buffalo and DG 10/22/06 MagnoliaFest

DG with Mark van Allen on pedal steel at Smith's Olde Bar in Atlanta
10/24/06, opening for the New Riders of the Purple Sage.  Jon Buffington's
audience recording of the whole set:


I'm off the road for the rest of the year, I'm pretty sure.  I am hoping to
finish a CD of loop-based instrumentals, titled CLOUD SURFING, by mid-
December.  Stay tuned.


There may be some more Bay Area gigs in the near future, but as of this
moment there are only three confirmed dates:

Sunday, November 12
Forestville CA.  Starts at 3pm.

Jim Page is a true hero to me, a great songwriter and a committed
humanitarian.  We've played many shows together in the last several years; I
just love his music, so I always look forward to working with him.  I'll be
backing him up for part of his set, too.  More info:

This house concert is taking place in a wonderful space, a hay bale studio at
Roger Karraker's home in Forestville, California.  I'm thrilled to be doing a
show with Jim here, and I hope you all will join us.  Email Roger Karraker ( ) to reserve a ticket.
Download this flyer and spread the word!

Also in Sonoma County in November, the third performance by the Honky Tonk

Thursday, November 16, 9pm: Honky Tonk Hippies and Stevie Coyle (of the
Waybacks) at the Last Day Saloon, 120 Fifth St. @ Davis St., Santa Rosa CA.
$5 advance, $7 day of show. 707-545-2343

We'll have my old friend Jennifer Jolly on keys this time - she did great
work on the 1997 CD I did with Eric Rawlins, HOME BY MORNING, and she also
played with the Broken Angels in '97 and '98.  I'm delighted to have her with
us.  David Phillips will be on pedal steel again, and Joshua Zucker will play
bass.  Drummer TBA.

And in December, right here in my home town:

Friday, December 22, 7-9:30pm: DG, Mario DeSio, and Mokai at the Nomad Cafe,
6500 Shattuck Ave (at 65th Street), Oakland CA. Admission is free, but you
have to buy a coffee and/or some food.

As always, stay tuned to for the latest news
on live performances.


* Regarding that "minor blip."  There was a sound guy in Birmingham, Alabama
who refused to allow me to record my set from the sound board.  "I'm a
professional sound engineer," he declared, "and I don't allow recordings of
my mixes to circulate."  He was quite a dick about it, and came this close to
threatening to mess up my sound if I persisted in arguing with him about it.
I refrained from telling him that I've been playing music in public longer
than he has been alive and this is the first time I have ever been refused a
board patch to record my own performance.  (There are two venues I've played
where the sound guy tried to charge money for that audio connection, but I
managed to avoid that bit of extortion.)  It's always a little weird to run
into people who insist upon abusing some tiny bit of power they have in the
world; all the real professional sound people I have dealt with over the
years have been much more friendly to, and supportive of, the musicians whose
work they are an essential part of delivering to the audience.   Not that big
a deal, but young Blake Loveless was unpleasant enough, and his attitude
unusual enough, to make the episode noteworthy.  Aside from that, the gig at
Zydeco with Earthbound was a pleasure.
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #353 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Fri 10 Nov 06 10:59

 Sunday, November 12
 Forestville CA.  Starts at 3pm.

 Jim Page is a true hero to me, a great songwriter and a committed
 humanitarian.  We've played many shows together in the last several years; I
 just love his music, so I always look forward to working with him.  I'll be
 backing him up for part of his set, too.  More info:

 This house concert is taking place in a wonderful space, a hay bale
 studio at Roger Karraker's home in Forestville, California.  I'm
 thrilled to be doing a show with Jim here, and I hope you all will
 join us.

 Email Roger Karraker ( ) to reserve a ticket.
 Download this flyer and spread the word!
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #354 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Sat 25 Nov 06 18:29

 "Ran Into God" from the 11/12 show:

 (the song formerly known as "If Only I Existed")

David Gans
© 2006 Whispering Hallelujah (BMI)

I ran into God a coupla weeks ago
Sittin’ at the bar just before my show
She looks exactly like a female version of me. It’s uncanny.
We got to talkin’ about this’n'that.
Her heart is broken; she’s been laid out flat
Things just didn’t work out the way she planned

She said, “I liked you people better when the wheel was high-tech
You’re gonna leave this place a smokin’ wreck
I said to her, What the hell are you lookin’ at me for? I recycle.
She said, “In my imagination this was built to last
It makes me sad to see you use it up so fast
Driving your Belchfires til the air falls out of the sky
It pisses me off to see my intentions twisted
I’d kick some foolish ass if only I existed”

She said, “I love people more than I probably should
They got some wack-ass ideas about evil and good
Compassion’s out of fashion all around the world
Fundies with their undies in a permanent twist
Don’t they know the heathen have a right to exist
Human nature cannot be denied (and shouldn’t have to)
I meant to lay down the law but I got stoned and missed it
I’d forgive my own sins if only I existed

God said, “I’ve been the victim of identity theft
Spiritual robber barons right and left
Ridin’ to church on Sunday in their stretch humvees
Telling everybody who to fear and loathe
Never mind the people they could feed and clothe
And claimin’ that the namin’ of their demons is the word of me
They keep callin’ even though my phone’s unlisted
I’d leave them a message if only I existed

“Some think I’m like Geppetto with a whittling knife
Crafting each and every individual life
It’s such a narcissistic notion of the way things work
(And who they work for)
I made this world you’re ridin’ on in less than a day
I’ve cranked out several million, each unique in its way
Set ‘em down and put ‘em in spin, and gave nature the deed
Faith is trying to snuff out reason and you’ve got to resist it
I’d give you some help with that if only I existed”

I ran into God a coupla weeks ago
Sittin’ at the bar just before my show
She looks exactly like a female version of me…
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #355 of 771: Infradibulated Gratility (ssol) Sun 26 Nov 06 15:26
Very nice!
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #356 of 771: Gail Williams (gail) Mon 27 Nov 06 10:56
Sweet, wise, reverent, blasphemous and witty.  Damn that's nice.
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #357 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Mon 27 Nov 06 11:21

Gail, may I quote you on my blog?
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #358 of 771: Gail Williams (gail) Mon 27 Nov 06 12:15
YOu bet!
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #359 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Mon 27 Nov 06 12:18
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #360 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Wed 13 Dec 06 12:05
    <scribbled by tnf Thu 21 Dec 06 19:54>
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #361 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Thu 21 Dec 06 19:54

Happy solstice!  And gig update

Greetings, and happy solstice to all!    It's chilly and wet here in the Bay
Area, but we're snug in our living room with two happy cats, and all is well.

Below you will find news of some imminent gigs here at home.  In January I'm
heading east to play a few shows and do some recording with the Shockenaw
Mountain Boys (Tim Carbone, John Skehan, Andy Goessling, and Johnny Grubb of
Railroad Earth).  As you can probably imagine, I'm thrilled to be heading
into he studio with these fine players.  Tim is producing, by the way, and we
have one record label interested in maybe funding a full-length CD with this
lineup.  Keep yer fingers crossed!


I have spent a good deal of time this month working on some promotional clips
for an upcoming Grateful Dead release, "Live at the Cow Palace, New Year's
Eve 1976."  You can see the clips at - and tune
in to that URL on New Year's Eve and New year's Day to hear the full show "on
demand."  I was at this concert, and I have heard Jeffrey Norman's mix of the
multitrack tapes - it's a good 'un!


While I was working on that project, I unearthed some of my photos of the
Dead and Santana from that show.  My friend John Rottet scanned the
negatives, along with some others from my stash, and I have posted the best
of them on my <>flickr page.  Go there and
you'll see Bonnie Raitt smooching Norton Buffalo!  Maria Muldaur playing
fiddle!  Levon Helm and Richard Manuel of The Band!


Okay, here are the performances I have confirmed so far.  There will probably
be more shows in the Four Corners area in February, and a southwest tour
before and.or after SpringFest.  You'll find the latest at

Friday, December 22, 7-9:30pm: DG, Mario deSio, and Mokai at the Nomad Cafe,
6500 Shattuck Ave (at 65th Street), Oakland CA. Admission is free, but you
have to buy a coffee and/or some food.

Thursday, January 4, 8:30pm: Henfling's Tavern, 9450 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond CA.
FREE! 831-336-9318

Saturday, January 6, 9: 30 am to 1:30 pm: Grand Lake Farmers' Market, at
Grand and Lake Park Avenues in Oakland CA (across from the Grand Lake
Theater). FREE! Great produce, bread, baked goods, prepared food, and crafts.

Then I go EAST to do some recording and play a couple of shows:

Friday, January 12: Shockenaw Mountain Boys (Tim Carbone, John Skehan, Andy
Goessling, and Johnny Grubb of Railroad Earth) w/ DG at the River Street Jazz
Cafe, 665 N. River Street, Plains PA.

Saturday, January 13, 8pm: The Hobo Stage presents DG w/ the Shockenaw
Mountain Boys (Tim Carbone, John Skehan, Andy Goessling, and Johnny Grubb of
Railroad Earth) at the Fountain House, 439 Rt. 94, Newton NJ

Friday, January 19: DG and John Skehan - house concert in Randolph NJ. Email for details.

Sunday, February 11, 9pm: Dulcinea's 100th Monkey, 717 E. Colfax,
Denver CO. $10. 303-832-3601

Friday, February 16: House concert in Placitas NM. Email for

And later in the Spring:

March 22-25: Suwannee Springfest, at the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park,
Live Oak FL. Donna the Buffalo, the Duhks, Peter Rowan & Tony Rice, Jim
Lauderdale, Jorma Kaukonen, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, and many more!

And don't forget:  September 28-October 1, 2007: DG teaches looping at Jorma
Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Camp
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #362 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Wed 3 Jan 07 17:14

Greetings and Happy New Year to all!

The calendar for 2007 is starting to fill in.  This week I'm playing
Henflings in Ben Lomond CA and the Grand Lake Farmers' Market in Oakland;
nest week I head for New Jersey and Connecticut.  More dates will be posted
as they're confirmed - including a possible trip to England for some gigs in

Status of my recording projects:

Next week I go to New Jersey to record a few songs with Tim Carbone of
Railroad Earth ( )producing and playing fiddle,
and bandmates John Skehan, Andy Goessling and Johnny Grubb playing along.
There is a record label that might be interested in a full CD - let's hope
they like the demo!

My other CD project, "Cloud Surfing," is on hold while the producer, Jim
LeBrecht, concentrates on his day job.  Jim is a movie sound designer ( ), and this is the time of year when all
the independent filmmakers are preparing their works for Sundance and other
festivals.  As soon as Jim has the time, we'll get back to work on the CD.  I
hope to have it ready in time for the Suwannee SpringFest.

Here's the schedule as it stands today.  There may be a couple more Southwest
shows in February, and there will definitely be more southeast dates in
March.  Stay tuned for updates at

And you'll find new sounds at and new photos

Thursday, January 4, 8:30pm: Henfling's Tavern, 9450 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond CA.
FREE!  831-336-9318

Saturday, January 6, 9: 30 am to 1:30 pm: Grand Lake Farmers' Market, at
Grand and Lake Park Avenues in Oakland CA (across from the Grand Lake
Theater). FREE! Great produce, bread, baked goods, prepared food, and crafts.

Friday, January 12: Shockenaw Mountain Boys (Tim Carbone, John Skehan, Andy
Goessling, and Johnny Grubb of Railroad Earth) w/ DG at the River Street Jazz
Cafe, 665 N. River Street, Plains PA.

Saturday, January 13, 8pm: The Hobo Stage presents DG w/ the Shockenaw
Mountain Boys (Tim Carbone, John Skehan, Andy Goessling, and Johnny Grubb of
Railroad Earth) at the Fountain House, 439 Rt. 94, Newton NJ

Thursday, January 18, 7:30 pm: Dudley's Village Green, 97 Chapel St.,
Wallingford CT. No cover! (203) 284-0447

Friday, January 19: DG and John Skehan - house concert in Randolph NJ.  Email for details.

Thursday, February 8: DG and The Lindells at the Dolores River Brewery, 100
S. 4th Street, Dolores CO. 970-882-4677

Sunday, February 11, 9pm: Dulcinea's 100th Monkey, 717 E. Colfax,
Denver CO. $10. 303-832-3601

Friday, February 16: House concert in Placitas NM. Email for

March 22-25: Suwannee Springfest, at the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park,
Live Oak FL. Donna the Buffalo, the Duhks, Peter Rowan & Tony Rice, Jim
Lauderdale, Jorma Kaukonen, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, and many more!

And don't forget:  September 28-October 1, 2007: DG teaches looping at Jorma
Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Camp.
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #363 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Wed 7 Feb 07 00:34

Stay tuned to for more shows and more


Thursday, February 8, 6:30 pm: DG and The Lindells at the Dolores River
Brewery, 100 S. 4th Street, Dolores CO. 970-882-4677

Sunday, February 11, 9pm: Dulcinea's 100th Monkey, 717 E. Colfax,
Denver CO. $10. 303-832-3601

Wednesday, February 14, 8pm: DG, Chicken Stand Throwdown Band, and Liquid
Gypsy at The District Bar and Grill, 115 Fourth St. NW, Albuquerque NM.

Friday, February 16: House concert in Placitas NM. Email for

Sunday, February 18, 7pm: DG and the Williams Brothers Band at the Liff
Auditorium, Mesa State College, 1100 North Ave., Grand Junction CO. All ages!


Friday, March 2, 7:30 pm: Moon News Bookstore, 315 Main Street, Half Moon Bay
CA. Free! 650-726-8610

Saturday, March 3, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm: Grand Lake Farmers' Market, at Grand
and Lake Park Avenues in Oakland CA (across from the Grand Lake Theater).
FREE! Great produce, bread, baked goods, prepared food, and crafts.

Thursday, March 8, 8pm: Henflings Tavern, 9450 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond CA. No
cover! 831-336-9318

Saturday, March 10, 9:30pm: Honky Tonk Hippies at the Connecticut Yankee, 100
Connecticut Street, San Francisco. Mario DeSio opens. 415-552-4440


Saturday, March 17, 8:30 pm: The Venue, 1020 Broad Street Camden SC. Naked
Eye Productions

Tuesday, March 20: Barley's Taproom, 115 W. Main Street, Spindale NC.

March 22-25: Suwannee Springfest, at the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park,
Live Oak FL. Donna the Buffalo, the Duhks, Peter Rowan & Tony Rice, Jim
Lauderdale, Jorma Kaukonen, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, and many more!

Monday, March 26: Tim & Terry's in Gainesville FL.  Details TBA.

Saturday, April 28: Lake Tahoe Earth Day at The Village At Squaw Valley USA
(north of Lake Tahoe)

June 29-July 1: American Roots Music Festival at Potomac Pavilion, Falling
Waters WV. Melvin Seals/JGB, Donna Jean and the Zen Tricksters, Juggling
Suns, etc. DG plays Sat & Sun.

And don't forget:  September 28-October 1, 2007: DG teaches looping at Jorma
Kaukonen's Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Camp.

Up-to-date info on confirmed shows:

Highlights of recent live shows and other audio treats:
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #364 of 771: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Wed 7 Feb 07 09:19
Jeez, David, you're *busy*! How's it going out there on the road?
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #365 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Sat 10 Feb 07 10:37

I'm having a great time!  I love to drive around the southwest anyway, so the
days off have been as pleasant as the gig days.  Yesterday I drove from
DOlores CO to Denver, by way of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains.  I will post
some pictures at in the next day or so.
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #366 of 771: Cynthia Dyer-Bennet (cdb) Tue 13 Feb 07 10:47

Oh David, this one is simply stunning! The texture -- the mountains look
like they're made of sheet metal dusted with powdered sugar. Delish.
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #367 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Tue 13 Feb 07 15:20
Thank you!

More pix coming soon.
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #368 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Wed 28 Feb 07 13:55

    * Friday, March 2, 7:30 pm: Moon News Bookstore, 315 Main Street, Half
Moon Bay CA. Free! 650-726-8610

    * Saturday, March 3, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm: Grand Lake Farmers' Market, at
Grand and Lake Park Avenues in Oakland CA (across from the Grand Lake
Theater). FREE! Great produce, bread, baked goods, prepared food, and crafts.

    * Thursday, March 8, 8pm: Henflings Tavern, 9450 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond CA. No
cover! 831-336-9318

    * Saturday, March 10, 9:30pm: Honky Tonk Hippies at the Connecticut
Yankee, 100 Connecticut Street, San Francisco. Mario DeSio opens.

    * Saturday, March 17, 8:30 pm: The Venue, 1020 Broad Street Camden SC.
Naked Eye Productions

    * Sunday, March 18, 9:00 pm: DG w/ David McCracken (keyboards) at The
Blind Tiger, 2115 Walker Avenue Greensboro NC. $5. 336-272-9888

   * Monday, March 19, 6:45 pm EST: DG appears on Michael Johnathon's
Woodsongs Old-Time Radio Hour. Webcast live, and broadcast later on various
radio stations.

    * Tuesday, March 20, around 3:00 pm EST: DG will appear on WNCW to play
music and talk and all that.

    * Tuesday, March 20: Barley's Taproom, 115 W. Main Street, Spindale NC.
828-288-8388. No cover!

    * March 22-25: Suwannee Springfest, at the Spirit of the Suwannee Music
Park, Live Oak FL. Donna the Buffalo, the Duhks, Peter Rowan & Tony Rice, Jim
Lauderdale, Jorma Kaukonen, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, and many more!

    * Monday, March 26, 9 pm: Tim and Terry's, 1417 NW 1st Ave, Gainesville
FL. DG plays a full set, then joins in the regular weekly bluegrass jam.

    * Saturday, April 28: Lake Tahoe Earth Day at The Village At Squaw Valley
USA (north of Lake Tahoe).

    * June 29-July 1: American Roots Music Festival at Potomac Pavilion,
Falling Waters WV. Melvin Seals/JGB, Donna Jean and the Zen Tricksters,
Juggling Suns, etc. DG plays Sat & Sun.

    * September 28-October 1, 2007: DG teaches looping at Jorma Kaukonen's
Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Camp
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #369 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Fri 16 Mar 07 10:18

Hello, friends, and happy SPRING! At least it seems to have arrived early
here in the bay area. And I am expecting mild temps as I get on a plane for
Florida today.

The big news is that my new CD is ready. It's called "Twisted Love Songs."
All but four of the songs are original. I took the cover photos, too. The
disc was mastered by Jeffrey Norman at Garage Audio Mastering, and it sounds

I have sent it to CDBaby, and it should be available there by Monday or

I'll get a web page up with sample audio ASAP. Right now you can see the
cover art here:

Here's the info to order it directly from us: send $17.50 ($ 15.00 plus P&H)

Perfectible Recordings
484 Lake Park Ave. #102
Oakland CA 94610-2730

And now, here are the tour dates as we know them. Updates will be posted at as new shows are confirmed.


    * Saturday, March 17, 8:30 pm: The Venue, 1020 Broad Street Camden SC.
Naked Eye Productions

    * Sunday, March 18, 9:00 pm: DG w/ David McCracken (keyboards) at The
Blind Tiger, 2115 Walker Avenue Greensboro NC. $5. 336-272-9888

   * Monday, March 19, 6:45 pm EST: DG appears on Michael Johnathon's
Woodsongs Old-Time Radio Hour. Webcast live, and broadcast later on various
radio stations.

    * Tuesday, March 20, around 3:00 pm EST: DG will appear on WNCW to play
music and talk and all that.

    * Tuesday, March 20: Barley's Taproom, 115 W. Main Street, Spindale NC.
828-288-8388. No cover!

    * March 22-25: Suwannee Springfest, at the Spirit of the Suwannee Music
Park, Live Oak FL. Donna the Buffalo, the Duhks, Peter Rowan & Tony Rice, Jim
Lauderdale, Jorma Kaukonen, Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks, and many more!

    * Monday, March 26, 9 pm: Tim and Terry's, 1417 NW 1st Ave, Gainesville
FL. DG plays a full set, then joins in the regular weekly bluegrass jam.


    * Saturday, April 28: Lake Tahoe Earth Day at The Village At Squaw Valley
USA (north of Lake Tahoe).

    * June 29-July 1: American Roots Music Festival at Potomac Pavilion,
Falling Waters WV. Melvin Seals/JGB, Donna Jean and the Zen Tricksters,
Juggling Suns, etc. DG plays Sat & Sun.

    * Wednesday, July 4: GratefulFest at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park in
Garrettsville, Ohio. Dark Star Orchestra, Zen Tricksters, Donna Jean, New
Riders of the Purple Sage, Keller Williams, Melvin Seals & JGB, Ramblin' Jack
Elliott, and many more! The festival runs through July 8.

    * September 28-October 1, 2007: DG teaches looping at Jorma Kaukonen's
Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Camp
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #370 of 771: Gail Williams (gail) Fri 16 Mar 07 10:24

Wow, a new CD!  Excellent.  Will you have it available at our spring party
on April 21 i hope?
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #371 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Fri 16 Mar 07 18:36

inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #372 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Sat 24 Mar 07 08:24

TWISTED LOVE SONGS is available on CDBaby now:
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #373 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Sun 25 Mar 07 08:03

New live music juust posted:

Quarter to Five 3/24/07
DG with Joe Craven at the Suwannee SpringFest

Birds 3/23/07
DG with Ollabelle at the Suwannee SpringFest
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #374 of 771: David Gans (tnf) Tue 3 Apr 07 11:53

It was out of stock, but they just received a new shipment:

 TWISTED LOVE SONGS is available on CDBaby now:
inkwell.vue.275 : The Life and Times of David Gans
permalink #375 of 771: David Dodd (ddodd) Tue 3 Apr 07 15:58
Ordered. Can't wait!


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