inkwell.vue.520 : Kevin Driscoll: The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media
permalink #226 of 227: Tiffany Lee Brown (magdalen) Thu 11 Apr 24 12:44

heya! hope the symposium goes well.
inkwell.vue.520 : Kevin Driscoll: The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media
permalink #227 of 227: Lee Felsenstein (lee) Mon 1 Jul 24 21:42
Just stumbled across this and I see that <lendie> (Lena Diethelm)
mentioned that she was trying to get me and <pozar> involved. We
were married and she died in August of 22 — I have no recollection
of being asked but at the time I was in the early stages of writing
my yet-to-be-published book describing my path to social media
(Community Memory — mentioned by <pozar>). When the book gets out it
will provide an interesting companion to <driscoll>’s book — I’ll
reach out to him soon.

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