inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #251 of 280: Paula Span (pspan) Mon 12 Feb 24 12:02
Oh, and I meant to add:

Above, where we were talking about the many many supposed saviors of
mainstream journalism -- blogs, VR, video.
The latest wave of investment in a possible lifeline is, of course,

The Daily gets billions of downloads. 
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #252 of 280: Emily Gertz (emilyg) Mon 12 Feb 24 13:48

I agree with Paula that most editors in chief are firmly on the
right side
of the supposed wall — I sometimes call this "a bright line" —
between editorial and the business folks.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #253 of 280: Paul Belserene (paulbel) Mon 12 Feb 24 13:59
My experience of Times' coverage is that I see the thumb on the
scales much more on headlines and subheads than on the pieces

That suggests that there is some editorializing being done beyond
the reporting.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #254 of 280: Emily Gertz (emilyg) Mon 12 Feb 24 15:52
Today is the last official day of State of the News 2024. 
However, folks are welcome to continue the discussion in this topic.

Please join me in thanking Paula Span and John Schwartz for sharing
their time and insights with us over the past two weeks.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #255 of 280: Ron Levin (eclectic2) Mon 12 Feb 24 15:59
Thanks, guys. It's always a pleasure to read your posts.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #256 of 280: Axon (axon) Mon 12 Feb 24 16:05
Slip; yes, by all means, thanks very much to Paula and John for
their insider perspective, and to Emily and crew for shepherding a
very productive and enlightening discussion. 

>the appearance of impropriety is as damning as impropriety itself

The Calpurnia Gambit. But the appearance of propriety, fabricated
with false equivalencies masquerading as objectivity, and
uncritically redacting partisan claims to mimic "balance", is as
pernicious as it is rampant. Of course no EIC is going to do or say
anything that will betray a bias, but the buck does stop with them.
The bias is evident in the work product, however organic it may be.
I wouldn't expect that anyone could achieve that position of trust
without the talent to cultivate a reputation for cautious probity.
But nobody ever got fired for defending capitalism unequivocally as
a matter of company policy. They don't even question it. It's so
ingrained in the culture it's not even seen as partiality. It's the
same with Christianity, patriarchy, and melanin deficiency enjoying
positions of influence and authority, whatever the demographic
profile of the newsroom. It's just the way we've always done things
around here. Of course they reflexively defend capital, without ever
recognizing that it constitutes taking a side.

Media do not influence sentiment with broad, transparent advocacy.
It's the thousand tiny cuts that cause the truth to bleed out.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #257 of 280: Betsy Schwartz (betsys) Mon 12 Feb 24 16:14
Yes thank you so much!

speaking of the NYTimes, saw this on our Library's New Book shelf:

The Times: How the Newspaper of Record Survived Scandal, Scorn, and
the Transformation of Journalism, by Adam Nagourney.

Wondering if you had any thoughts on it, or on other recent works on
the Times or other books on News?
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #258 of 280: Paulina Borsook (loris) Mon 12 Feb 24 16:27
yes, thanx to all who participated...
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #259 of 280: Renshin Bunce (renshin) Mon 12 Feb 24 16:36
Many thanks , this was one of the more interesting and engaging
Inkwell conversations
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #260 of 280: POOR TASTE IN KISS-WRITING (jswatz) Mon 12 Feb 24 19:25

Thanks, everybody! This has been a pleasure. And what an honor to share the
stage with Paula and Emily.

(Betsy, Agam Nagourney's book is terrific. A great look at The Times'
painful transition to the digital realm, with every scandal and corner-
office intrigue along the way. I ate it up.)
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #261 of 280: Paulina Borsook (loris) Mon 12 Feb 24 19:32
there was a fantastic longform piece in grand street maybe 1991
which was a great dissection of nyt culture...rather doubt this has
been digitized anywhere...
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #262 of 280: Gary Nolan (gnolan) Mon 12 Feb 24 20:21
Thanks Paula, John, and Emily.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #263 of 280: Tiffany Lee Brown (magdalen) Mon 12 Feb 24 22:23

thanks everyone!

> Tiff, I read fashion reporting!

emily, i love fashion reporting & used to be a fashion editor for a tiny
independent paper. but writing a fashion piece -- even recruiting models
and makeup designers and getting the clothes, recruiting photographers as
needed, art directing a shoot -- was far less stressful and time-consuming
than writing a three-paragraph news story for an alternative weekly. that
was my experience.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #264 of 280: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Tue 13 Feb 24 06:16
Another round of applause for newly-minted <inkwell.vue> cohost
Emily for conceiving and producing this discussion! And thanks to
John and Paula and everyone who participated!
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #265 of 280: Paula Span (pspan) Tue 13 Feb 24 07:25
It's been a thoughtful and satisfying discussion.  Thanks, all and
particular thanks to Emily for hosting and to John for his insights.

Besides the Nagourney book, Marty Baron has a book out that I
haven't read but that is getting respectful attention.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #266 of 280: Betsy Schwartz (betsys) Tue 13 Feb 24 08:24
Thanks again and thank you both for the book recs!
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #267 of 280: Emily Gertz (emilyg) Tue 13 Feb 24 09:42

Thanks, Jon!

I have just started, and am enjoying, a book called, "The Battle of
Ink and Ice: A Sensational Story of News Barons, North Pole
Explorers, and the Making of Modern Media," by Darrell Hartman. 

It is a new history of modern newspaper journalism, but this time
through the lens of how the leading newspapers of the late
19th-early 20th centuries (mostly U.S. and UK so far), and the
moguls who owned and ran them, used polar exploration and explorers
to try and beat each other to readers, revenues and influence.

In the process, it offers something of a fresh take on how these
papers both promoted and harnessed themselves to celebrity culture
to get ahead. 
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #268 of 280: Frako Loden (frako) Tue 13 Feb 24 12:21
This has been a very interesting discussion! Thanks to all
participants and organizers.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #269 of 280: Tiffany Lee Brown (magdalen) Tue 13 Feb 24 13:48

hosts, could we have a recap before freezing this topic? 

like one last post covering:

outside link to this discussion
name of topic, interviewees, hosts/interlocutors

a list of helpful external links to books or websites mentioned in the

i'm thinking of how podcasts like Ezra Klein always have this in the "show

might be helpful for us, if we want to disseminate this conversation over
the interwebz later.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #270 of 280: Paulina Borsook (loris) Wed 14 Feb 24 00:26
i was under the impression no inkwell.vue topic was ever frozen?
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #271 of 280: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Wed 14 Feb 24 07:32
Correct, we don't freeze topics when we reach the end of the two
weeks typically set - it's always okay for the topic to continue,
but we ask our guests to make a two week commitment.

The public link for the topic is

Name of the topic is "John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the
News 2024"

Emily Gertz led the conversation, guests were John Schwartz and
Paula Span.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #272 of 280: David Gans (tnf) Fri 16 Feb 24 08:15
ANd you are welcome to keep posting here, although the guests aren't required
to read :^)
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #273 of 280: David Gans (tnf) Fri 16 Feb 24 08:15
I expect they will read anyway.
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #274 of 280: POOR TASTE IN KISS-WRITING (jswatz) Sat 17 Feb 24 15:19

maybe so!
inkwell.vue.541 : John Schwartz and Paula Span: State of the News 2024
permalink #275 of 280: Paula Span (pspan) Sat 24 Feb 24 07:01


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