inkwell.vue.551 : Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #226 of 227: Axon (axon) Tue 14 Jan 25 08:14
>many people think it makes little difference which of the 2 major
parties is in power

I'm not persuaded "think" is the apt verb, although "beguile"
springs effortlessly to mind. All the election of Trump proves is
that most of the people can be fooled some of the time.

There's a reason we have a two party system, and always will do: we
have but two orthogonal foundational principles; Liberty and
Freedom, forever in conflict. Liberty is license, leave to do as
thou wilt; Freedom is security, safety from the malign acts of
others, particularly those exercising their Liberty. The two parties
(whatever they may call themselves) have historically aligned with
one principle or the other. All a third party has ever done is
introduce enough chaos for the Liberty Party to prevail. It is
reasonable to conclude that Third Party movements, especially the
Butthurt Left, are creatures of the Liberty vanguard. And thus here
we are, beguiled again.
inkwell.vue.551 : Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #227 of 227: Andrew Alden (alden) Tue 14 Jan 25 17:58
Inauguration Day is coming round at last, one of the few immovable days on
the American calendar. Our national day to honor Martin Luther King Jr. was
once set in calendrical stone, but now it moves with the number on top of
the calendar. This year the fates have ordained that Donald Trump will
ascend his throne on M.L. King Day, and I find it grimly appropriate to
observe the day with the same hope he famously preached, that some day we
will judge people on the content of their character.

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