Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #0 of 227: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Thu 26 Dec 24 08:09
permalink #0 of 227: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Thu 26 Dec 24 08:09
Welcome to this year's "State of the World" conversation, once again hosted on the pioneering online community platform, The WELL. As The WELL approaches its 40th anniversary in 2025, we celebrate the 25th annual discussion about global trends and insights, featuring the renowned author, journalist, design visionary, and world traveler Bruce Sterling, alongside me, Jon Lebkowsky. I'm a co-host at the Plutopia News Network and have had the privilege of hosting several conferences on The WELL, including this one, Inkwell.vue. Over the years, I've worn many hats as a writer, editor, net activist, web strategist, and futurologist, and I'm psyched to continue this tradition of exploring the State of the World.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #1 of 227: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Thu 26 Dec 24 08:10
permalink #1 of 227: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Thu 26 Dec 24 08:10
It's 2025, a year unfolding in a complex world shaped by political transitions, ongoing conflicts, recovery from natural disasters, and peculiar cultural shifts. While some might see these turbulent times as evidence that the world is falling (or flying) apart and humanity is doomed, this sense of impending catastrophe is nothing new. Throughout my life --- and even in publications from before I was born --- there's always been the image of a street corner prophet holding a sign proclaiming, "Repent! The end is near!" By now, we should be well-versed in the art of anticipating apocalypse.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #2 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:16
permalink #2 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:16
Twenty-five years -- I'm grateful for this space and the opportunity to participate once again. It's rare to have this kind of sturdy continuity in one's life, and if it wasn't here, I'd miss it a lot. I'd be mournful, even, and yet I'm not, which is good. I don't often quote Marshall MacLuhan, but it's interesting to see how the "message" warps and evolves as the "medium" transforms. Once upon a time, the "Whole Earth "Lectronic Link" was technically avant-garde and highly inventive, and quite a crispy and out-there place. While in 02025 AD, to have a public discussion that's structured like this one is like gathering in Belle Epoque Paris to exchange little blue telegrams through long pneumatic pipes. So, what do you properly do, in your jar-laden, rusty-bucket public WELL that's somehow become an archaic "electronic Galapagos"? I'm thinking that the proper attitude is to savor that privileged opportunity! It feels great to traditionally be here! Here in this peculiar, stony, damp but time-honored venue, we can still make our yearly effort to sip from the aquifer and get our heads on straight.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #3 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:16
permalink #3 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:16
Whereas, if we somehow need-and-desire a raging, foaming torrent of state-of-the-art semi-generated social-slop from AI Doomers, megacorps, foreign psyops, far left & far right extremists, crypto grifters, hostile anons, status-seeking socialites, bot swarms (plus maybe some artificial, faceless-Facebook pseudo-personalities powered by giant Louisiana fossil-fuel plants) -- well, I'm pretty sure that we all know where to find plenty of that. Just a few clicks or strokes away from the placid, shimmering depths of the WELL State of the World is all the seething "content" that human beings might ever try to process, and then some.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #4 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:17
permalink #4 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:17
These days, in the capering adventures of my wild-and-restless 70s, I'm often hard-put to know if the world is old-and-boring or whether that's just me personally. When you become old, things must and do feel same-old same-old, because you yourself are so factually and actually old -- but also, the Twenty-Twenties are quite a repetitous time. Okay, another Trump regime -- there's no surprise or novelty in that. I guess I might find the energy to panic, but the guy's interminable. He hasn't yet persisted as long as Jimmy Carter did, but he's older than I am. He's ancient. It's like trying to become searingly indignant about the timeless bad scene in Appalachia. Okay, yes, it's sad-but-true, West Virginia has the highest death-rate in America, they're poorer than defrauded megachurch mice in that region, they're elegiac hillbillies who don't know nothin' about nothin' and they hate and fear anybody who does, and yet, also Appalachia's traditional. It shouldn't surprise or amaze anybody in the USA that Appalachia consistently looks-and-behaves like Appalachia, with profound and granite-like continuity, for centuries-on-end. It's like Italians struggling to achieve indignation about Apulia being Apulia.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #5 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:18
permalink #5 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Mon 30 Dec 24 23:18
What's 02025 gonna look-and-feel like, well, if you're American, it's gonna be very red-state, like Appalachia, the Ozarks, East Texas and Mississippi. Combined with a great deal of good-old-fashioned Florida/New York Trumpian real-estate fraud. Also, some oligarch jets and private rockets zipping high overhead amid a cloud of UFO-looking AI-drones. I can easily make a big rootless-cosmopolitan global-nomad fuss about that, and how I might wish life might be otherwise, but it seems corny, self-indulgent. What if you're some authentic denizen born in the 21st Century, and you're literally FROM West Virginia, and you joined the military to escape the coal mines and the opioid rackets? Now you're tromping the smoking wreckage of Syria in your Special Forces boots and wondering if you get redeployed to Panama and/or Greenland. That's a plenty weird scene, but that's not "old-and-boring," right? That's modern life with some contemporary authenticity; that's the world of 02025 revealing itself in its native character as the real-deal 02025.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #6 of 227: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Wed 1 Jan 25 07:04
permalink #6 of 227: Inkwell Co-Host (jonl) Wed 1 Jan 25 07:04
Waking this New Year's Day, I see a banner headline in the New York Times: "At Least 10 Dead as Vehicle Rams Crowd in New Orleans." The driver was killed in a shootout with police. The mayor of New Orleans, Latoya Cantrell, says this was a "terrorist attack," and the FBI is investigating it as such. So we start the year with an act of senseless violence, possibly political, an act of terror. I watched the fireworks last night, controlled explosions, flowers of fire in the night sky.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #7 of 227: Robin Thomas (robin) Wed 1 Jan 25 07:25
permalink #7 of 227: Robin Thomas (robin) Wed 1 Jan 25 07:25
I am in New Orleans and woke up to the news. Bourbon Street on New Years Eve and the eve of the Sugar Bowl. The chaos must have been horrific.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #8 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:39
permalink #8 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:39
Yeah, there's nothing quite like a public massacre at a street-party to harsh people's mellow, but of course that's their intent.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #9 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:39
permalink #9 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:39
I happen to be logging in to the WELL State of the World from Ibiza, as I have for several years now, and Ibiza has been manifesting some rather-novel Ibizan trends that seem very 2025 to me. First, the nearest big-town to the island, which is Valencia, got hit by a greenhouse rain-bomb at the end of October 2024. The global-warmed, over-laden skies opened up like a zipper and a year's worth of rain arrived in one day. Valencia's in a river basin, so the city's river rose up and killed a couple of hundred local citizens and washed the parked car-fleet downhill.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #10 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:40
permalink #10 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:40
These were some spectacular social-media snapshots of a modern urban disaster, and the standard thoughts-and-prayers, and there's not much to be done about it. Most any place on Earth will flood if it gets a year's worth of rain in day. It could happen again in Valencia next week; nobody expects that, but nobody expected that other flood, either. This Wikipedia article details some of the upshot, which includes drownings, rescue efforts, some mild looting, lots of political finger-pointing, and vague technocratic sentiment about somehow rebuilding old river towns so that they become river-proof. Very New-Orleans after Katrina, and New York after Sandy; nothing unique about Valencia's flood-experience, everybody does that. Ibiza likely won't flood like that, because it's simply not big enough to have a Spanish river-basin, but if you're from little Ibiza and visiting big-town Valencia, you're gonna feel a little nervous henceforth whenever the sky clouds up. Nothing else to be done about that; the 2020s have some bad weird skies. You don't get to hide from that any more than you can somehow hide from the color blue.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #11 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:42
permalink #11 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:42
A second contemporary local issue is "overtourism," which is a formula that seems to have been invented in Barcelona and quickly spread to Ibiza and elsewhere. "Overtourism" is a kind of Spanish upscale version of the general ethnonational anti-emigration sentiment of the present day. It's a little odd, though, for if the traditional hordes of tourists were to actually leave Ibiza and Barcelona, both those places would be in mortal trouble. People on Barcelona and Ibiza even know very well what "undertourism" looks-and-feels like, because during the COVID-19 lockdowns there weren't any tourists and the places were basically moribund. So "overtourism" is not a simple angry reflex like "gosh we hate the tourists and we want to deport them," it's more of a form of vaguely left-wing Catalan technocracy where you attempt to weed out various forms of tourists that you think you don't much like. Oddly, a lot of the tourist foot-traffic over-cluttering Ibiza comes from Barcelona. It's Spanish domestic tourism, which means that you're trying to get rid of invasive "strangers" who look and act as much like you as anybody possibly could.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #12 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:43
permalink #12 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:43
"Overtourism" is also about policing rentals, but a place like Valencia, which suffered a large urban disaster, is full of native Valencians struggling to find some temporary place to stay in their own town. I'm not saying that "overtourism" is an impossible idea and there's nothing to be done about the problem, just that, as a practice, it's very much about pet leopards trained to eat the faces of unwelcome house-guests. I'd also point out that the tourists themselves feel unhappily "overtouristed." The tourists themselves are visibly eager to avoid places for tourists that locals have designed for tourists. And that overtourism sentiment is spreading through Europe generally; Amsterdam is running public relations campaigns to tell people to stay away, while Berlin is cutting the arts budget to choke back the fine-arts fans. I don't see any "solution" for this; it's how-it-is and gonna-be-more-so. It's not so much a "problem to be solved" as a condition.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #13 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:51
permalink #13 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 08:51
Ever see the Marx Brothers classic comedy "The Cocoanuts"? It's got some great songs and big dance numbers, and it's all about deranged Floridian real-estate grifters. "The Cocoanuts" has just come into the public domain in 2025, and yet, it's nevertheless plenty topical.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #14 of 227: State of the World Administrivia (jonl) Wed 1 Jan 25 09:25
permalink #14 of 227: State of the World Administrivia (jonl) Wed 1 Jan 25 09:25
We interrupt the conversation briefly for this public service announcement: The annual State of the World conversation is publicly accessible, meaning anyone can read it, whether or not they are a member of the WELL, which is the online community platform hosting this two-week discussion. For non-members, here's a short link for easy access: <>. The full link is: < kowsky-page01.html>. Either link will open the first page of the public conversation. If you are not a WELL member, we encourage you to visit regularly as the discussion will expand across multiple pages. Use the pager (dropdown menus at the top and bottom of the page) to navigate through the conversation as it evolves. Feel free to share either link via social media, email, etc. If you're not a member of the WELL, you can't post a response directly. However we welcome your comments and questions - you can email them to inkwell (at), and we'll post them here on your behalf. If you'd like to participate in more discussions like this, consider joining the WELL: <>. The WELL is an online community with vibrant, thoughtful conversations on a wide range of topics---an excellent alternative to the fast-paced, drive-by posting on social media. This conversation will continue for at least two weeks, through January 13, assuming the state of the world is relatively stable for that long and we aren't zapped by an electromagnetic pulse...
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #15 of 227: Craig Louis (craig1st) Wed 1 Jan 25 15:27
permalink #15 of 227: Craig Louis (craig1st) Wed 1 Jan 25 15:27
It's remarkable how much of of your Ibiza narrative here, <bruces>, could take replacing Ibiza with today's Bali, the Ibiza of Southeast Asia. Am I correct in getting that your curious addition of a zero in the leftmost place in 02025 is a gesture to the, what is it, culture of the Long Clock?
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #16 of 227: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Wed 1 Jan 25 15:34
permalink #16 of 227: Brian Slesinsky (bslesins) Wed 1 Jan 25 15:34
Looks like the 2025 discussion started early this year? Glad to see it again. On the subject of everything old is new again, cyberattacks are bigger than ever, just like every year. Ransomware is routine now, but in two cases, it was a bit closer to home for me. A relative's hospital's network got attacked (not that she noticed), and so did the credit union that my wife and I use, resulting in minor inconvenience. Meanwhile, China hacked several US phone networks, so they could geolocate whoever they want and listen to live calls at will. The Feds were reduced to recommending people use encrypted apps like Signal. (Not by name, of course.)
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #17 of 227: Craig Louis (craig1st) Wed 1 Jan 25 15:46
permalink #17 of 227: Craig Louis (craig1st) Wed 1 Jan 25 15:46
(pssst, the feds recommend Signal by name. SEE: < s-best-practices.pdf>
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #18 of 227: FROM ALBERTO COTTICA (tnf) Wed 1 Jan 25 17:11
permalink #18 of 227: FROM ALBERTO COTTICA (tnf) Wed 1 Jan 25 17:11
Alberto Cottica writes: Happy new year, Jon, Bruce and all the WELL crowd! I submit that 2025's avatar might be Luigi Mangione. At least in my bubble, there is a distinct feeling that late-stage capitalism has overstayed its welcome, and now many people will privately admit that some collateral damage might be acceptable to put society back onto an acceptable track. Meanwhile, for the first time in my adult life, economics is making some promising breakthrough. Degrowth and post-growth macroeconomics, needs-based approaches, modern monetary theory, job guarantee, universal basic services, carbon coins... the toolbox for moving on from the current model seems to be there, at least in part. It's so close I can almost touch it, this solarpunk, engineering-driven economy that tries to meet human needs with minimum consumption of labour, materials and energy instead of coming up with nonsense products and services that solve nothing. A major problem with all that (among many) is that things to people in the Global South look very, very different to those in the Global North. Even if we can agree on the principle, disentangling loss and damage is going to be... problematic. Stay kind and strong, in the best WELL tradition. A. Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #19 of 227: (jet) Wed 1 Jan 25 18:00
permalink #19 of 227: (jet) Wed 1 Jan 25 18:00
Thanks for another yearly discussion! Talking to some friends from college who still live in Houston about the political situation there. Abbott has it in for Houston, being a big blue city. I'm living in greater Pittsburgh now for the past 20 years and it's a bit like Austin -- smaller blue city surrounded by a lot of red. Looking back at 2024 and thinking about 2025, a few things come to mind. I pass the Tree of Life Synagogue several times a week while running errands. The day of the massacre was also the day of Carnegie Mellon's graduation, none of my friends were graduating so I gave it a miss. Instead, I went on a leisurely bike ride, unaware of what was happening a few miles away. They've finally broken the ground on new construction, in 2025 I will watch the building of a new temple. Polarization will continue, and continue to make things worse. Someone I know, Catholic, posted to social media that anti-semitism was the result of the Protestants... I mean, WHAT? Who was behind the Crusades? I didn't respond but if I did I'd probably also ask wtf Pius XII was doing during WWII. Healthcare continues to improve but isn't distributed evenly in the US, to paraphrase Bill Gibson. In 2024 three of my friends and my mom died of incurable diseases, another friend by suicide after being social media shamed. At the same time another friend of mine kicked cancer's ass thanks to the amazing advances in cancer treatment. I had a cataract removed (1 hour surgery!) and genetic testing revealed that my bonkers cholesterol levels are genetic, not from diet and exercise. Maybe 2025 will be my Year of No Surgeries. Fly-by-wire driving is finally here, or maybe it was and I'm just a late adopter. I traded in my 2013 RAM for a 2024 Ranger and quickly discovered there are CPUs and motors between my steering wheel, pedals, and even my transmission. I turned my truck "off" while in Drive, it literally downshifted me to Park by moving the lever. I've turned this next feature off, but on cruise control I can get feedback from the steering wheel that I'm getting out of my lane. This is very local, but some of the best restaurants in greater Pittsburgh survived covid and we're getting newer ones that change the dining landscape. When we moved here in 2005 the closest we could get to Cali-Mex was a local chain, Mad Mex, where they serve sort of healthy Cali-style "mexican" food. It's good but it's nowhere near a Mission burrito. Now? We have Tepache serving a wide range of food from Jalisco, a Latino grocery store that sells street tacos on the sidewalk, and all sorts of other good regional foods. Great Indian restaurants (thanks to Westinghouse and the cold war but that's another story), really good sushi, and a local pub-and-grub that makes everything from cole slaw to their own chips and french fries. Oh, and beer. My god there are so many local breweries cranking out amazing seasonal stouts that I might have to go to the gym more days a week.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #20 of 227: Fred Heutte (phred) Wed 1 Jan 25 19:15
permalink #20 of 227: Fred Heutte (phred) Wed 1 Jan 25 19:15
Hi and HNY to all from a long time lurker. And bruces, good to see you again providing sage bon mots in this sturdy virtual raft on the vast interwebs river heading toward the Class V rapids. You've often talked about "the stacks" -- Meta/FB, MSFT, AMZN and the others who turned early visions of online global solidarity into history's most effective machine for enclosing the cultural commons and turning it into the maze of gray ooze, pervasive surveillance and hyperaccumulator of money and power we now swim in. My specific question is about the recent emanations from Meta indicating they will now unleash AI-managed Facebook "accounts" to mix and mingle with us hoi polloi and presumably with "each other," whatever that means. Among many who have already jumped on this is Ed Zitron, increasingly a prophet in his own high-tech comms land. Yesterday on Bluesky he said quite a bit, this being the mildest: "If they do this to advertisers it would be fraud, by the way! Very obvious easily detected fraud that would get them obliterated. They want the AI accounts to cover up the fact that Facebook's engagement is cratering and their users are leaving and going nowhere else." ( and also see his cogent if rather long-winded pieces: What can we expect going forward from the recent course of actions by The Stacks, including this and the overall dire digital colonialism of the AI bubble? At moments like this -- in fact, all the time -- I recall the prophetic vision of the Fugs in "Wide Wide River" (1968, the real song title was obscured due to the public discourse sensibilities of the era):
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #21 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 19:25
permalink #21 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Wed 1 Jan 25 19:25
"So, the WELL, is it? Can I post a video selfie on this thing? Can I mass-troll my followers? It doesn't appear that I can!" #ElectroEpisoded #02025AD
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #22 of 227: magdalen (magdalen) Wed 1 Jan 25 22:17
permalink #22 of 227: magdalen (magdalen) Wed 1 Jan 25 22:17
PHRED!! Great to see you, and of course you posted smart clever things. Big yay. Maybe AI is just another fleet of sick puppets.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #23 of 227: magdalen (magdalen) Wed 1 Jan 25 22:18
permalink #23 of 227: magdalen (magdalen) Wed 1 Jan 25 22:18
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #24 of 227: Craig Louis (craig1st) Wed 1 Jan 25 23:13
permalink #24 of 227: Craig Louis (craig1st) Wed 1 Jan 25 23:13
Sick sock puppets yep.
Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky: State of the World 2025
permalink #25 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Thu 2 Jan 25 00:24
permalink #25 of 227: Bruce Sterling (bruces) Thu 2 Jan 25 00:24
For those tuning in to the WELL State of the World for the first time, it's very common for us to moan here as if we wouldn't survive the dreadful state of the onrushing next year. There's never been any year in the 21st Century where the WELL participants were markedly perky, cheery and convinced that civilized life was on the upswing. And yet we've survived twenty-five years, and I'm growing mildly concerned that we might pull a Jimmy Carter and somehow survive yet ANOTHER twenty-five years. I guess I'm willing to go through with that -- I'll be in my late 90s, and it'll be 02050 -- but am I really supposed to extend my radar and gather my indignation and beef about every major thing that seems to be ominous? Once you're in your 90s, everything's ominous without exception -- next week you could get knocked over by a feather, so why trouble your precious self to pine and fret about any particular thing? Every day is a gift!
Members: Enter the conference to participate. All posts made in this conference are world-readable.