Born, 1962, in Philadelphia.
Grew up in St. Louis.
Live currently in San Francisco.
These days I work in San Francisco designing integrated circuits ('chips')
for high-speed data communications. I consider myself very fortunate that
the company I work for is in SF as opposed to silicon valley or elsewhere.
My morning commute is a twenty minute bike ride. It's in city traffic but
it's still much less stressful than driving.
I moved here in the fall of '91 after a year spent travelling through Europe, India, Nepal, and Southeast Asia. That year abroad, among other things, I trekked around Annapurna, inner-tubed down a river in Sumatra, explored caves in Borneo, ate well in Paris and Singapore, island-hopped in Greece, and ignored the gulf war. It's very unlikely that conditions in my life will ever again align so perfectly for taking a year off as they did in 1990. But for now I can travel vicariously through my friends Gregg and Evelyn and their website with which they're documenting their yearlong trip around the world.
When I'm not working I like to listen to music, see movies,
hang out with friends, work on technology based art projects, write java
applets for this website, go hiking.... too many interests to give
any of them a fair shake. In the last few years I've gotten back into camping
and backpacking, something I used to do a bit of in high school. Living in
California has had alot to do with this. Over Memorial Day weekend, I went
backpacking in Redwood National Park, on the northwest coast of California
(the wettest part of the state). It was very lush and beautiful - ferns and
moss everywhere, and of course, really huge trees. I hope to have some pictures
from this trip up on this site soon but in the mean time there are some
not-so-recent but still nice photos from my
backpacking trip two years ago in the Escalante Canyon, southern
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