
written byFebruary 96

welcome to the second Station Rose News Letter! The first issue was a flashback on Station Rose`s activities during the last 12 months and provided you with a general outlook on what Gary Danner and Elisa Rose have in mind in 1996. This issue will take a closer look at some of their recent activities. So dive into these digital news and enjoy ...

THIS MONTH`S HEADLINES (details below):


Towards a virtual company (I): Pino Grzybowsky new manager of Station Rose´s "Gunafa" label

Pino Grzybowsky is new manager of Station Rose`s "Gunafa" label. According to Rose/Danner`s plan to cooperate with strong partners he is looking for independent and major companies ready for entering the field of hypermedia.
Companies interested in working together with Station Rose have two possibilities: they can either invest in the "Gunafa" label and make use of Station Rose`s hypermedia knowhow (transfer of information), or directly sign the act "Station Rose" for one or more hypermedia publications.
Background: Danner & Rose know that sooner or later the typical music business strategies of "signing bands", "making records" and "selling popstars" via entertainment-CD-ROMs worked out by hired multimedia experts will become obsolete. They are sure the time is right for creative collaborations between music companies and true hypermedia artists. Majors across the Atlantic seem to have recognized the sign of the times and are looking for artists equipped with the multimedia knowhow that helps them taking the necessary step into the next millenium. SONY USA signing Mark Canter`s "Media Band", which is not a "band" in the rock sense of the word but a sound & vision project publishing CD-ROMs, is a good example. For Rose & Danner it is the right time for open-minded music companies in Europe to take similar steps.

Grzybowsky`s task is to make these companies acquainted with the new possibilities of Station Rose and their "Gunafa" label - a more than visionary label which handles all formats ranging from vinyl, audio-CD to CD-ROM and CD-plus.

Being a renowned musician, producer and label-owner himself, Grzybowsky is equipped with a lot of technical knowhow, business experience and personal connections. His various excursions into the field of electronic music include successful solo projects like "Durst 20", "T minus 20 sec", "Muehls" and "Rubbersmell Recordings" as well as collaborations like "Cracked", "Infrarot", "O/P" and "Hollywood Sound Machine". His labels are called "Gala", "Lobotone" and "Marshall".
With Pino Grzybowsky as their new label manager Station Rose have taken another step towards the realization of their idea of a virtual company. Grzybowsky is operating from his Frankfurt office/studio and can be reached via e-mail:

Towards a virtual company (II): Freddy Hahne new US manager of Station Rose

The virtual Station Rose company is beginning to show its contures. With Freddy Hahne Danner & Rose bid another team member welcome. Living in San Francisco, Hahne seems to be the perfect choice for the job of Station Rose`s US manager. Being part of the multimedia scene around Howard Rheingold he is personally linked with some legendary activists of the Sixties - one of the reasons why his credits as an artist include stage designs and multimedia environments for the last concerts of cult rock band The Grateful Dead.
Freddy Hahne is the American counterpart of Alexander Wild, who works as German manager of Station Rose. Like Wild and Pino Grzybowsky he can be reached via e-mail. People who are interested in the "Gunafa" label or want to book Gary Danner & Elisa Rose for gigs and lectures in America can send their messages to the following adress:

Let`s do it again: Danner & Rose "working on their new CDextra- album"

Making fun of the rock business, especially of rock star behaviour, is one of the favourite leisure time activities of Station Rose. Therefore, the official announcement that Danner & Rose have started "working on their new album" cannot be taken too seriously.
Yes, it is true that Station Rose "are in the studio". But what they do is miles away from what Aerosmith do when they are "in the studio": Instead of recording songs for an audio CD within a certain amount of time, they are comfortably sitting in their multimedia homestudio working on sounds & images for their new CD-extra.

Like "Icons, Morphs & Samples" the next CD-extra by Station Rose will contain several audio-tracks and interactive material. Yet it will be very different from "Icons, Morphs & Samples" - due to several technical innovations. One of these innovations makes it possible to establish a direct link between the CD-extra and the "Station Rose Homepage" on the server of "The Well". Which means, that the two basic ways of hypermedia art production - Internet art and CD-ROM art - can be connected directly. Another step forward will be the extended use of full-scale animations.
For Station Rose "working on their new CD-extra album" means exploring a new dimension of switching permanently between
a) Internet art within the World Wide Web, and
b) CD-ROM art: A lot of the material they are now developing will make its way to their "Homepage" at "The Well", showing new possibilities for Internet creatives. The complete work of art, however, the final complex oeuvre, will be published on CD-extra, which again is equipped with direct links to the Internet page. After several phases of learning and experimenting with multimedia Danner & Rose now begin to mix the various techniques they have acquired during the last years.

Animating the internet: "Shockwave" technology used on Station Rose´s renowned Homepage

The constant search for technological innovation and new means of artistic expression has called Station Rose`s attention to "Shockwave", a technology developed by "Macromedia". It is the first technology that makes it possible to establish full-scale animations on a www page. Station Rose are using "Shockwave" on their Homepage at "The Well", thereby making an important contribution to the animation of the Internet: After non-interactive small-scale quicktime movies these new interactive full-scale animations equipped with buttons for further internet surfing carry a lot of additional movement into the World Wide Web.


fett tedget

Issue 01 january 96.
Issue 03 april 96.

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