Collage Concepts
- Reflecting the disjuncture and fragmentation of modern fast paced urban
life the montage creates new meaning through juxtaposition
- Meaning of an image depends on the images surrounding it
- Art begins the moment one begins to combine and join various images
- A collision of images out of which arises a new concept
- The collision between thesis and antithesis produce something much greater
than the sum of its parts
- The images through which the world was seen, become the images through which
the world will be seen.
- Images feeling their way toward relationships with words
- Re-imaging not recreating the world
- A news summary or gazette of moments compressed, overlapped, and composited
into a pastiche
- Extracted from narrative or other contexts and jumbled together
- A bunch of interesting moments put together produces a new often fascinating
way of seeing the world
- A forced condensation of reality
- Bemoaning short attention spans we never celebrate the amount of impressions
we can take in a short amount of time.
- "Grasping quickly we read signs, change lanes at 70 MPH avoiding other
vehicles while listening to a song and planning the weekend Mitchell
- Moments are reconstituted into a multi-perspective series of instants
- A way to move and be frozen in revelatory instants at the same time
- Fast seeing
- Collisions among these instants create new events
- Beauty and poignancy of words with didactic orderings
- Confident excursions into the unreal
- Juxtaposed images sustaining multiple thoughts simultaneously
- Densely packed words add additional meaning
- Ambiguities of sorted images further reduced by words
- Take advantage of our eyes abilities to spot connections
- The basis of pictures is impressions and moods
- Concentration of space and time beyond words
- Multiple fragments assembled under new laws
- Densely packed parts substituting for the wholes making it possible to consider
a larger number of wholes
- Challenging richness of imagery not easy to follow
- Each unique relationship of images is a scene
- Possible to shuffle reorder and compare large numbers of scenes
- Pulls scenes out of original context and see them in new ways, finding new
patterns and categories
- Analyze scenes with objective detachment changing thought itself
- Multiple criss crossing narratives telling an excess of stories from an
excess of perspectives
- A message may contravert the original narrative in a criss crossing of perspectives
with new messages arising from the collisions
- A super fluidity of perspectives so deep it is beyond narrative
- Information scattered, stacked, swirled, and layered
- Beyond-narrative nontraditional form of organization
- Structures that trip over each other
- Impressions and thoughts overlap
- Thoughts layered on top of one another
- Simultaneously coordinated mix
- Thematically organized
- Visual equivalents of harmony, counterpoint, variation and accent
- The Emergency Broadcast Network: quick-paced video montages
out of news broadcasts, movies, TV shows, and industrial films, all set to
a techno soundtrack; Pearson Post Industries
- Language as caption
- Culture jamming
- Each image steps back from the one next to it
- Each image is in a position to smirk at the one next to it
- Irony about irony about irony
- Increased space for caring, commitment, and concern between the images
- There is always a broader perspective to be had
- The image of the non-image
- Watching ourselves watching ourselves watching
- The more eyes used the more complete the vision
- Dancing from perspective to perspective
- The greater number of pages seen with in a space of time the greater the
depth and breadth
- Flurries of scenes
- Multi-levels of understanding existing simultaneously
- Words impose an interpretation on the images
- Free association of images
- Meaningful reassembly of disparate images
- Appealing equally to emotion and intellect, can be freely interpreted by
the lights of ones own mental baggage
Web Concepts
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