indigo som chinese restaurant project
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This survey is one way you can participate in my Chinese restaurant project. Fill out as much or as little as you like, but please be sure to answer the permissions questions at the bottom.



City & State:

Where you grew up:


What is your earliest memory of a Chinese restaurant?
When was it and how old were you? (This can be approximate.) You might also include: how the restaurant looked & smelled; its name & location; what you ate; who you were with; &c.

Do you have a favorite Chinese restaurant now?
What is its name & where is it?

What did you most recently eat
in (or from) a Chinese restaurant?

Any additional comments:

I give Indigo Som permission to publish my response in her artwork:

Indigo Som has permission to publish my name along with my response:



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all site contents © 2002-2005 Indigo Som unless otherwise noted. all rights reserved.