Social Media Narrative:
Issues in Contemporary Practice
hosted by
The Rutgers Camden Digital Studies Center
and Judy Malloy and
the Rutgers Camden DSC Class in
Social Media Narrative:
Lineage and Contemporary Practice
Facebook, November 16 - 21, 2016
Alice Wong
Alice Wong is a sociologist, research consultant, and disability activist based in San Francisco, CA. Her areas of interest are accessible healthcare for people w/ disabilities, Medicaid policies and programs, storytelling, and social media. She is the Founder and Project Coordinator for the Disability Visibility Project (DVP), a community partnership with StoryCorps and an online community dedicated to recording, amplifying, and sharing disability stories and culture.
Alice is also a co-partner of #CripTheVote, a nonpartisan online movement activating and engaging disabled people on policies and practices important to the disability community. You can find her on Twitter: @SFdirewolf
My name is Alice Wong and I founded the Disability Visibility Project, a community partnership with StoryCorps and an online community dedicated to recording, amplifying, and sharing disability stories and culture. I'm also a co-partner in #CripTheVote, a nonpartisan online campaign encourages the political participation of disabled people during the 2016 election. The response was so amazing that we're continuing this work indefinitely. All of #CripTheVote's activities take place on Twitter or Facebook. I gave a recent video presentation about our campaign at a conference a few months ago for a panel about social media & civil rights movements,
check it out!
Transcript of Alice Wong's conversation
on Social Media Narrative: Issues in Contemporary Practice
Panel Participants
Judith Adele (Ada Radius)
- Avatar Repertory Theater
James J. Brown, Jr. Social Media Harassment
Jay Bushman
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
Robert Emmons
Joy Garnett
Dene Grigar
The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project
Matt Held
Facebook Paintings
Antoinette LaFarge
Mixed Reality Performance
Deena Larsen
Marble Springs Wiki
Mark Marino
Cathy Marshall
Who owns social media content?
Chris Rodley
The Magic Realism Bot
Chindu Sreedharan
Katrin Tiidenberg
Identity on Tumblr
Marco Williams
The Migrant Trail
Rob Wittig - Netprov
Alice Wong
Rutgers Camden DSC
Class in Social Media Narrative
Judy Malloy