Social Media Narrative:
Issues in Contemporary Practice

hosted by The Rutgers Camden Digital Studies Center
and Judy Malloy and
the Rutgers Camden DSC Class in Social Media Narrative:
Lineage and Contemporary Practice

Facebook, November 16 - 21, 2016

Deena Larsen

C olorado native Deena Larsen has been a central voice in the writing and understanding of new media literature. Her hypertext, Marble Springs, (Eastgate Systems 1993) about the lives of women in a Colorado mining town, was published by Eastgate Systems in 1993. Her work has also been published by Ihe Iowa Review Web; Drunken Boat; Cauldron and Net; Riding the Meridian; Poems that Go; The Blue Moon Review; New River, and The Electronic Literature Collection. Her current work is the Rose Project, which in her words "ascribes meaning to letters, adding nuances to language." Her archives, The Deena Larsen Collection, are housed at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities at the University of Maryland.

Marble Springs was migrated from HyperCard to the Wikidot version, Marble Springs 3.0 in 2011.

Marble Springs Wiki

Marble Springs is my child. I grew up loving the Colorado History Museum, where I'd go every chance I got. The ladies there fed me and gave me white gloves and i was able to touch and read journals, touching the words that women had written down in the mining towns and prairies. Looking back, I was probably the only kid they ever saw interested in that stuff. Moreover, I devoured my copy of Spoon River Anthology, and I just wanted a better way to discover relationships between Master's characters.

So I had a wealth of stories in my head from the time I was 8 or so. I first "got" Laura Keeperly because I love quilt patterns and I wanted to see if I could tell that story. Then I needed to know who Sadie was, why Emmy Mateson was so sad, and who that Washerwoman was. But then who was Sandra Miller, and why was she afraid of her father? And who did she teach? So it was one question after another.

I lived in Japan for three years, far away from my beloved Rocky Mountains. One thing that brought me comfort was living in my Marble Springs, writing out those stories. Then when I got back to the States in '89, I wanted to recreate the town, because of course I knew where everyone lived and where each person was buried in the graveyard. A logic professor suggested HyperCard, and that did me in.

Transcript of the Marble Springs Wiki conversation
on Social Media Narrative: Issues in Contemporary Practice

More information about the creation of the Marble Springs wiki is available on content code process at

Panel Participants

Judith Adele
(Ada Radius)
- Avatar Repertory Theater

James J. Brown, Jr.
Social Media Harassment

Jay Bushman
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Robert Emmons

Joy Garnett

Dene Grigar
The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project

Matt Held
Facebook Paintings

Antoinette LaFarge
Mixed Reality Performance

Deena Larsen
Marble Springs Wiki

Mark Marino

Cathy Marshall
Who owns social media content?

Chris Rodley
The Magic Realism Bot

Chindu Sreedharan

Katrin Tiidenberg
Identity on Tumblr

Marco Williams
The Migrant Trail

Rob Wittig - Netprov

Alice Wong

Rutgers Camden DSC
Class in Social Media Narrative

Judy Malloy