white shirt........................The tap on my shoulder in
the sparse line
soft fur...........................at the blissfully air conditioned
post office
warm milk......................was unexpected.
the sound of water.........I turned and looked directly into
Gunter's face.
rain................................"Hot day, isn't it?" he
cold water......................
flannel sheets...................."It's about time you showed up," I responded.
brown grass on the hills...
a flowered dress..............
a glass of beer.................
background noise............
low flying planes.............
the daily in and out flow...............
the smell of green grass....
warm sun.........................
a red front door................
cold cereal........................
making things....................
a white shirt.......................
making love......................
the children laughing..........
blue jeans.........................
warm chicken soup......................
his body...............
the whitecapped mountains..............................
unwashed windows...........
a dark corner....................
the pine trees overhead......
the horizon........................