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ehn Bvelavi ![]() |
ehn Bvelavi is an idealist who's inner light is for Living Society to mature beyond obsolete and underserving ways of living into those that foster genuine states of collective well-being. He studies living distinction in order to expand the concert of living things across their differences. He is an advocate for bioregionalism as a method of organizing these concerts among population in ways that align with the ecologies of where they live, and ecosocialism as a meaningful framework for bioregional organizing that integrates cultural and ecological living interests. His soul craving is to concert with the distinguishing spirit of all souls he encounters...in the archetypal significance of their inherent natures. His spirit genius is systematically imagining idealistic patterns in the ritual of living that enable the concert of maturing souls. His calling in life (life song) is applying this genius to re-imagining the ways populations function, and for those functions to expand the thriving coexistence of all life. He founded Swan's Reach as a public-benefit organization to foster bridge-building across the differing ideologies of Living Society, and S a t u r n D r a g o n to foster the interpersonal concert of living souls who are awakening to, and tapping into, their genius spirit and life song callings. Swan's Reach and S a t u r n D r a g o n also converge in a joint venture, Ten Sights Institutes of Social Cohesion (TSiSC), to expand social consensus on living aspirations that establish Universal Triving Wellness and Well-being (UTW), in which all life exists cohesively and adaptively across any differences.
S a t u r n D r a g o n