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"The Code - 10 Intentions for a Better World" by Tony Burroughs
The http://intenders.com/TheCode.html

Original: Ehnian Synthesis:  

  • Supporting Life: refraining from opposing or harming anything. allowing others to have their own experiences. seeing life in all things and honouring it as if it were our own.
  • Seeking Truth: following our inner compass and discarding any beliefs that are no longer serving us. defining and going to the source.
  • Setting Course: beginning the creative process. giving direction to our life.
  • Simplifying: letting go so there is room for something better to come in where appropriate. intent that we are guided, guarded, protected, and line up with Highest Good at all times. trusting and remaining open to receive from both expected and unexpected sources.
  • Remaining Positive: seeing good, saying good and doing good. accepting the gift from all of our experiences. living in grace and gratitude.
  • Synchronizing: After intending and aligning, taking action by following the opportunities that are presented to us. honouring the flow where Great Mystery and Miracles abide, fulfilling our desires and doing what we came here to do.
  • Serving Accordingly: practicing love in action. exercising enough to spare and enough to share. being available to help those who need it.
  • Shining Light: respecting we all are magnificent beings, awakening to our highest potential, expressing ourselves with joy, smiling easily and laughing often.
  • Sharing Vision: creating our ideal world by envisioning it and telling others about it.
  • Synergizing: seeing Humanity as One. enjoying gathering with others regularly. coming together to set the stage for Great Oneness to reveal itself.



saturn dragon
2012.05.28 [16:38 cst us]