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The Co-Creative Society

In our current society, there is genius everywhere, but no connectivity between the parts and the whole. A Co-Creative Society provides that connection. Imagine the synergy of a group of people, each person choosing an area that reflects their heart’s desire, working together harmoniously toward a common goal. As their creative energies converge, the power of the whole multiplies exponentially.

The Three primary missions of the co-creative society are:
1.  Exploring Resonance technology
2. Creating a new Social Architecture
3. Social Activism nurturing the evolutionary jump called for in this time.

We are shifting paradigms and replacing:

  • owning/possessing with sharing/stewarding
  • controlling with allowing
  • competition with collaboration
  • resentment, hate, anger with forgiveness
  • individual with community
  • me, me me me me me me and I I I I I I I with we
  • local with global consciousness
  • self rightousness with humility
  • greed, money, possessions and material wealth with liberation
  • breeding with conscious cocreation
  • attachment with impermanence


The SynCon is based on Barbara Marx Hubbard’s wheel of co-creation, with twelve functional sectors around a central hub. These sectors have been identified as the most stable basic functions of any society at any level.

The Co-Creative society, as a community practicing resonance, is an incubator for the global transformation of humanity.

  • Art and Culture
  • Environment and Infrastructure
  • Health and Wellness
  • Relationships and Empowerment
  • Energy, Food and Water
  • Economics and Business
  • Science and Technology
  • Communications and Media
  • Governance and Law
  • Social Justice and Security
  • Learning and Education

This is a form of co-creation that is largely independent of markets, where individuals willingly come together to create and share self-generated information, knowledge and content independent of any mechanisms of market exchange.


saturn dragon
2012.05.28 [16:38 cst us]