Please, grab my wrist... |
Aikido |
Aikido Friends
1982 with my original dojo and aikido friends at the Lake Tahoe Memorial Day training. Left to right: Maeda (visiting from Japan), Tom Gambell, Steve Smith, Ralph Pelligra (NASA doctor), Peter Sloate, Patricia Henricks, (?), (?), Saito Sensei, Alberta Henkenson, Bruce Klickstein, Kim Peuser, Sally Klickstein (at the time), John, moi, (?), Marshall Spight, Hoa Newens, Louis Jumonville, and Peter (the filmmaker), |
Some of that original group traveled to Iwama, Japan, for the official funeral of Saito Sensei, in 2002. |
Proof that we get out of our gi's once in awhile. Look at those magnificent trees outside. Aviv Goldsmith, someone, Aviv's wife Donna (also trains), Peter Sloate and his wife, and Sean Hollender. The Memorial Day Weekend Aikido Seminar still continues at Tahoe City. 2005. |
The original Iwama aikido family. Left to right: Hatsu Ueshiba, Kisshomaru Ueshiba, Morihei Ueshiba, Koichi Tohei, Kisshomaru's wife, Sakuko, Morihiro Saito. Perhaps Morihiro Saito's wife is taking the photograph. c. 1953. |
Saito Sensei on his first trip out of Japan to give a seminar in California. Left to right: Shigemi Inagaki, Hans Goto (in back), Jeanette "Jeannie" Klickstein (at that time) applies the fierce nikkyo to Saito Sensei, Tom Everett, Bill Witt and David Alexander. |
ai-ki as brushed by Ueshiba Morihiro. This hangs in the original Iwama dojo. I wonder how many non-Japanese memorized the two characters for aiki and Morihei over countless hours of keiko training." |